Thursday, March 13, 2014

Power Of Extra-ordinary Power

Key Scripture: "Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." Ephesians 3:20   

Power Point:
     I was thinking this morning about Moses making the journey up the mountain to see God. He really wanted to see God!  And God really wanted Moses to see Him. There was only one problem; Moses would have died if he had seen God's face. Because this was so important to both of them, God covered Moses' face with His own hand so that He would be protected from the extraordinary power of God's goodness. Imagine that. As I thought about this, it suddenly dawned on me that the same power that could have killed Moses lives inside of every single believer today.

     We have the extraordinary power of extra-ordinary compassion, goodness, faithfulness, love, and forgiveness and peace. All of that potential came into us when we received the Holy Spirit from Jesus.

Did you think you were without power to forgive? 
Did you think you were powerless to believe God?
Did you think you had no compassion?
You would be wrong.

     Why? Because the extra-ordinary power of God to do all those things resides, lives, abides, and  dwells in you.  I guess that means that we are without excuse, doesn't it? If He tells us to forgive the unforgiveable, or to be kind to the unkind, merciful to the unmerciful, or have the faith to move mountains, then we must have the power to do that don't you think? It may not be easy but we have the extra ability to go beyond the ordinary don't we?

     Beloved, the Christian life has never been supposed to be dependent on our own strength, our own wisdom, our own insights.  In fact, He's made it very clear that it is His strength that perfects our weaknesses. In other words, we are never intended to stay where we began. Our life is not to be an ordinary life. It's supposed to be an abundant life, remember? Every day we will have the opportunity to choose to exercise His extraordinary power to put to death the things that hold us back from all that He has for us and to release that power to others.
     The key to success for that process to power-extra-ordinary power- lies in our choices.  We can live in unforgiveness, in bitterness, or anger, or we can recognize that in the power of Holy Spirit, we have the the greater power within us.
     If the Life of God in us is righteousness, joy and peace in the extra-ordinary power of the Holy Spirit, then why aren't we  seeing more of it?  I mean, honestly, why not?  If we are filled with the Spirit, and are being led by the Spirit of God, that means that we have  the power to be extraordinarily loving, joyful, peaceful, good, kind, faithful, gentle, and in control of our selves so that we can choose the more excellent way. Then what's the problem?

Let me rephrase that:
We have the extra-ordinary power of God IN us, to kill hatred, anger, bitterness, gossip, bad habits, doubt, unbelief, unkindness, meanness, and unforgiveness.

I think that means that we have the extra-ordinary power to walk arm in arm with all the "extraordinary" that God has for us. Extraordinary means beyond the ordinary. It's beyond you.  It's pure God. And that's what makes it possible.
 A few weeks  ago, I was part of a ministry team that was privileged to accompany the Holy Spirit on an outing.  A young woman came for prayer.  She was fearful. She was VERY fearful. As we stopped and asked Holy Spirit what He wanted to do, my partner and I just put our hands on her.  He showed us that He wanted her to actually act out removing the grave clothes that she had been wearing. The moment she did that, the Holy Spirit began about a ten minute process of casting out fear and replacing it with freedom and joy. It was an extraordinary privilege to observe extra-ordinary power. 
    We were not required to do much more than believe that God wanted what each of them wanted; to be free.  We didn't declare or command or tell God what to do. He actually figured it out on His own!  We didn't pray long prayers. We didn't go down a long to-do list. We simply came to pray with His heart of compassion. We asked the Holy Spirit what HE wanted to do, and then just watched Him do it. We just showed up, as instructed.   And He did too.

Can you understand that because of the Holy Spirit in you, YOU too are extra-ordinary?

      Isn't it time that you began to think like it and act like it?   Isn't it time for there to be more of Him and less of you in your day to day life?  God has written a wonderful chapter in His book called, "The ACTS Of The Apostles"  It's all about ordinary men and women who were filled with the Holy Spirit and ACTED in power.  Extraordinary!  Isn't it time to realize that GOD is SO extra-ordinary, and that His "extra-ordinariness" is in the very center of your own heart?
Could He have made it any easier than that?
I don't think so.
Will you begin to live out what He's put in?
Will you at least think about it?

Power Thought:

Trust the extra-ordinary power of God within you. What will you allow Him to do in you and through you today that will be above and beyond all that you can ask or think? How will He make your "ordinary", extra-extra-extra-ordinary?

Were you aware that "It's Time To Power UP!", the book is available on

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