Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Power of Promising Promises

Key Scripture: " And God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they are..." Romans 4:17
Power Point:
For a few weeks, The Lord has been giving me a phrase.  I've been patiently waiting for Him to elaborate.  The phrase is:
"It is what it is, but it's not what it's going to be!"
Sometimes the "what is", rules our thoughts doesn't it?  And yet, the promises of God are always focused on "what is going to be."  They are focused on dreams fulfilled and hope realized. The more we become "firmly convinced", as Abraham did, we will stop wasting our time figuring out if God can. We begin focusing on the character of the God who has promised the promise.
     God told Abraham that He would honor his faith and make Him a father of multitudes.  I'm sure that there were many cries from Abraham and Sarah's heart over the years for the blessing of a child.  All of his life, Abraham lived in hope of being a father, yet year after year passed with no sign of a child. Then one day God appears for a nice chat with him and says, "Okay Abe,
I've got some good news. I've heard your prayers.  Not only are you about to become a father in the natural but also in the spirit.  Because you have trusted Me and believed in Me, you will be a father of nations.  Many nations."
Fortunately, Abraham did not waiver. He didn't stagger and fall down in the face of such a "crazy" promise"-this gigantic, enormous, impossible promise.  He just agreed with God. He said, "Okay." and then started preparing the nursery. 
Scripture says that he strengthened his faith.  The more he believed God, the stronger he became.  As he thought about God, he thought about how all things are possible with Him.  As he thought about God, he thought about how faithful He had always been to him.  As he thought about God even though the days turned into years, he did not fall apart, he grew stronger and more fully convinced that what God had promised him, He was perfectly capable and more than willing to perform.  Let's face it.  Abraham made a few mistakes on the way to the promise fulfilled. He and Sarai tried to figure out HOW God would fulfil his dream of fatherhood.  But even though he had tried to "help God out" God stayed on track.  He stayed on his pre-planned  track to see His promises realized on earth as they are in heaven.
     Beloved, you may be in a place today where there is no hope in the natural for a good outcome.  Don't worry, God is still on track to blast you away with His faithfulness and His very determined goodness.  He wants you to know that "It is what it is, but it is not what it's going to be!" He's heard your prayers and your cries and He has called out your answer in the heavenlies and is diligently working all things together for your good. He's calling out heavenly answers to earthly problems.

What are you calling out today?

     Abraham agreed with God.  We should too, don't you think?  God always gives His life to the deadest of the dead things in our lives when we believe Him. Always. He always responds to the call for His life to invade our lives. Always.
     Beloved, it is what it is, but it (that illness, that financial downturn,that relationship), that whatever that seems to be impossible right now is being re-formed, re-created into a new thing.
God is calling out heaven's promise to you.  "It" is becoming what He says it's going to be.
Do you agree?
Power Thought:
Look up-not down.  Look forward-not behind.  Look into the unseen and see what God sees. And believe.

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