Friday, January 23, 2015

Power Of What You Write

Key Scripture: "For here is the covenant I will establish:  I will embed my laws within their thoughts and fasten them unto their hearts.  I will be their loyal God and they will be my loyal people."  Hebrews 8:10, TPT                                                  
Power Point:
     Every morning, I open my IPAD and begin to Journal.  Each day I click on "Create New Document".  A blank page appears and I can begin to create what will document my day.  Every day we have the privilege of beginning with a blank page and creating our thoughts and our plans to bring life or death.
     Scripture is very clear that we are to guard our hearts.  In other words, we pick up our pens and write on our hearts the words that we want to see fulfilled there, not only for today but for all our tomorrows.  It says in Psalms that our Tongue is the pen of a ready writer. What I write, I read and what I write I speak.  Sometimes what I write, others will read what I have written.  What do I want others to "read" in the pages of my life?
     Actually people "read" us every day don't they?  They can tell whether our spirits are at peace or in chaos.  They can tell whether we are sad or happy.  They can tell whether our faith is genuine and our hope solid.  People are reading what you've written on your heart whether you want them to or not. 
So what will you will you create today?
     It's always our choice Beloved.  The darkest places of our lives do not have to create darkness in our hearts.  We can choose to believe God.  We can choose to write His words over every available space in our hearts so that when other thoughts or words are thrown at us, they can't find a place to land. We can document over and over God's faithfulness, and goodness, and kindness so that even though there's a momentary "twinge", our hearts automatically choose to settle down in the promises and character of our God.
We can wash out the darkness with the Water of the Word.  We can enjoy the benefits of being rooted and grounded in the Perfect Love that God has for us.
If you're going through a "dark night of the soul", ask the Lord who He wants to be for you in this situation. And then, ask Him what thought He wants you to write on the tablet of your heart.
Think on these things. Imagine yourself with a butterfly net, catching every thought that comes into your head and letting only the "butterfly" thoughts, the life-changing thoughts, stay. Guard your heart.
     With your tongue, speak out what God has written. Your ears need to hear it. Write it down so that you can read it and run, as it says in Micah. Delete the thoughts that constrict and damage your heart. Transform every thought into one that brings God closer.
     Create life. Create hope. What a great opportunity to see what your God can do with His own words written, engraved, and deeply rooted on your heart.

Power Thought:
A Tree Deeply Rooted
When you read tomorrow, what you wrote today, will your heart overflow with a GOOD theme?

"My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King'
My tongue is the pen of a ready writer." Psalm 45:1

Copyright © 2015, Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work

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