Thursday, May 1, 2014

Power Of Nothing To Work With

Key Scripture:  “You prepare the way for the Lord. Make straight in the desert a highway for our God.”  Isaiah 40:3
Power Point:
     Being prepared is an admirable trait.  I always admire it in someone else.  I’m not so sure they can always admire it in me.  I can promise you one thing though; when Jesus returns for His Bride, I intend to be prepared!
     If you look around your community you might find that people were not prepared for the economic downturn we have been experiencing.  Now they are wondering what they can do to prepare for the future. I don’t mean to minimize that concern in the slightest but I’d also like to remind us all that we have options and opportunities that the government cannot provide. As Christians, the government is not our source of supply, nor the hope for our future.
     Recently I was chatting with the Lord and He said, “Suzanne, why are you preparing for lack?”  WHAT!  I thought He had me confused with someone else.  I replied, “Lord, what do You mean? I trust You.”  “You do- to a degree.  But the news from the world is all bad news. It has begun to permeate your conversations with others.  When you do that you don’t give Me anything to work with.”  I was confused, as you probably are right now.  Gradually, the more we talked, the more I began to understand what He meant.  If my eyes are on my bank account or my monthly bills, or if I am worried about the future, then I am preparing for lack.  So are you.  If the words of our mouths are the Words of God’s promises, then the words of the world cannot affect us.  But if we continually speak doom and gloom over our futures then God has nothing to work with.  We’re not offering Him faith to reward, we’re offering Him doubt or fear. He needs our faith filled words, our agreement with His promises, in order to give Him something to work with.

      Psalm 23 is a veritable treasure trove of what we have when we have Jesus in our lives. Let’s take a quick look.
-The Lord, Jesus, is our Shepherd. When we allow Him to, He will guide us through the valleys.
-He says that His children will not lack. He prepares a table filled with whatever we need in the middle of the worst storm or wilderness experience and then invites us to dinner, while Satan has to watch us feed on God's faithfulness.
-While the world is constantly looking over their shoulders in fear, we are continually being followed with the mercy and goodness of God.  He’s always got our backs!
 -Jesus has anointed us with the Holy Spirit and power. That means that God has uniquely equipped to bring heaven’s supply to earth.
     Beloved, the government will never satisfy the longing in your heart to be safe and secure.  Only God can do that.  And He has every intention of doing exactly that if we’ll just give Him something to work with.

Power Thought:
He know the plans He has for us. They're really good plans and He's excited to see them come to pass. Are you prepared for that? Are you giving Him something to work with?

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