Thursday, October 10, 2013

Power Of His Promises

Key Scripture: "Thus God, determining to show more abundantly to the heirs of promise the unchangeableness of His is impossible for God to lie. This hope we have as an anchor to our soul."   Hebrews 6:17,18
Power Point:
God is the one who puts the dream in your heart….He wants to AMAZE you with HIS GOODNESS.”   Joel Osteen
So, you’ve been obedient. You quit your job believing that God had something better in store for you.  Or perhaps you stepped out in faith and gave money to someone who needed it more than you do.  You’ve got a dream that’s based on the fact that God is good and He wants to amaze you and everyone else in your life with that goodness. But it hasn’t happened yet.  It doesn’t appear to be even close to happening.  What should you do?
Don’t take the easy way out and apologize for God.  Don’t shift your beliefs to compromise the power of God.  Don’t limit His desire to be wonderful in your life.
I was talking to someone the other day and I asked her if she had a “promise” for the situation she was in.  She said, “No, He never does that for me.”  Before I thought, the words flew out of my mouth, “How can you have faith if you don’t have a promise?” She said, “It’s hard.” Well, I should  think so!
     Beloved, God’s promises for you are the vehicle for your faith. If you don’t have any to hang on to, your faith will never grow up to be “amazing”.
His promises are the rainbows over our lives.  They are the glory of God’s goodness for us.   They are the hope for tomorrow; the foundation of our faith.
They express who HE is and what WE can become.
They wrap around us like a warm cloak on a cold day and protect us from the winds and the storms. 
They define His will perfectly.
They call out those things that be not until they are.
They secure our blessings. 
They ignite our faith.
They restore our heavenly perspective.

I have a promise for you today.  It should cover any situation you may find yourself in.
"God is for us."  Romans 8:31. Think about that.

     Wherever the enemy is trying to seed your thoughts with doubt about God’s goodness and His good plans for you, tell him to “Shut UP! Stupidhead!” and continue to declare and believe what is written.
That’s why He’s written His promises down for us in black and white. We have His word on every subject very clearly defined.  It is VERY near to us. His Word is in us and around us. It is alive and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword. What we believe about what He has said to us is what sets us free.
I heard someone say the other day, “My hope level is the indicator of whether I am believing lies or truth.”  If you are FIRMLY persuaded that God will keep His promises, then you are firmly anticipating good to come from your situation, in your situation and through your situation.
     You are firmly convinced that God will show up and do something wild and crazy. You refuse to limit your options. You keep on keeping your faith bright and sparkling.  You never, never, never give up! 
You take such joy and delight in His love for you that it does not occur to you that He would fail you. After all, He already gave you His Son in order that the enemies of your soul would be destroyed and the power of the gospel would never disappoint you.
So, pick yourself up.  Dust yourself off. Do NOT under any circumstances listen to the voice of the Enemy. Everything he says is a lie anyway.
Let the Truth set you free.  Indeed. 
Let hope arise, Beloved.  Again.  Because God is good and because He has amazing plans to surprise you with His goodness today.

Power Thought:

Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly…”  Colossians 3:16
If His word is very near, then He is very near.

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