Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Power of The Father's Blessing

The Power of The Father's Blessing
Key Scripture:  "And God blessed them saying, "Be fruitful and multiply..."  Genesis 1:22
Power Point:
     God is the original "Blesser".  It is His nature to bless and not curse.  In our society today we seem to be sadly lacking in blessings don't we? Yet in our hearts there is a place created in us, that desires to be blessed.  Our words from our mouths either bless or curse.  As representatives of the heart of our Heavenly Father those words are to bring life and open the pathway for someone to walk in the plans and purposes of God. It really does matter.
     Recently, I was watching an episode of "Dreams and Mysteries", with John Paul Jackson. He goes into detail about the purpose and the importance of the Blessing of Father God in our lives. I've included the blessing that he prayed and the link to the program. 
I bless each of you with it and I pray that you will use it to bless others in His Name.

The Father's Blessing
John Paul Jackson

"Some of you did not have great father figures.  Some of you had fathers who passed away before they could give you a blessing.  Others of you, for one reason or another, are unable to receive a blessing from your father to you.  I want to offer the blessings of the Heavenly Father through myself, an earthly father.
This type of blessing is seen in Numbers 6, as God blessed the children of Israel under the pronouncement of Moses.  It goes on to say that upon saying the blessing, God would place His name upon and bless those who hear it. That means you.

                               Therefore, may "The Lord bless you and keep you; 
                                        The Lord make His face to shine upon you
                                                      and be gracious to you;
                                    The Lord  lift up His countenance upon you
                                                      and give you peace.

And from me: (JPJ)

                         May you reach the purpose for which you were created.
                                    May you have courage above your peers.
                               May you have more passion for the things of God
                                             than others think is necessary. 
                               May you dream more than others think is practical,
                               and may you expect more than others think is possible 

                                        May you choose wisely without earthly bias.
                             You have people to influence that you've not yet met.
                             You have lives to change that are waiting for your arrival.
                You are strategically placed wherever God takes you by His grand design
                                      just so you can become everything He made you to be.
                                            That place is the place you can best grow,  
                                             the place where you can be most fruitful;
                      The place where the future is changed because of your presence.

                              May you see vistas that others don't even know exist.
                                    May you see God in every petal of every flower
               and every blade of grass, for each of them are designed by His hand.

                                             May you bless your children,
                                  and may they become giants in the faith
                                         under the mighty hand of God. 
                                                       You will not fail.

                        You were made by God to be here- for such a time as this."

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