Sunday, August 18, 2013

Power Of Stealing Time

Key Scripture: "Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near." 
Revelation 1:3
Power Point:
     Okay.  I’m going to meddle today.   Do NOT push delete.
As is my normal habit, I get up, make my coffee and go to the computer.
I check emails while my eyes are starting to open and this morning I realized that before I knew it, I had wasted about 20 minutes addressing issues that were in them.  I know it happens at other times but that time is His time.  I stole time from my time with Him.
     Then I began to think about how many other things steal time that I could be spending with Him. Here’s where the meddling begins. One thing I’ve enjoyed over the last few years is a “brain game” called Lumosity. I’ve gotten several friends “hooked” on it. In itself, there’s nothing wrong with it but honestly I can sit down to do the ten minute game plan for the day and when I finish, I look at the clock and its been an hour. Darn.  In fact, my friend Bobbi, had the same issue and decided that she would NOT spend more time on Lumosity than she did spending time with the Lord.
Of course you know that TV is a time stealer. Or exercise.  Or talking on the phone.  Or shopping. Nothing is wrong with those things in moderation but let’s face it, anything that becomes more important to you than the important things is simply stealing time from Him.
     Why do I mention this?  Because I get a lot of emails from people that imply that they’re just “killing time” searching the internet. They must do it a LOT because I get a lot of “fluff” stuff.  I always wonder how different their lives would be if they had spent that time searching the Word for Life-giving words. Beloved, Jesus commanded us to seek Him first; to seek HIS kingdom first. There was a reason for that. He knew that we are easily distracted.  If the only thing in your mind today is playing video games on your IPad or reading your emails, then where will today end up?
Filled but wasted.  What we fill our days with is what really matters to us isn't it?
     Every day God is prepared to give you a fresh word of Grace, fresh snow to walk on, and a fresh supply of His goodness and kindness, and WISDOM.
Wouldn’t we be wiser to take time to listen to what He has to say? Isn’t that time well spent? If our faith only grows by hearing and understanding what He tells us, then shouldn’t we spend more time finding out what He has to say? Everyone needs a little “down time” don’t they?  But wouldn’t we be wiser to have more face time with the Father?
     I guess what I’m saying is that sometimes we just need to re-think how we’re spending our days. If God has a plan and a purpose for us, and He does, then how are the hours of our day filled with the pursuit of them? I can’t tell you how many times I hear people say, “I just don’t have time to spend studying the Word.”  
If you think about it, if we’re to be led by His Spirit, then our time is not really our own anymore is it?  When we commit our lives to Him, we’re committing our time to Him so that He can spend time with us to make us into the extraordinary people He has chosen to represent Him.
     Those moments I’ve wasted are gone.  Today I have a fresh start!
I will use it to His advantage and at the end of the day, I’ll know that my day was time well spent.
Gotta go! Time’s a wastin’!
Power Thought:
"The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is."
C. S. Lewis

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