Friday, September 28, 2012

Powering UP America!

Key Scripture:  Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the gospel, and not in any way terrified (intimidated) by your adversaries… Philippians 2:27,28
“You are the head and not the tail.”  Deuteronomy 28:13

Power Point:
     In the last few days, the Lord has given me a burden to encourage the body of Christ to begin rebuilding the walls in our nation.  He has told me that I am only to speak over it what He speaks. I’m not to stop, look and listen to what the enemy is saying. I am to rebuild the walls of Truth.  Like you, I have heard all the political polls, all the political pundits, all the “noise” that is out there today. It can be really overwhelming can’t it? What God has told me is to listen to Him. Yes, it’s as simple as that. What He has said is, “Begin declaring over your nation just as you declare over your own life, your own family.  Guard your heart.  Listen to the words of MY mouth, and then speak them over this land.  Don’t speak anything that is not Truth. Don’t give voice to the enemy. Stop the clamor”
     In light of that, for the next 40 days, I am going to begin sending a devotional specifically designed for empowering believers to begin a united front of listening to Him, speaking out what He has promised us and not accepting anything less than that. It will probably come on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. If that is an encouragement to you, then simply do nothing but receive the devotionals and apply them. If you are not interested, then you can just delete them.
(But I hope you won’t!)
     I’m excited about this because as I look back over the pages of scripture, I find the nation of Israel was often in much more desperate straits than we are today. Yet when they came together, under God’s protection and presence, things always changed for the better.  When Nehemiah looked around him, he couldn’t even find the walls of Jerusalem, but God put it in his heart to begin rebuilding them. It seemed an impossible task. Every person had a section of the wall that he was responsible for. We have that same assignment today; to guard and build our portion of what He has given us and help our neighbor build theirs as well. They had “a mind to work.”  We should too.
     Beloved, will you accept the assignment? Will you join me in rebuilding the walls of our nation? Will you take your place on the wall?
     Say yes, and we’ll be off to get our tools ready to start rebuilding our foundations.

Prayer for America:
     Father, I know Your thoughts toward us, thoughts of peace and not of evil. Help me to think Your thoughts today. I know Your plans for us to give us a future and a hope. Let me trust those plans and trust You. The Enemy will not intimidate me. Your children are the head and not the tail. Godly men who believed in You, and agreed with You that this is a place where freedom could reign, founded this country. They were the “Founding Fathers” but YOU are the real Founding Father. Forgive us Father. We’ve let the walls be breached. Turn us to Your heart once again. Let the words of my mouth speak the words of Your mouth so that they can be powerful and profitable in rebuilding the walls of our country.
Let Truth keep marching on and let the bells of freedom ring again.
In Jesus Name.  Amen!


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