Sunday, November 3, 2013

Power Of A Dad

Key Scripture:  "And when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him.”  Luke 15:20
Power Point:
     Isn’t it interesting that we never grow out of a need for a mother and father?  I was reflecting on my Father God this morning and that naturally took me back to remembering my mom and dad.  Were they perfect? Nope! BUT they loved me.  When I needed them, they were there, even after I married and left home. Their hearts just extended to my family. I knew if I had a problem, they would help to the best of their ability.  My mom was a worrier, so she would always check on what was going on in my life and make sure I was okay.  During my recent battle with my gall bladder, I thought of how she would have been there for me.  She would have made sure I was resting comfortably, and had some good nurturing things to eat (when I became able).  If I had needed help with the bill, dad would have shown up with his checkbook. They really cared about their kids.
     On the Saturday after my surgery, my son, David, was out and about at 5:30 in the morning, riding his bike.  He and a friend were approaching the last 21 days of training before the “IRON MAN” race. David hit a rock, slid on the pavement, and severed his shoulder from his clavicle.  His injuries and abrasions are so extreme that they cannot do surgery for at least another 3 weeks. When he called me on his way to the hospital, all I could think of was that I couldn’t go and help. I desperately wanted to GO!  I wanted to lay my hands on him and pray for him. I wanted to SEE him!  But I had to be mom from a distance. Talking was okay but not what I would have chosen.
     Isn’t it interesting that we never grow out of the need to BE a mother or father?  The “family” thing is deeply ingrained in us isn’t it?  No matter how old we get or how confident and self assured we are, there’s a quiet remembering deep inside of how lovely it is to have a mom and dad-to be a child.
     You need to know that since our heavenly Father created the whole family concept, He’s still very much on the job.  When we need comfort, He’s really the best there is.  When we need encouragement, He’s right there. Whatever your need today, why not talk to your heavenly dad about it?
     You are a VERY MUCH LOVED CHILD! That fact never grows too old to remember. He is your Father today, and tomorrow and always. When I think about all that my son is going through right now, the compassion in my heart is not one bit less than it was when he skinned his knee as a child and I had to take care of it for him and dry his tears. The truth is that it will never diminish. The desire to help or to “kiss the tears away” never stops. I still want to make it all better.  Where do you think that desire comes from? 
     We have a great example of that in our heavenly Father don't we? His love for us hasn’t changed one iota since before we were born.  It never will.  I read a devotional from Joseph Prince today entitled “God RUNS!” He’s discussing the Prodigal Son and he makes the comment that this is the only time in scripture when God seems to be in a hurry. He runs to his son.
“Beloved, if the Father appears to be in a hurry, it is only because He is in a hurry to assure you of your position as His precious child!”
    Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, your Father is in a hurry to help. He wants to make it all better.
Why not ask Him?
Power Thought:
“Son, you are always with me and all that I have is yours.”  Luke 15:31

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