Sunday, June 2, 2013

Power Of Fierce Determination

Power Of Fierce Determination
God Force
Key Scripture“And from the days of John the Baptist until the present time, the kingdom of heaven has endured violent assault, and violent men seize it by force (as a precious prize-a share in the heavenly kingdom is sought with most ardent zeal and intense exertion.” Matthew 11:12, The Amplified Bible
Power Point:
     I know you’ve seen movies where men are fighting fierce battles to gain control of someone or some thing. Those battle scenes are actually great visuals of how we, as Christians, are to grab hold of the kingdom of God.
     Taking hold of the Kingdom of God is not a one time experience is it? We don't just saunter in and sit on the couch and have angels waiting on us hand and foot. (Although I like the idea!) Once we have entered through the door of the kingdom, we have to be fiercely determined to take it by force.
     If the foundation of the kingdom is love, we have to be fiercely determined to love, don't we?  Love is an action word. It means that each day when we awaken, we have to come to a decision and set our purpose for that day to walk in kingdom ways. We have to be resolute and unwavering in expecting the best of people, in treating them as God would treat them and in blessing them and not cursing them. We cannot waiver back and forth. We can’t love one day and hate the next.  We can’t allow ourselves to be less than fierce in our love walk.  Why?  Jesus told us to. It’s part of how we take hold. 
He makes it very clear that if you are doggedly persistent in growing in the basics of love, you will be growing in faith as well, because faith works through love.
      The truth is if we really understand His love for us personally, it makes us so grateful and hopeful, and simply "wowed" by Him, that we will want to give to others that same gift. We can do that because His Holy Spirit in us uniquely equips us to love. You love on purpose. You do not have the option of not loving.  The Kingdom of God is the Kingdom of Love.  Love is how we show  people that we’re different; that because we are His, we love. We love the people He loves.  And Beloved, love isn’t for sissies.
     Love is a fierce determination to set new standards, kingdom standards in your life, so that your life becomes living proof of the goodness of God. When you do that you are really making Him a priority in your life. You will walk more securely, with a spring in your step, and everything else will be added to you. You love them because God loves them.
Love?  Take it by force.

Power Thought:
 “Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does.  Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up”.
James A Baldwin

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