Sunday, July 15, 2012

Power of Change

Key Scripture:  “Be transformed.”  Romans 12:2
Power Point:
 What you do not change, will not change. In Romans 12;1,2 the best advice we are given is to change our minds.  We aren’t to stay in the old ways of thinking that never brought us peace. In Isaiah 59 God says, they have made for themselves crooked paths; whoever takes that way will not know peace.”  In other words, we have to change our minds and then change our direction.
Most families have a way of relating to one another that they have accepted as the norm. Unless something changes then the same thing will continue to be the same thing. We make crooked paths for ourselves when we don’t listen to God’s good advice don’t we?  He advises us to pursue peace.  We tend to pursue what the world tells us. “They” need to change.  “They” need to stop/start doing that.  “They” will never get anywhere. When we look at “them”, it’s a lot easier to see what “they” should do isn’t it? In reality, the only person we can change is ourself.
Recently I was praying for someone whose family was in a very bad situation. I’ve known them for many years and the issues they face are really difficult. I’ve offered advice on occasions but it never seems to help. I’ve gotten in the middle of their muddle with them and felt their chaos touch my life. One day, the Lord showed me that I needed to “let my words be few”.  That would definitely be a change! But I have such good advice. Yes-and they were not taking it. That led me to be frustrated and very much in the middle of the pot of chaos that was their life. It was easy for me to see the problem but the truth is that if they didn’t change their minds and their direction then nothing was going to change.
That is a major truth to understand. You hear people blaming God for their problems and yet He has given them the tools they needed to change and they refused. Then they can’t understand why He won’t help.
Beloved if you want change, then something has to change. Those relationships that are stuck in the mire of your past need a fresh start. In Jeremiah 4:2, the Spirit of God says its time to “break up the fallow ground and do not sow among the thorns.” Fallow means uncultivated, unplanted, and unseeded ground. Is there a relationship in your life where the ground has become hard and unable to produce any good fruit? Have you neglected to water and till the soil of your heart in that area and plant new seeds of life there? Sometimes we develop calluses on our hearts and we become insensitive to change. We allow the old hurts and wounds to lie there and life is choked out.  We want God to come and make us feel better but we don’t want to make the effort to change our minds and think differently so that God can change things. Change will only come when He is allowed to break up the fallow ground in our hearts and till fresh soil and plant new seeds of truth there
Wherever you are “stuck” in an old thinking pattern today, ask Holy Spirit to help you to “see” things differently and get off those crooked paths that will never lead to peace. The thing about God’s thoughts is that they are definitely higher. Just as you look at someone else’s situation and see it more clearly than they do, He looks at your situation and says, “Hey I can change that! Let Me help you change your thinking. Try this!” His thoughts and solutions always lead us to paths that are peaceful. Really.
Power Thought:
Are you ready to be a pioneer for change? Then change.

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