Sunday, April 15, 2012

Power of Places to GO!

Key Scripture:  So Abraham departed as the Lord had spoken to him…and Abram was seventy five years old.”  Genesis 12:4
Power Point:
In the early years of our marriage Denny and I moved seven times. It wasn’t easy but it wasn’t hard.  It was always a “step up” and it was fun to begin a new adventure at the ripe old age of 21 or so.  As I look at Abraham and the fact that he was seventy -five years old, I find it pretty intimidating to do what he did at that age. He left everyone and everything. In fact, I would find it very hard all these years later to pick up, pack up, and leave lifelong friends and my church, and-well, you know. The Lord called Abraham out of the place where he had lived his whole life. Since he was 75 I’m sure he had a lot of possessions already. I’m sure his father had some father-son talks with him about whether he was doing the right thing. In fact, Abraham was leaving an earthly inheritance. He was giving up everything for a Godly inheritance.  God had said, “Come on son. We’ve got places to go and things to do and you can’t do them here”. (Yes, that’s the Suzanne version).  Don’t you think that He gives us that same call in our own lives?  If we do that He will bless us, far beyond what is logical or natural. Abraham’s blessing began the moment he said, “yes” to God didn’t it?  He made a few mistakes along the way but the blessing was still working in his life.  God blessed him even though he took Lot with him. He blessed him even though he used Sarai to save his own life. He blessed him even when he messed up the pathway to the Promise and chose Hagar to bear his first child. God still blessed. It's just who He is.
The thing is, Beloved, God will always ask us to leave what is comfortable, and logical, and “knowable” to move totally with Him into the places that seem “strange” or unbelievable, or completely foreign to our limited imaginations. He wants us to get out of the “old” ways of thinking. If we stay where we are-well the truth is-we won’t. Someone will always have a logical reason why God would not work the way He’s promised to work. There will always be someone who will try to convince you that God couldn’t possibly have meant “that.” We have to go to where we can only hear Him.
God tells us that IF we change our thinking and IF we make His word the final word, then the blessings of heaven can flow for us. He says that IF we stop listening to all the “noise” around us, we’ll hear His clear, wise, instructions that will bring heaven to earth.
It’s a good thought isn’t it? And actually, He asks us to do that all the time. In fact, as soon as we think we’ve “got it made”, He makes sure that we get on “shaky ground” again. Each time that happens, we grow in faith and we grow in how we can depend upon His faithfulness. That leads us to be able to take even greater “leaps’ in the future.
So, pack your bags, and grab your hat. It’s time to move. Now!
Power Point:
God’s got places to go and people to see and lives to change. Are you coming? Is it moving day?

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