Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Power Of Powering Forward

Key Scripture:  "Reaching forward to what lies ahead.”  Philippians 3:13
“I’ve got my eye on the goal where God is beckoning us onward-to Jesus. I’m off and running and I’m not turning back.” The Message
Power Point:
     Paul really believed God didn’t He?  He had the privilege of seeing Jesus up close and personal and he never forgot it. That brilliant light that blinded him on the road to Damascus lit his heart forever. The light of Jesus gave him a passion for God that nothing on this earth could dim didn’t it?
     Recently a friend and I visited a restaurant in the area and they were having a special promotion.  It was called, Power Forward”.  Of course it caught my eye. I started to think about all the ways in which the Lord has been teaching me to do just that.  I’ve been studying Psalm 68:19, which is a powerful reminder of the Christian life as its supposed to be lived. It says that we should bless God every day because He “daily loads us with benefits.” What a glorious promise for God’s children.
     I used to wake up and begin dreading what was ahead. If I had a doctor’s appointment, I dreaded it. I would find myself dwelling on every possible negative scenario, even if it was just for a check-up.  From there my mind would travel on to everything that might possibly happen that day or in the days ahead. My mind was a pit of fear, dread and negativity. Yuck!
What an awful way to live.
     Somewhere along the line, Holy Spirit has taught me about Jesus. He’s enlightened me about the things that Jesus died to give me. Now, each morning when I awaken, I thank Him for the benefits He has loaded into my day. The word “load” means to lay a load on someone, like a donkey is loaded down with things for a trip.  Can you picture yourself, as His child, being accompanied by an army of donkeys loaded down with your benefits for the day?. Whatever we need is already there. Jesus has already powered us forward! Those donkeys are loaded down with the benefits of our salvation. Sadly, many of us never even notice that they’re there. Those poor donkeys trail behind us day after day and never get a break because we never take any of the benefits from their backs.
     Why don’t we break the bad habit of fearing, dreading, and doubting? 
What if each morning you begin your day by thanking the Lord for His benefits? What if your body began to prosper as your soul prospers, as it dwells on the benefit of God's plans for you that day.
What if you really got a grasp on the fact that the only thing you need to focus on for today is the goodness that God has stored up for you? Wouldn’t that power you forward? Wouldn’t that change your attitude and your atmosphere? 
Each day I bind myself to my Father’s plans for my life, knowing that they are wonderfully above and beyond anything I can think up. And I thank Him for the benefits and privileges of being His child and having all those donkeys following behind me loaded down with my benefits. I anticipate His goodness and I’m never disappointed. Never. You won’t be either. When you do that, you are powering forward. You are putting that powerful mind of yours to work for you rather than against you.  You are agreeing with God.  That's faith and He will reward it.
Sounds like a good exchange doesn’t it? Will you try it?

Power Thought:
What fills your mind, fills your life. Power forward not backward. Power UP! not down.

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