Key Scripture: "Be happy in your faith at all times. Never stop praying. Be thankful, whatever the circumstances may be. If you follow this advice you will be working out the will of God expressed to you in Jesus Christ." I Thessalonians 5:18, Phillips
Power Point:
Have you ever lost your keys? It's frustrating isn't it? Yesterday I was at the chiropractor and when I came out to start my car, I had forgotten my keys and left them inside. The keys were close by. Nothing had changed about their ability to start my car but unless I had them firmly in my hand, and put them firmly in the ignition, my car and I were going nowhere.
Being thankful is a key to unlocking the riches of the kingdom of God. When we continually look at the lack in our lives and just hope that God will show up and do something, we've lost our keys. Not using the keys leads you nowhere.
Jesus said, "Behold I give you the keys to the kingdom." You are the one with the power to unlock the kingdom of God. What a thought!
One of those keys is learning to unlock the power of being thankful in all things. Every time we express our thankfulness to God, it changes our perspective. It raises us up and sets our minds on things above. Thats transformational. That's how things change in us and around us.
Anybody can be gloomy, or grumbly, or grumpy. We all know how easy that can be. But as a Christian, filled with the Holy Spirit, we have a choice and we have the key to unlock the kingdom life in us. When we begin to express our thankfulness, the oddest thing happens-we change the atmosphere around us and we change the atmosphere IN us. We can begin to see the possibilities of God's goodness to us and we open our minds and hearts to anticipating that goodness.
If Jesus said He has given you a key, the only way it will work is if you put it in the ignition. If you want to get your internal engine purring today, begin to be thankful.
Decide to be thankful in all things.
Decide to be thankful that God IS who He says He is and He will DO what He says He will do.
Decide to be thankful that He is always moving heaven and earth to bless you.
Decide to be thankful, Beloved. Its one of those keys that you need not to lose.
Power Thought:
Losing your car keys can be annoying. Losing the keys to the kingdom means you don't get to unlock all the riches of your inheritance. Remember to keep them firmly in hand. They won't work if you don't use them.
You might be interested to know that "It's Time To Power UP!", the book, is
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