Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Power Of Getting Your Hopes UP!

This seemed to be the perfect follow up to our last Power Up! Enjoy this word from Gregory Dickow. I LOVE it when God puts a plan together!

Day 98 - "Don't Get Your Hopes Up."

Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "Don't get your hopes up."  

To hope is to look up—to have expectation! To hope is to live. Hope is like oxygen. It's like light in a dark and negative world. 

Proverbs 13:12 says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick." There are many great truths from this Scripture. 

When hope is put off to the side, your heart becomes sick. When your hopes are dashed to the ground, your heart becomes sick. Most importantly, your heart becomes sick when you STOP hoping. Hope HEALS!

1. GET YOUR HOPES UP, no matter what. Psalm 78:7 says, "that they might set their hope in God." Put your hope in our unfailing God; not in people, who disappoint.

I John 3:3 says to FIX your hope on Him, and it will purify you. To fix means: to remain, to attach, to be glued. Glue your hopes on God. He will not disappoint.

3. It's okay when you don't see what you're hoping for.
The fact that you don't see something gives hope a reason to remain alive in your heart. Once you have something and see it, you don't need to hope for it anymore. It's when you don't see it, that your hope has a reason to exist. 

4. Get faith.
Faith is a tangible force. It is a substance. If you are exercising faith, no one will be able to tell you that God's promise will not come to pass. Faith gives substance to what you are hoping for. Hope comes from the encouragement in Scripture (Romans 15:4). 

5. Meditate on the love of God.
Hope that IS NOT DEFERRED (delayed, or disappointed) comes from love. Romans 5:5 says, "and hope does not disappoint (or leave you with shame), because the love of God has been shed abroad in your heart." Keep your mind fixed on God's love for you.

6. Fire the "management" team! 
Free yourself from people who think they're doing you a favor by "managing" your expectations or protecting you from disappointment. Get around hopers, and dreamers, and people who are filled with expectation! It's okay if people want to help DEFINE your hopes, but NEVER let them CONFINE your hopes

My hopes are up! I eliminate the notion of lowering my expectations. I refuse to accept people's advice to "not get my hopes up." I get my hopes up NOW, and I keep them up. I expect God's promises to come to pass in my life today! I expect good to come to my life today, in my family, in my home, in my church, in my job, in my relationships, in my body, and in my finances. I expect ideas, favor, and wisdom. I look up, expecting to receive the best of what God has for me today, in Jesus’ Name!

In God's great love,

Gregory Dickow

Gregory Dickow Ministries PO BOX 7000 Chicago, Illinois 60680 United States (888) 849-5433

Monday, April 27, 2015

Power of Grief

Key Scripture:  "And do not grieve the Holy Spirit".  Ephesians 4:30
Power Point:

     Recently I went through an interesting test.  A friend of mine hurt another dear friend of mine.  I got mad.  I got VERY Touchy!  I knew it was wrong to react that way but the wound I saw in my friend sat on my chest like a hundred pound boulder.  My compassion was stirred to the ultimate.
And did I mention I got very touchy?
     Later that night, as I was going to bed, I told the Lord that I knew I needed to get rid of the anger and could He please help me. Before I had even gotten the words out of my mouth, I heard the word "GRIEVE".  I knew immediately what He was saying and it rocked my world. He was reminding me of Ephesians 4:30:
"Dont grieve God. Dont break His heart. His Holy Spirit, moving and breathing in you, is the most intimate part of your life, making you fit for Himself. Dont take such a gift for granted."
When I heard that word, I knew that He was telling me that He was as grieved for my friend as I was.  He was sad. His heart was broken just as mine was.  It totally changed my perspective.
     Sometimes we think that as good Christians, we need to just get on with it and get over it. That can be difficult can't it?  Sometimes I think I need to try to make God realize the seriousness of the situation, as if He didn't know or didn't care.  I want to keep reminding Him!  When I heard the word "grieve" I knew that in fact He did care and that the compassion that I was feeling was no greater than what He was feeling. Because I know how good and how kind He is that made perfect sense to me, and it released all the anger, and all the resentment I had allowed to pile up in my heart.
    I knew that He would take care of it and He would heal the wound in my friend's heart.  I didn't need to worry about it.  I could let it drop and simply pray for both of my friends that God would love them into wholeness.
     I also understood that it is normal for me to grieve at wounds and injustice; to seek His understanding comfort and the comfort of His understanding.  I can allow Him to help me grieve as He does, without condemnation, and then rest in His ability to deal with the situation.
     God is always grieved at those things that wound us.  His compassion was the motivation for Jesus to do all the miracles that He did.  If His heart can be broken, then certainly He understands when our hearts are broken. He is compassionate about our compassion.  In fact, He encourages it. However, Godly compassion always has a way of sorting things out and making them right.  In fact, that's one of His names, "The One who will make things Right." He does not grieve without hope for the future. He never stays stuck in grief.
      When you are wounded God is grieved.  When we see others wounded, God is grieved.
When we wound others, it breaks His heart. And when we stay "stuck" in grief, we wound His compassionate heart full of hope for us. Aren't we blessed to have His own Holy Spirit in us to bring the comfort and the healing we need?  That's why Jesus took our griefs on the cross.   He knows how much they hurt and He wanted us to not grieve as those who have no hope. His compassionate presence in our lives is meant to give us hope.

Power Declaration:
I am so grateful to know that God is the God of all comfort and that He understands my grief. I am releasing that comfort to myself today and then to others.  I will not be easily offended and I will not add up the wrongs that other people do.  I will comfort myself with the Truth that He is sad too but that He will make everything right.  I can trust Him for that.  And I will. Jesus died to give me hope, and I intend to take it.

Copyright © 2015, Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Power Of Being Touchy

Key Scripture:  "Love is not touchy!"  I Corinthians 13:5
Power Point;
    Let's face it-sometimes we are all touchy aren't we?  Touchy means that we're irritable or short-tempered.  In fact, Webster says that a person who "touchy" is easily ignited.  A good example of that is when I take my fire starter and turn on the gas in my fireplace and watch the flames spring up.  If we're easily offended, or touchy, we start burning up on the inside don't we?  We may not say anything outwardly, but we're saying a LOT on the inside.  Unfortunately that works against us.  That anger or irritability literally changes your body chemistry and affects you negatively.  If it is allowed to continue, ultimately it will cause you to lose your spiritual strength and illness may result. Touchiness can burn us up.  I remember reading a story years ago about a lady who was bothered by unexplained high fevers. Her doctor, after a few weeks of treating her, realized that she continually said, "That just burns me up!"  Her body was responding to her irritability and touchiness. Fortunately the doctor was able to point out the problem and they dealt with it.  No more fevers.
     This is why Jesus said, "I'm leaving you MY peace-take it!"  (Suzanne version). He knew we were going to need it!  The truth is if we are rooted and grounded in Him, we do not have to stay "touchy".  In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul says that God's love in us enables us to overcome all the opportunities we have every day to be less than loving.
"It, (love), is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it.  It pays no attention to a suffered wrong."  In some versions it says, it doesn't keep count of the offense.

     That's often where we fall apart isn't it?  There have been times when I've found myself with a mental ledger adding up the "wrongs".  Haven't you?  God says we are to "add up the RIGHTS!"  That's totally for our benefit.  In Philippians 4, Paul says, "Think on THESE things!"  He then proceeds to give us a list of positive areas for us to "add up" in our minds-things that are "honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. FASTEN your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising Him always." (TPT)  The  “right” list is supposed to be much longer than the “wrong” list!
    When we "fasten" our minds on God's perfect love we have a new focus. We have a strong place to plant our feet. When we're rooted in His love, we don't have to be touchy anymore.
We have the Spirit of Love and Grace in us to empower us to choose life. When we choose to be "touchy", we're really choosing death aren't we?  The Holy Spirit will always help us find His peace if we refuse to be touchy or resentful or worse-if we continue to add up the wrongs someone has done to us. Loving Peace can be as easily ignited as offense.  You can start a fire of the anointing of Holy Spirit.  It's always our choice.
     As we think about the perfect Love that God has for us it's good to remember that He is never touchy about us.  He could have a really long “wrong’” list couldn’t He?  But it's not in His DNA. The only thoughts that He thinks are honoring and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy and merciful and kind.  Isn't that a good thought?
     Thank you Jesus!

Power Declaration:
Today I am going to take advantage of the Spirit of Love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control that lives in me.  I will love as He loves, and if I fall short He will gently remind me to move me back into the right place.  I will not add up wrongs.  I will add up "rights" 
Today I am going to think like Jesus. Period.  I will not be touchy! I will walk in Perfect Love.

Copyright ©, 2015, Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Power Of Movers and Shakers

Key Scripture:  "Say to the mountain, MOVE!"  Mark 11:23
Power Point:
     For many years I prayed what some would call "widow's prayers".  I believed begging God and convincing Him to help me were the only things that would bring the answers I needed. When I actually became a widow over twenty years ago, I was suddenly propelled into a whole new dimension of needing to understand who God wanted to be for me.  I had no one else to rely on and relying on God alone was pretty scary at that time.  Gradually, over the years as I focused on Who He has said that He is, His face has become clearer.  I've grown in understanding of the goodness of His heart and I have learned that, as Smith Wigglesworth once said, "God is more eager to answer than we are to ask."  .
     In the uncertain times after my husband's death He gave me three steps to remind me of the certainty of my relationship with Him, the knowing that He is always more than enough:
-Remember My Faithfulness
-Anticipate My Goodness
-Return to the Source of your joy.
     As His children we have a covenant relationship, which is based on those character qualities, His faithfulness, His goodness, and the strength of His joy.  When uncertain or difficult times come, those are the three steps I take to remind myself of what I can expect from Him. I take those steps and speak out all the promises that God has given me.  I "SAY" to the mountain, "You need to move because I have a promise from God that says that when I speak to you, YOU MUST MOVE!"

     We are the movers and shakers in the kingdom of God.  When we say what God has said, and set our lives in agreement with what He has said, we become a powerful force for change through mountain moving faith.
     We do not declare the problem; we declare the promises of God over the problem.  We fill our hearts with His words and His words ignite the faith that we need.  He is God and God is love.  If the future is uncertain, you can declare that you have a hopeful future, because Love has said so. What He has said is based on His faithful love for you and His loving goodness toward you. As you begin to declare those truths, the joy of growing in knowing who He is and all that He has promised returns you to the strengthening place of His joy. The power that He has promised, through His own Spirit working in you becomes effective and undefeatable.
     We do not beg.  We anticipate His goodness. We do not try to convince God to help. The power of life and death is in the power of our tongues.  He's already said it all!  Our future tomorrows are created by what we believe and say today. His Word saves us. His words empower us and fill us with faith.

Power Declarations:
I am loved with a Perfect Love.  I have no fear because Perfect Love casts out all fear.
I know my God.  He is Good.  He is kind. He is faithful.  He will always be more than enough for me.  I am a mover and a shaker!  As I agree with God, He is releasing in me everything I need to move the mountains that are BLOCKING my way. I tell those mountains to "GET OUT OF MY WAY! Earthquakes happen wherever I walk.  God is more than enough!

Copyright ©, 2015, Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Power Of Focus

I am focused this week on being with a friend in the hospital I wanted to bless you with some of the things that are blessing me.
This is from Graham Cooke:

Do Not Blur Your Focus
Making the most of time available is critical if we are to become renowned in the kingdom. Great people make time; good people find time; mediocre people waste time. Some people’s use of time borders on the criminal. It is a resource more important than money. Saying “no” so that our “yes” becomes more significant is vital to our lifestyle.
Focus determines our level of power and influence. Whatever has the capacity to keep our attention has influence over us. Focus directs our energy. When our heart is focused on God, we develop stamina as we are occupied with Him.
There is one cast-iron certainty about people that will always be true. Given the choice, they will always do exactly what they want to do. Whenever people bleat that they have no time for something, it is usually that they have no passion for it or they need to say “no” elsewhere.
Every day is a blessing from God. Our focus determines our energy level for that day. Imagine you are at home on your couch, feeling sleepy, and watching TV. Suddenly the telephone rings, and you are told that a family member has been rushed to the hospital. Do you go back to the couch and your state of malaise? Of course not! You have been instantly focused on what is important — the health of your loved one. You grab your coat, jump in the car, and speed off to the hospital. Your focus has given you energy.
Our focus gives us the power to pursue something long term. It helps us plan and strategize. I love being led by the Holy Spirit, but I do have a five-year plan. I have a compass that points me in the direction I need to travel. Not everything is set in stone, but I know the direction I am headed. I have focus.
A vision without a plan is just wishful thinking. In Philippians 3:13—14, Paul clearly states that he has a focus for his life:
Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Paul was not a prisoner of his past; he had made it a point to be free of everything that might jeopardize his focus.
A broken focus will destroy our dreams. To stay aligned with what God is doing, we have to sometimes make tough choices. James knew how important focus was — “But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind,” he wrote in James 1:6–8. “For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.” Double-mindedness cannot be an option — we need a singular focus; otherwise we will waver at a critical moment.
Spiritual warriors cannot receive anything from God if we are unfocused. By aligning ourselves with God, we develop the ability to receive from Him. Remember His charge to Joshua in Joshua 1:7–8:
Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
Success will only come when a spiritual warrior is focused. Faith requires focus. Without faith it is impossible to please God. A vision gives us focus. A blurred vision handicaps us in life. A blurred focus handicaps our spirituality and makes us less effective in the kingdom.
-An Excerpt from Coming into Alignment