Monday, October 8, 2012

Power Of Positive Reinforcement

Key Scripture:  “but speaking truth in love.”  Ephesians 4:15
“…for the edifying of the Body of Christ.  Ephesians 4:13

Power Point:
            Many years ago the Lord led my husband to the Lord with the first few verses of Psalms 40 where He promises to put a new song in our mouths. That new song is one of praise. I guess that means if we have put our foot firmly on the Rock, new things are supposed to come out of our mouths.
            Ephesians tells us that our words are to be truthful, encouraging and uttered in love. Wouldn’t you say that was positive reinforcement?  If someone is missing the mark, our job is to come along side with positive reinforcement. That means that we can share wisdom with them, but that as we do it, we are not to condemn or be a discouragement. We are to put our arms around their shoulders and point them forward to the place of their high calling in Christ.
            There have been times when someone has needed to point out the error of my ways to me. One devastating time that I remember very well was when the person gave me correction with a large measure of condemnation. I will never forget how long it took me to hear my Father’s voice after that. I felt so badly about me and I was so sure I had missed my destiny.  I believe that it literally took weeks to be able to hear the love in My Father's voice again, and feel His arm on my shoulder. All I could see was what was wrong with me and how miserably I had failed.
            Beloved, our job is to offer grace and mercy along with our wisdom. Recently I was talking to a friend who had made a really big decision in her life. The comments and opinions people were offering really hurt her feelings and made her question herself. That’s not how it should be is it?
One of the definitions for “edify” is to strengthen. That should always be our goal in instruction. When something is reinforced, it is made stronger.  It is able to handle the next storm more effectively. I was watching some of the hurricane coverage yesterday and the people who lived through Katrina are much better prepared now. They are using stronger reinforcements that will not allow this storm to destroy them.  That should be our job with our brothers and sisters in Christ shouldn’t it? We are to make them stronger so that when the next storm comes they will stand strong, and the Body of Christ can stand stronger together.
Deuteronomy 8 says that we don’t live (survive) by eating bread but by eating God's words and letting only those words come out of our mouths; words of encouragement, words of life, words that strengthen, and words of truth that will set us free. Those are the same words we are to give to others.
Strengthening someone and offering them positive reinforcement is our calling as ambassadors for Christ. That’s what He does. Following Him, means becoming like Him. Since He IS the Word, He probably has something good to say, something to strengthen us, and so should we. Don't you agree?

Power Thought:
Our words should always reinforce, not discourage; strengthen, not destroy; bless and not curse.That's positive reinforcement and that's the "new song" God gives us.

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