Friday, October 17, 2014

Power of God's Way of Thinking

Key Scripture:  "For as  as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."   Isaiah 55:9
Power Point:
We know that as Christians, we are to think differently.  Did you ever wonder why that is?  When God said He was going to make man in His image, it seems that He was including our thoughts.  That's why, as believers we are to think like God. Why?  Because our thoughts are what transform us into the image of Christ.  His thoughts change our lives. We won't necessarily look like Him. My hair may be a different color, and my nose may not resemble His at all,  but Beloved, it is VITAL that we learn to think like Him. God's thoughts cause God's plans and purposes for us to be born.  His thoughts conform us to the freedom of life as His Spirit has it. It's a GOOD THING Beloved to know you ARE Beloved of God. When I first began to allow God to address my thinking, I was totally appalled.  It was much worse than I thought and I didn't think there was any way I could change.  After all, I'd lived my whole life up to that point thinking negatively, and critically.  But Father God was so patient with me.  He began to show me how much better life would be without all those things draining His life out of me.  I began to push into understanding the Love of God and I began to understand that Someone so loving and so genuinely kind, genuinely loved me and wanted to bless me with the same thoughts that brought such abundance to Him.
When I first began to study Philippians 4:8, I thought what a good lesson it was for me. Then one day, I began to think about the fact that this verse is the perfect picture of the way God thinks.  His thoughts are always:

TRUE: He speaks only the Truth and He and He remains true to Who He is.

HONEST:  Sincere and genuine, without hypocrisy. There is nothing false or deceptive, or manipulative about Him.

JUST: God's scales are always perfectly balanced. He is never off-balance, leaning too heavily in one direction or another.  His loving kindness is the foundation of everything that He is and that He does.

PUREHe is without deception.  Holiness. Goodness. God has a pure heart.

LOVELY: "Having a beauty that appeals to the heart or mind as well as to the eye. Of a great moral or spiritual beauty: a lovely character" When we see Him in heaven, we will be stunned by His beauty.

OF GOOD REPORT:  God always gives a good report of you.  His thoughts are centred on the Truth that He believes about us. He speaks what He knows is possible for us, and what He dreams for us. Good reports are things spoken in a kindly spirit with good will toward others.  God is always kind.

If we want to be like Jesus, we have to think the way He thinks. When we do that, the Peace that He left us will guard our hearts and our minds.  Isn't it lovely to know that God is thinking good thoughts about you right now?  He is blessing you and chatting with Jesus about how wonderful you are. Together with Holy Spirit they are planning to overwhelm you with Their goodness and saturate your heart with the lovely and kind thoughts that they think about you all the time.

It's a stretch for me to think I'll ever be as good at thinking as They are, but I know they're persistent, and I know I'm longing to think the same flourishing, life-giving thoughts that They do every moment of every day.  How about you? Dont you want to be just like Jesus when you grow up?

Power Thought:
Lovely thoughts produce lovely words.
Lovely words produce lovely actions.
Lovely thoughts, words, and actions produce a lovely life.

Copyright (c) 2014, Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work

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