Sunday, July 26, 2015

Power Of Risk

Key Scripture:  "By faith, Abraham went out...not knowing where he was going."  Hebrews 11:8
Power Point:
     I'm not big on taking risks.  It's just too risky!  Risk is defined as exposing yourself to the chance of injury or loss; a hazard or dangerous chance. I can usually dream up a thousand excuses why I should NOT take risks.  It's just not logical!
     The thing is Beloved, faith is always a risk. Walking in faith always involves walking where you can't see the next step even if you know God promises you that it's there. You have to ignore the flashing red lights that say, "DANGER! Do NOT Enter!"  or the sign that alerts you to the fact that you are about to enter a Mine Field.  You have to shut your ears to all the negative words people will say to you about how you need to come back to a safe place or tell you are crazy to trust God in this place.  The walk of faith will always involve the risk of you allowing God to change what you really believe into the glorious Truth that will set you free. The challenge to your comfort zone is what allows your faith to grow.
     You've probably heard the old story of the acrobat crossing over Niagara Falls.  He makes the journey and then makes a second trip across pushing a wheelbarrow.  People were very impressed.  He tells a reporter that he is now going back over and asks him if he believes he can do it, and would he like to go along for the ride. The reporter replied, "Yes, I believe you can do it.  I just don't trust you enough to get in the wheelbarrow."
    "Believing that God CAN do something is different from trusting Him to do it.  Trust gets into the wheelbarrow; it is an action that commits us to risk.  And because its an
action, it can only be done in the present.  It's easy to think we're trusting God when we apply what He says only to the past or the future. But it's only in the present moment that we can truly trust God. And God, like the acrobat, keeps inviting us beyond the passive watching of what He can do and into joining Him in what He is doing.

"This persistent call exposes our lack of trust and brings us to the point of decision."
(Stephen De Silva, Money And The Prosperous Soul)
     God has made His move.  He's perfectly capable of walking across the tightrope of your life experiences right now.  He's done it before and He'll do it again. Today He's inviting you to jump in the wheelbarrow and He'll take you safely to the other side.  Are you willing to take the risk to take the action required to join Him?
It's your move Beloved.  And you have to make the next move before He can and will make His next move.
     The disciples had to get into the boat.  Abraham had to take his son to Mount Mariah.
David had to collect the stones.  Lazarus had to take that first step out of the grave.
Jesus had to make a total commitment in Gethsemane and then walk it out.
Now it's your turn.  Are you ready to take a risk on God?  Is it your move?   
Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for.  It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseenThrough faiths power they conquered kingdoms and established true justice. Their faith fastened on to their promises and pulled them into reality.  It was faith that shut the mouths of lions, put out the power of raging fire, and caused many to escape certain death by sword.  In their weakness their faith imparted power to make them strong! Faith sparked courage within them and they became mighty warriors in battle, pulling armies from another realm into battle array.  Hebrews 11, TPT

Power Thought:
"Forgotten destinies litter the landscape like carcasses.  We redefine ourselves according to our catastrophes. "I am the divorcee, the addict,the bankrupt businessperson, the kid with the disability, or the man with the scar.
 We settle for a small destiny...determine not to make that mistake."
  Max Lucado, "You'll Get Through This!"

Copyright © 2015, Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work

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