Thursday, April 19, 2012

Power of Connecting The Dots

Key Scripture:  You must go on growing in me and I will grow in you. …It is the man who shares my life and whose life I share who proves fruitful.”  John 15, Phillips
Power Point:
If you look at what Jesus says about those who abide in Him, He says that they connect the dots in every area of their lives. Abiders are learners. They keep growing in their knowing. There’s no stunted growth. Even the worst of situations is a fertile field They are fruitful because they are connected to Him and growing in their knowledge of Him. They continue to produce fruit because they are "receivers". They receive His life and His wisdom, and His power and His word comes alive not just in their minds but in their hearts.  
I was listening to someone the other day with a serious issue in her life. Her mind was wrapped around that “tissue issue”. It was all she could think about. The interesting thing is that at some point she “switched gears” and began talking about God’s provision in another area. Unfortunately she never connected the two. As she talked about her problem, she was talking from her soul- her mind, will and emotions. She was connected at that point only to what her mind knew. Later when she was talking about God’s provision she was talking from her spirit.
Beloved unless we learn to connect our spirits to our souls, God can't keep growing in us. We have compartments where we let Him stay, sort of like the old “Pigeon hole” desks where you had tiny compartments for your mail or your bills. We do that to God don’t we? We have compartments that we put Him into and we never mix them up. God’s okay to handle the bills but certainly not my health. Or vice versa.  Or God can do this but He won’t do that!
I know I’ve been guilty of “compartmentalizing” God in my own life. (I am so grateful that He is patient with me!)  The one thing I do on a regular basis is to connect what I hear in my mind to what I hear in my spirit. To do that I have to have  “abiding truths” that are my foundation. Some of my truths are that God is good to me all the time so I will see His goodness in my particular situation.  Another truth that I base my faith on is that I will not be ashamed of my hope in Him.
Can you connect the dots? If I take my issue that is threatening to submerge my soul, and I connect it to my spirit man which believes God is good and will help me, then I have successfully allowed God to merge the two and there are no compartments where He can or cannot work anymore.
What compartment do you have God in today? Where are you absolutely sure He will show up and where are you pretty sure that He won't? You may be someone who has wonderful times of worship in the morning but you don’t connect those words you spoke to the rest of your day. Beloved, I think its time that we break down those compartments in our lives so that God has total access to every part don’t you? I think as those “walls of separation” come down and God is allowed to grow in us and take up more space we will come to the point where our spirits and our souls are so connected that we can ask Him for anything and honor Him by receiving it.
Get out your tools and tear down those compartments. Let God loose in your life. You will be amazed to see what happens next.
Power Thought:
Having God fill all things in our lives is a whole lot better than letting Him fill just a few. Don’t you agree?

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