Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Power Of Overcoming

Key Scripture:  Don’t allow yourself to be overpowered with evil. Take the offensive—overpower evil by good.” Romans 12:21, Phillips
Power Point:
These last few years have been a glorious opportunity to learn to walk in grace and love. That makes it sound like I’ve got it settled.  I don’t.
The truth is that every day of our lives is an opportunity to grow in those two vastly important areas. Why? They are the foundation of the character of God. Until we learn that, we’ll never understand how much we are loved.
Recently my friend, Julie, sent me a note. I’d like to share it with you.
“Last night as I was reading the Word, I was reading in Romans 12.  In verse 21, It simply says, "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."  I have probably read that hundreds of times but last night I saw Jesus as I was reading it and the word, “overcome" stood out to me.  It seems to me that when we think of overcoming, that we tend to think of battles--being attacked in a big way--disease, money, death, etc.  I saw this last night linked with love. I saw all the kind things Jesus did while being reviled.  I saw Him going to the cross; forgiving the ones who were putting Him to death.  The world's way when someone says something hurtful to us or appears to not like us is to retaliate-give it back to them-or just not like them. God's way-therefore the way of Jesus--was and is to love them.  ("Kill them with kindness.")  It is goodness that comes from love that overcomes.  It may not look like it by sight but it overcomes.  The goodness and gentleness of Jesus overcame all evil.  That is why forgiveness is so huge.  God didn't just decide one day to forgive us and send Jesus to the cross.  He loved/loves us, and His love is wrapped in goodness.  We forgive because of God's goodness flowing through us and through Jesus who made it possible for us through Him to operate in that love, goodness, and forgiveness.”

Every single person who calls himself “Christian” is identifying him or herself as a “Little Christ”. That means that people should expect us to live exactly as Jesus did; to speak and act and love and forgive just like Jesus.  Our lives are to be “wrapped in the same goodness” that Jesus has and had.  They are to be propelled and fueled by love that changes the world.
Today is your opportunity to do just that.  Tomorrow will be your opportunity to grow in those things so that how you show Jesus’ love today will be small in comparison to how you show it tomorrow and the next day and the next day. Why not ask Jesus exactly how, when, and where He wants to show up and wrap you in His goodness?
Power Thought:
Don’t you think we should be growing in love by leaps and bounds?

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