Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Power of Wasting Time

Key Scripture:  All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable. …that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”  2 Timothy 3:16,17
Power Point:
    Have you ever spent your time just “wasting time”?  We usually don’t start out to do that intentionally but haven’t there been times when you come to the end of a project or a day or a season in your life and you’ve said to yourself, “Well, that was a waste of time!”
     Watching TV can be instructive and encouraging or it can be a waste of time. I used to read novels.  I have nothing against them, I just used to make them more important than they should have been and I spent a lot more time reading them than I should have.  In other words, I wasted valuable time reading too many things that simply would not profit me.
     I certainly have been guilty of wasting money. You probably have too.  I did some serious self-examination a few years ago and decided I was using shopping as a remedy for some things that were lacking in my life.  So, I stopped going shopping as much as I used to. Now listen carefully (PLEASE!), sometimes you need to shop, or just enjoy the outing, but if you find yourself going simply to fill in some gaps in your life, perhaps you need to check that out.
     Sometimes I’ve been guilty of wasting my words, of wasting my time with sarcasm, or anger or unkindness, or being offended. Have I hit any of your areas yet? 
     What are some of the things that God believes are profitable?  Jesus was especially focused on our words being productive wasn’t He? He said that they are meant to encourage, and build up, and declare God’s purposes over our lives. He said, “Speak to the mountain, and if you believe what you say, it will move.” Moving mountains is a profitable endeavor.
     All scripture is profitable.  It’s there for us to read, to understand and to direct our lives into God’s purposes.  It’s meant to complete us and thoroughly equip us for good works-those works that God has prepared for us from the beginning of the world; those works that He has called us to as His children. Profitable works, things that enhance our lives and bring heaven to earth; those things that are beneficial and useful.
     Are the activities in your life putting you on the “profit” or the “loss” side of your daily ledger? Is your soul profiting from the things you do?  Are the things that fill your day profiting your spirit and profiting the kingdom?
     How will you spend your day today? Beloved, every one needs time off to relax and regroup. God did that, and highly recommends it, but it shouldn’t be a way of life should it? If you continue doing the same things in the same way the next 5 years, where will you find yourself? Will you be in the profit or loss column? Will you be like the eager steward that immediately went to work to profit the kingdom or will you be like the steward who had better things to do with his time and lost his reward.
I was reading in Revelation this morning in Chapter 22:12. Jesus says, “And behold I am coming quickly and my reward is with Me. To give to everyone according to his work.”
     One day, none of the things here will matter except as they have trained us for reigning.  We’ve been called for a purpose. A purposeless life will not complete your purpose. Jesus says He will reward our good works for the kingdom. That should be an exciting day to look forward to shouldn’t it?
     Solomon came to the end of his life and found that nothing he had done had profited him. He said he had been too busy doing things that didn’t profit.
     What’s wrong with being busy with your job, or scrap-booking or reading novels, or going to movies, or playing a sport? Absolutely nothing-unless it causes you spend every day without purpose or direction or unless those things become your direction and you miss the high mark of your calling.
      My friend Bobbi likes to play Lumosity (brain games) on the internet. She found herself playing it much longer than she intended. Now she makes sure that she spends twice as much time with the Lord as she does with Lumosity. That way both things will be profitable to her.
     Do you want a profitable life? I know I do. Stop doing the things that are unprofitable and do the things that God says will profit you.  
What is profiting us? We should keep those things and increase them. What is not profitable? Jesus says, “Cut it off.” It could be painful but it’s really good advice isn’t it?

Power Thought:
Everyone wants to end their life in the profit column don’t they?  The rewards are incredible when we are intentional about our purpose.

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