Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Power Of Heaven On Earth

Key Scripture:  "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."  Matthew 6:10
Power Point:
     The thought occurred to me recently, ''If God wants us to have heaven eventually, why wouldn't He want us to have heaven on earth now?" Does God's will for our lives change because of where we're located?  I don't think so.  If we are asking anything in God's will, and it shall be done for us, isn't what He has established in heaven meant to be done on earth?
Has He already done His part? Hasn't He already given us the keys of the kingdom; the right to bind and to loose; the right to tread on all the power of the enemy? Aren't we meant to be heaven on earth?  Hasn't He already established us in righteousness, in our heavenly standing?  Doesn't He live in us? Lead us?  Care for us? Provide our every need?

If God provides for us, why do we lack? 
If God promises to heal us, why are we sick?
If God has given us power, why do we feel powerless?
If God's spirit is within us, why are we sad, and depressed, and hopeless?
If God has a way out, why can't we find it?
If Jesus promises to never leave us or forsake us, why do we feel alone?
If His kingdom is established on His Word, why don't we know it?

     There is supposed to be a difference in the children of God that makes the world sit up and take notice; that causes them to "see the goodness of God, the peace, prosperity, security, and stability in our lives and "fear and tremble"  at its magnitude.  (Jeremiah 33:9)

And yet:
We rely on other people to provide our happiness.
We rely on the world to provide our means for living.
We expect the worst.
We don't cherish God or delight in Him. 

     In His love, He always shows kindness, grace and mercy.  It's His M.O. (method of operation!).
Why do we come to Him expecting judgment and harshness when He has demonstrated the greatest act of love through Jesus?

What would it take for us to believe that He is amazingly good, abundantly good, astoundingly good?  What would that mean to your perception of Him for your own life?
What if we really understood that God prepares the way for us to encounter His goodness by demonstrating His kindness?  It is His unparalleled kindness that causes us to think differently about Him.  K-i-n-d-n-e-s-s.  I LOVE that word!  It calms my heart and turns off the alarms I've set there.
     If God is always prepared to be at peace with me; if He is always prepared to be KIND to me, then what do we need to change to experience that? Are we expecting God to be less than who He has promised to be?
What if heaven came to earth today for you?

Surprise!  It already has! How will you receive it?

Power Thought:
It's not too late for you to experience and release heaven on earth.  When you call, God answers. When you have faith it will be rewarded. When you are praying for His GOODNESS to be SO good that others will sit up and take notice-that's definitely the will of God. And it's heavenly.

Copyright (c) 2014, Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work

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