Sunday, December 30, 2012

Power Of Unpredictability

Key Scripture:  “These are some of the signs that will accompany believers.  They will throw out demons in my name, they will speak with new tongues, they will take snakes in their hands, they will drink poison and not be hurt, they will lay hands on the sick and make them well.  …And the disciples went everywhere preaching, the Master working right with them, validating the Message with indisputable evidence.”  Mark 16:17-20, The Message
Power Point:
     The thing about God is that He is predictably unpredictable. We keep trying to fit Him into this nice little box of “predictable behavior” and we only expect what we know. The Truth is that there are a lot of things about God that are predictable with great certainty; His faithfulness to you, His great love for you, His abandoned grace, and His steady mercy. He is totally unpredictable in how He chooses to demonstrate it.
     The church, as we know it, has been determined to make God behave in a modest, quiet, and gentle way. Have you ever thought what it must have been like in the Upper Room when a mighty, rushing wind invaded that space? What was it like on when flames of fire appeared on the heads of those inside? I don’t think there was one quiet thing about it. It certainly wasn’t predictable, at least then. From that moment on, the disciples fell so in love with God and learned that “God” as they knew Him was a thing of the past.  They began to expect Him to go ‘outside the box” of the Pharisees’ teaching. When the ruling authority told them to shut up, they kept talking.  When people were sick, they stretched out their hands to heal them. When Paul was beaten or stoned within an inch of his life, he marched right back into the fray.
Quiet is not God’s M.O.  (Although, of course, it can be, if He so chooses.) And frankly, I don’t want a quiet, predictable God. Do you?
     So where are the outrageous miracles? Where are the outrageous disciples who will say or do anything because they know God will show up?
I’m reading a book called, “Dangerous Wonder” by Michael Yaconelli.
This thought struck me, hard. 
The critical issue today (facing Christians), is dullness.  We have lost our astonishment. The Good News is no longer good news, it is okay news.  Christianity is no longer life changing, it is life enhancing. Jesus doesn’t change people into wild-eyed radicals anymore, He changes them into nice people.”
     Beloved, have we bought into the lie that He is not an outrageous God who continually loves to challenge the status quo. If we have than we have bought into the lie that God will never do anything beyond the realm of our imagination. If you look back at the Upper Room, it was life- changing. It was astonishing! Those men and women were never the same again. We shouldn’t be either should we?
So what’s your excuse for not living an outrageous life for Jesus?
Too old? Talk to Moses. He was 80 when he began his grand adventure?
Too poor? Lucky you. It’s those who have the most need who see the most miracles.
Too sick? Jesus heals.
Too shy? Get over it.
Too scared? Build up your faith.
Too busy?  Why?
A new year, a new adventure into the realm of impossible possibilities; a new mindset for the outrageousness of God in your life. Are you ready?
Of course you are. Let’s go!
Power Thought:
Are you willing to begin an adventure into letting the God that you know become a thing of the past and begin charging forward into a glorious adventure into the person that He really is and that He really wants to be for you?
Begin, Beloved. 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Power Of Promises, Promises

Key Scripture:  All the promises of God are “yes and Amen!” 
Power Point:
     Broken promises are hard to take aren’t they? Have you ever noticed when children are small and their parents promise them something and  then they can’t or won't deliver? It’s "harsh", as my grandson Ben, would say. You can see the hurt on their faces and the disappointment. The deeper wound is that someone you loved and trusted promised you something and then let you down. That’s definitely harsh and definitely hard to take no matter how old you are.
     Over the years I’ve learned that when God promises me something He never breaks His promise.  He says Himself that His promises are always “YES!” and AMEN!” Unlike other people in our lives, nothing will cause Him to let you down. The thing I’ve also learned is that sometimes we have a role to play in the promise of the Promise. We have to learn that when everything is in total opposition to what God has told us, that’s our time to keep pushing through the barriers, and keep commanding those mountains to MOVE!
     Recently, a friend sent me a greeting card. I was going through a bad patch and was a little discouraged. When I opened it, there was a quote from Deuteronomy 15:6: “For the Lord your God will bless you just as He promised you.”   What I love most about God is that when He knows I’m discouraged, He encourages. When I am tempted to give up, He builds me up.
     Maybe today you find yourself in a tight place where you don’t see the slightest chance of God’s promises coming true. Maybe you're standing on the edge of a cliff and don't know what to do next. Might I suggest that you remind yourself that your situation does not depend on you. It does not depend on anyone else. It depends on God. You are not going to be disappointed in the faithfulness of your God. You will not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ.
For the Lord your God will bless you just as He promised you.
Power Thought:
"Let God's promises shine on your problems."  Corrie Ten Boom

Power Of The Yoke

Key Scripture:  “He has shown you oh man what is good’ And what does He require of you but to do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God?”  Micah 6:8
Power Point:
     A well trained oxen team learns to walk together. When a new oxen gets “under the yoke", he is usually teamed with a more experienced oxen who knows how to walk in the yoke. Initially he may pull the wrong direction or try to do his own thing but the older ox holds his ground and moves on the right path.
Isn’t that just like us?  Jesus says we are to take HIS yoke upon us. It’s an entirely different thing to be yoked to humility isn’t it? And what about gentleness?  His thoughts are always yoked to love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, kindness, self-control and His Father’s faithfulness. He knows exactly how to walk there. Sometimes I don’t want to go that direction. I’d rather pull my own load, in my own way, thank you very much!
     There are also times when we need to check who or what we're yoked to don't we? In 2 Corinthians 6:14. Paul says, “Don’t do that!” How can you walk together with both of you pulling in opposite directions? That seems to be a good way to get nowhere fast!
     When Jesus says, “Take My yoke upon you. “ He’s saying that He has come to destroy the old yoke that forced us to walk the way the world walked and was difficult to bear and hard to walk in. He says that His yoke is easy and light. Much better. You may get a little wet following Him but you won't mind. 
As you take off on your walk through the world today make sure that you’re equally yoked to the things that Jesus is yoked to. How about love, joy, and peace for starters? And be sure to make sure that you walk worthy of Him.  That means that you walk humbly with your God, with gentleness and patience, speaking kindly to one another, and being tenderhearted and forgiving.That means bearing with and bearing up with others. Above all, it means being united in Spirit. That’s how the yoke is easy to bear, and the burden of it is light. Jesus is doing the heavy lifting.
Yokes are a good thing when there’s someone there to help you carry the load and lead the way. Aren’t we blessed?

Power Thought.
The yoke you wear determines the burden you bear.
Edwin Lewis Cole.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

May the real joy of this amazing season touch your open hands and heart today.

May Jesus be the light of your world.

May you enjoy the joy of your Heavenly Father.

May the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control of His Holy Spirit be your guide.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Power Of The Perfect Gift

Key Scripture:Just think—you don’t need a thing, you’ve got it all! All God’s gifts are right in front of you as you wait expectantly for our Master Jesus to arrive on the scene for the Finale. And not only that, but God himself is right alongside to keep you steady and on track until things are all wrapped up by Jesus.”  I Corinthians 1:7, The Message
Power Point:
     Christmas. Ah the sights and the smells, and the songs, and the joy; and the pressure and the expense, and the traffic and the family “get togethers” which do not always work out well.  In fact, Christmas today, in many places, is as far from Peace on Earth as we can imagine, isn’t it?  Sometimes it seems that it’s definitely not “the most wonderful time of the year”!
     If you’ve been caught up in all the “busyness” of Christmas and have lost your peace and good will, wouldn't it be a good idea to find it?
     I’ve got some great news about the good news of Christmas. The great news is that because of that First Christmas, the Prince of Perfect Peace lives in us. He has given us the choice to be permanently connected to the Father of Lights, and the Giver of Good Gifts.  In God’s mind, Peace seems to be His most important gift to us. Peace was the word He whispered in the ears of the angels that night. Peace was heaven’s answer to the void in our hearts. Peace was the principal thing. Peace on earth, good will to men.
     Isn’t it lovely to know that God has nothing but good will toward you? Isn’t it great news to know that He has wonderful peace-filled, power-filled plans for your life? Doesn’t it comfort you to know that His  peaceful, loving and kind Spirit loves you and lives in you and offers you His perfect peace every moment of every day, in every situation? It should, Beloved. It’s the Truth. And it is very good news.
Why not just stop for a moment and remember the Peace that Jesus has given you which passes all understanding? Why not open your hands and your heart to receive His beautiful gift of Peace for your life? Peace is the real meaning of Christmas and it can change everything. Peace means that you trust God enough to know that He will be there for you “whatever, whenever, and however”, you need Him. Peace means that you can be so filled with confidence in His presence that you never have to worry, or doubt, or be anxious again.
Peace is His gift to you. Will you unwrap it?
     Remember too that when you choose Peace, you also can choose love, joy, patience, kindness, gentleness, and goodness. It's a package deal.  If each of us lived that out on a daily basis then there really would be peace on earth, good will to men wouldn't there?  That would truly make Christmas the most wonderful time of the year, don’t you think?  Ah peace, the perfect gift that always fits.

Power Thought:
He will keep you in perfect peace, steady and on track, when you trust Him completely.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Power Of Replacing Grace

Key Scripture:  “Clothe (apron) yourselves, all of you, with humility, (as with the garb of a servant), so that its garment cannot possibly be stripped from you, with freedom from pride and arrogance toward one another.  For God sets Himself against the proud
(The insolent, the overbearing, the disdainful, the presumptuous, the boastful)-and He opposes, frustrates, and defeats them) but gives grace, (favor, blessing) to the humble.”
I Peter 5:5 Amplified

Power Point:
      Sometimes I lose things. It might be my glasses (frequently) or my keys, (occasionally).   Last night my neighbor Sophie was talking about losing her car. Oh my.  Of course I’ve done that too.  I’ve walked out into a huge parking lot and for the life of me couldn’t remember where I parked my car. At least with the new smart keys, if we’re close enough we can click our key fob and it will cause our cars to light up and make a noise; the key phrase being, “If we’re close enough”.
     Sometimes I’ve lost track of my “grace”.  I got it as part of a package deal when I asked Jesus to come into my life. Grace means that you are eagerly willing (smile) to offer to others the same love and mercy that God offers them at all times. The operative phrase is, “At all times”. Well, sometimes I just can’t find my “grace place”. I was reading in I Peter 5:5 the other day and I discovered that if I lose something, God will return it to me.  The beginning of the verse says,  “Be clothed with humility.” Then it tells you why that is a good idea; if you are proud, God is the one opposing you.
     Have you ever been in a situation where you know you are right but things just don’t seem to be changing?  (They just don’t seem to be changing!) You keep butting your head against that same brick wall and it just won’t move.  Might I humbly suggest that the wall you are butting your head against is being used by God? In my own life, after my forehead is bloody and bruised and nothing is changing, I’ve discovered, much to my dismay, that I’ve been missing the whole point of what God is trying to teach me in my particular situation. And until I “get it” that wall is not moving. The good news is that when I finally figure that out, I can ask God for more of what I need, whether it’s peace, or love, or grace.  When I stop resisting HIM, He stops resisting ME. And then He gives generously and immeasurably of all the things I’ve misplaced along the way.
     Have you lost your grace? Is your mercy dwindling down to nothing?
     Is your forehead bloodied and bruised? Perhaps today would be a GREAT day to stop resisting Him and ask Him to replace your grace.
The amazing thing is that when God gives us anything, He doesn’t have a “cut-off” point. He gives and gives and gives and then He gives more. That’s a much better place to be than butting your head on the wrong side of the wall isn’t it? Well, isn’t it?

Power Thought:
God will help you move mountains, but that wall might be an indication of His resistance so that you can turn in the other direction and move on.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Power Of Humility

Key Scripture  Clothe yourselves with humility.”  I Peter 5:5

Power Point

The word “clothe” is an interesting term. It was a word used to describe the scarf or apron of slaves. It was fastened to the belt of the vest and it was an immediate way to recognize a slave or a free person. When Peter says, “Gird yourself with humility”, He’s saying, gird yourselves with humility so that others can see that you are His servant. Slaves also used to wear “overalls” to keep themselves clean while working.  When people saw those overalls, they knew they were looking at a slave.

     As Christians, we are to submit to one another by wearing the same garment of humility that Jesus did. As we look at His life, it’s easy to see what real humility is. In Philippians 2, it describes His humility as taking the initiative to assign Himself a lower position. He behaved in an unassuming way. If you were talking to Jesus at a party, He probably was not trying to be the “life” of it. He probably was not telling people about how many people He had healed, or how many demons He had cast out that day. I believe Jesus was surrounded by people, who were talking and He was listening. He was asking His Father how He could help. When He did speak he spoke Truth that set them free. It was always about the Father.
     I recently cleaned out my closet. There, way in the back, I found my “humility overalls”. I’ve washed them and I’m ready to put them on so that I can keep myself clean as I work. I think that means that wherever I go and whatever I do, I do it for Jesus. I do it because of His humility in taking a lower position so that I might have a higher one. I guess it means I need to be ready to “lay down my life” for my friends. At least I won’t get dirty if I have on my overalls. A lot of people have designer outfits. The Master Designer designs this one specifically for His children. 

Power Thought:

The thing people need to hear is not the best about you, but the best about Him. For Jesus, it was never "all about Him".