Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Power Of The Voice Of God

Key Scripture:  “But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.”   James 3:17
Power Point:
     I’m discovering that people are a bit afraid of hearing God’s voice. They think that He might yell at them because they’ve done something wrong. They also think that it’s a rare occasion.
The truth is, that if God is in us, we can hear Him all the time. And the other truth is if we’re hearing Him, we’re going to be hearing good things.
     Scripture says that the wisdom from above is pure, gentle, and reasonable. If you think about it, we type “the voice of GOD!!!!!” in bold in our minds, don’t we?  In all actuality, the voice of God is a daily part of our lives if we are filled with His Spirit.  It can be a simple thought that says, “Do this!” or “I should…” or  “I think I will…” Of course, it can also be a voice of correction or caution.  I’ve had all of the above.  You probably have too.
     On the other hand, when we speak to others, telling them what we think God has said, our words need to be just the way He would say them don’t they? Like Jesus, we should be able to say, “This is what I heard from my Father, and this is the way He said it.”
     God’s words are always true. I know that you know that. But when He speaks, His truth is always spoken lovingly, peacefully, joyfully, kindly, and gently. His voice is all those things because He is all those things. Why wouldn’t His words be the same way? He is the ultimate encourager isn’t He?  He is the ultimate lover of our souls.  He is the ultimate vision caster for our lives. And His vision is always good.  And encouraging.
     One day, when my husband was ill, we were leaving the house to get in the car to go to the doctor.  As I put my foot on the step into the garage, I heard a voice say, “You will reap in due season, if you do not faint.” It was so clear that I even turned around to see if someone was there. It was reasonable wisdom, spoken lovingly to me, casting a vision for a point far beyond where I was, and it gave me hope.
     At that point in my life, I honestly wasn’t that familiar with an audible voice. I thought it only happened to “special” people. Now, I hear it continually and I am so grateful.He’s become such a friend over the years that I would be very upset if I didn’t hear His voice regularly.
     How about you? Are you comfortable with God’s voice?  Did you have the mistaken impression it would be harsh or unkind? Remember, when God speaks, His words are loving, kind, joyful and gentle. They should bring us His peace. His wisdom is pure truth, pure honey for our souls, and always reasonable. (I didn’t say logical.)  When you hear it, something inside you says, “Yes. I get it now.”  It may lead you to make difficult decisions but you will know that you know that it is the right thing to do.
     When God speaks we should listen, don’t you think?
Power Thought:
The voice of your heavenly Father is gentle, reasonable and full of wisdom. That's good news isn't it?

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