Monday, December 10, 2012

Power Of The Yoke

Key Scripture:  Take My yoke upon you.”  Matthew 11:28

Power Point:
     Before Jesus came, we were in bondage, yoked to the prince of the power of this world.  We were without hope and without God. In the latter chapters of John, Jesus begins to tell the people who love Him that He’s got a new option for them.  As much as they’ve enjoyed being with Him, He’s going to send them His own Holy Spirit so that can be like Him in the same way that He became Him. He was sending them His Holy Spirit, the same HS that overshadowed Mary to become pregnant with the promise of God; the same Holy Spirit that led Him into the enemy’s territory, and brought Him out with power; The same Holy Spirit that told Him what to say, where to go, and what to do from that point on. And from that point on, the blind saw, the lame walked, the deaf heard, the dead were raised and the poor heard some very Good News.  He gave everyone a powerful picture of the goodness of God.
     In the book of Isaiah, that same powerful Holy Spirit declared exactly what Jesus would do. He would break the yoke.  He describes that yoke as pointing your finger at others, pride, strife, and arguing. He says that the new way of living will bring peace, wholeness, deliverance, and power to yourself and to everyone around you. He says if you remove the old yoke and ask Jesus for His yoke, light will shine in every dark place; the Power of God will guide you continually, giving you water when you’re dry and restoring your strength. You will become like a well-watered garden, a gurgling spring that never runs dry.
    Jesus said it really clearly in Matthew 11:28,29.  He invites us to take His yoke upon our own shoulders.  When we do that we are no longer yoked to the plans, the purposes, the bitterness, the anger of this world. He says to us, Walk with Me and work with Me-watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting upon you.  Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (The Message)
     Beloved, to whom are you yoked to today? Each morning I bind myself to God’s plans and purposes, Jesus’s thoughts, and the calm and balance of Holy Spirit emotions. When the Lord showed me the truth about the “yoke” I began to pray that I would be “yoked” to the plans and purposes of Father God for my life. That I would be “yoked” to the thoughts of Jesus that bring peace and wholeness, and that I would be “yoked” to the power of the Holy Spirit to break the old yoke and enable me to walk in the calm and balance of His emotions.  I can see that.  Can you?
     Which yoke are you under?  Are you yoked to bitterness, anger, chaos? Or are you yoked to Power; the dynamite power of the Holy Spirit to become a loving peacemaker, a kind and loyal ambassador for Christ, an encourager of faith, a patient “persister” who focuses on others more than yourself?  
The Holy Spirit is the dynamite power of God that blows up and destroys the old yoke and offers you a new one. It's a matter of choice, isn't it?
Power Thought:
I am yoked to the power of God to be at peace, and bring peace wherever I go today. My life can be yoked to the dynamite power of Holy Spirit to change everything.

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