Thursday, August 15, 2013

Power Of Infinite Possibilities

Key Scripture:  "But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”  Matthew 19:26
Power Point:
     I don’t know what your life looks like on a regular basis but there are times in my life when things seem impossible. It may be a health issue or a financial issue. It might be a relationship that has hit bottom. It could be a task that you just don’t seem to be able to complete. Impossibilities seem to pop up often for us don’t they?
        The wonderful thing about things that seem impossible-those things that appear to be “unable to be, exist, or happen, or seem incapable of being true” is this:  Jesus said, that with God in your life, "anything and everything is possible.”  Yes and Amen!
If you remember correctly, Jesus came to show us what His Father, and YOUR Father is like.  He demonstrated God’s character and nature by going everywhere He could and healing the sick, casting out demons, and simply doing good to everyone He could. He continually taught about God’s power to overcome impossibilities. Perhaps we should listen to Him!
     The Word used the word, “Possible” as a description for what His Father could and would do. That word indicates that God has not only the ability to act but also the power to accomplish whatever He needs to accomplish in your life.
Jesus was making God personal-for you. 
     What seems impossible to you today?  You may have tried everything you know to do in that situation but nothing is changing.  It seems impossible. 
But what if it’s not?

Do you remember King Jehoshaphat?  He’s one of my favorite illustrations of how God does the impossible for His children.
2 Chronicles 20 has become my favorite “go to” chapter when I’m in a tight place. The enemy is surrounding Israel; A LOT of enemies.  There seems to be no way out of certain disaster, but Jehoshaphat goes to the Lord and says, We have NO power against this great multitude coming together against us, not do we know what to do but our eyes are on YOU!”
Guess what happened next!  God promises that He will be with them and by the time they get ready for battle the next morning, every single enemy combatant is dead. They turned on themselves and killed each other. AND there was such an abundance of valuables that it took them four days to collect it. Four days!  I guess you could say that the situation seemed like a definite impossibility.
But it wasn’t.
     Would you like to see God do the impossible in your life today? I’ll give you the same counsel that Jehoshaphat received.
Believe (be firm and established and firmly persuaded) that He is your God and He will show up for you.
Praise Him.  For who He is and what He has promised and that He is making this situation a “good thing on the way”!
Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.
     In the natural there may seem to be no way out. But if you are His child, you are not limited to the natural are you?
As His child you can trust in the fact that even though you are in an impossible situation, you will receive the reward of your faith. You will not be ashamed of your hope in Him, because Beloved, you are just about to see the impossible” become possible.
      Jesus said,  “Have faith in God FOR ASSUREDLY I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, “Be removed and cast into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but believes  that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.”
     That seems impossible doesn’t it? But its the Truth.
Power Thought:

What if what you see is not all there is to see?

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