Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Power of a Definite Maybe

Key Scripture:  “Only it must be in faith that he asks, with no wavering-no hesitating, no doubting. For the one who wavers (hesitates, doubts) is like the billowing surge out at sea, that is blown hither and thither and tossed by the wind…(For being as he is) a man of two minds-hesitating, dubious, irresolute- (he is) unstable, and unreliable and uncertain about everything he (thinks, feels, decides.)  James 1:5-8, Amplified Bible
Power Point:
Okay, I can’t get off the word “maybe”. Really good Christians can get really messed up by not understanding that when they say “maybe” to God it is the epitome of double-mindedness.  You wouldn't think of saying "no" but you're not comfortable with "yes". The word for “double-minded” in the Greek means hesitate, doubt and question. Ever been there?
The thing is if we only look at God, we can have great faith. It’s when we start to look at ourselves or our situation the power of God for us becomes “iffy”. That’s when Satan jumps in with both feet to cause you to doubt in your heart, and hesitate on moving forward in faith.
Remember Eve? His famous words to her, “Did God really say that?” led to a deep downhill plunge for all of us.
In Hebrews 11:6 the author says, “Whoever would come near to God must believe that He is and He will reward your faith.”  In James it says, “It must be in faith that you ask.” Must is not maybe.
Often when we are praying for healing for people, the first question we ask is, “What do you think God wants to do for you?”  Very often the reply is, “Well I know He can heal me.”  Beloved that’s not faith. Of course He can. Do you believe that He will? What we are really saying is, “Well, if He wants to He can.” In other words, maybe He will and maybe He won’t.
This might be a good time to sit back and ask Holy Spirit to show you the “maybes” in your life. As I’ve done that I’ve been pretty surprised at how my thinking had slipped in some areas from “must” to “maybe”. You know you are stuck on “maybe” when you try to explain away the truth of scripture, of what God has promised you. You know you are stuck on “maybe” when you don’t explore the options.  You know you are stuck on “maybe” when you don’t press forward-you stay “stuck” in today.
I’ve heard it said, “Faith stops at the question mark.” God doesn’t mind your questions-in fact He welcomes them. But He does mind when faith stops at the questions.
Power Thought:
If we must believe in order to receive, then God must respond in order for our faith to be rewarded. And that's definitely not a maybe.

Power of a "Maybe" Life

Power of a “Maybe” Life
Key Scripture: I couldn’t be more sure of my ground-the One I’ve trusted in can take care of what he’s trusted me to do right to the end.”  II Timothy 1:12, The Message
I know, I perceive, have knowledge of and am acquainted with Him-Whom I have believed (trusted in and relied on), and I am (positively) persuaded that He is able to guard and keep that which has been entrusted to me and which I have committed to Him until that day.” Amplified Bible.
Power Point:
I heard a commercial the other day and they were talking about living a “maybe” life.  Of course, the phrase caught my attention and I began to think about how we sometimes live a “maybe’ life.
God will often tell us to believe Him for something and instead of leaping on it with a resounding “yes”, we hesitate, fluctuate, and “shilly-shally”, “dilly-dally,” dawdle and delay. Usually we want a few more facts, a few more “definite” answers before we agree don’t we? I can remember my grandmother saying, “Suzanne, don’t you “dilly-dally”! (meaning, MOVE IT!)
Let’s look at the cold hard facts here.  Either God is Who He says He is or He isn’t. Either He will do what He says He will do or He won’t.  If you’re hesitant in any way about lining your life up with Him, about saying ‘yes” when he asks you to do something, then Beloved, you probably don’t really believe that He is good all the time, or on your side all the time, and that His plans for you are lively, hopeful and only fabulous.
When you attend a wedding ceremony, what would you think if the bride or groom, when asked “Will you take this person to be your lawfully wedded spouse, till death do you part?” replies with a resounding “Maybe”? I can’t imagine the other person smiling and saying, “that’s great!”
Are you still saying “maybe” to God? Well why not take a tiny step of faith and whisper a soft “yes”. He’ll hear you and He’ll respond. He’s just waiting for the “maybe” in your voice to disappear. "Maybe" sounds like:  “maybe He will, maybe He won’t” or “maybe He didn’t mean ME!”, or “maybe I’ll mess it up” .  Beloved, you have to know Whom you have believed and be absolutely, positively persuaded that He is able to do what He says He will do. Really.
Power Thought:
A definite "maybe" does not indicate sincere commitment.  Move it!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Power of Dessert First

Key Scripture:  "Behold I bring you good tidings of great JOY for everyone!  Luke 1:10
Power Point:
The Christmas season has begun. Yesterday I went to lunch with two of my dearest friends.It has become a Christmas tradition for us, going to a particular restaurant and having dessert first! The dessert is fresh, warm "beignets" with chocolate sauce. The waiter is always a little stunned when we order it first but it makes for a very festive lunch.
Sometimes when we are going through the busy, sometimes hectic holiday activities it can be tiring, depressing, and generally "UN-joyful".  I think we should eat dessert first!
I think we should look at the end from the beginning, just as God does. I think we should add up the benefits of all that God has given us, but especially all that is ahead for us.
At some point in our lives we will walk straight into the arms of Jesus. He will walk us straight into the arms of our heavenly Father. Everything we've believed but not seen will be seen and touched, tasted and smelled, and it will be wonderful. 
The glorious truth of that is that this experience does not have to wait for years to be real in our lives. We can have dessert first.  When Jesus came into your life, He brought all of heaven into your life as well. You became a brand new creation, with a whole new outlook. Listen. Can you hear the Father's joy as the angels tell earth about the Savior?
He'd been promising for simply ages and the time had come. The heavens split open and the love of God poured out for us. Nothing ever needs to be the same again.We have the extraordinary privilege of being connected forever to heaven on earth. It can change the way we think, the outcome of every day of our lives and yes, it is definitely sweet to the taste.
I know you're busy. I know you're wondering how you're going to get it all done. So STOP!
Take a moment to sit down and taste and see the goodness of what the Lord has done for you, the wonderful plans He has for you this very day.  Push all the vegetables aside for a moment, allow yourself to re-connect with heaven, and sink into the truth that He is there for you, He will help you, and He makes everything in your life, a good thing on the way!
Refuse to be caught up in the "what is", or the "what ifs" and settle into the benefits of your inheritance NOW. Christ in you, the hope of glory. Now that's sweet!
Power Thought:
Peace on earth. Peace for me. Heaven on earth. Heaven in me. Thank You Jesus. Mmm, mmm good!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Power of Being Under the Influence

Key Scripture: "It is obvious what kind of life develops out of trying to get your own way all the time...But what happens when we live God's way?  He brings gifts into our lives..."  Galatians 5
Power Point:
To be honest it has been a difficult week. I know you probably think I never have them but you would be wrong. I ended up on the couch for most of the weekend with a “bug” which I finally “squashed”.  That put to flight all my plans of getting the house decorated and shopping done and it put me in a really bad mood. Anyone was welcome to my “pity party” but surprisingly no one else came.
So this morning the Lord said, “Don’t you think it’s about time you got out from under this?”  Yes. It was. So off I went to change the influences that were putting me under.
I know that you are aware that being filled, immersed and led by the Spirit of God is a good thing. He is definitely a good influence! You have probably also had experiences with the other “influencer”.
Let’s see if we can figure out how to tell whose influence you’re under.
Grumpy, irritable, grumbling and complaining, feeling sorry for yourself, angry, impatient, depressed, with a focus on me, me, me!

Loving, joyful, peaceful, kind, generous, gentle, encouraging, looking out for others as well as yourself.

So which influence are you under today?  Are you under the pile, or buckled under, or have you gotten hot under the collar, and just fallen under the spell of your own sweet self?
Or is the Holy Spirit trying to light a fire under you? Is He telling you to stop hiding your light under a bushel, and knuckle under and realize you can thankful that you were born under a lucky star (the ones Abraham counted all those years ago)?
Is it time to get back under the right influence-you know the one who brings peace, wholeness and prosperity of soul. You bet it is.
As you begin this busy season of shopping till you’re dropping, and time with friends and family, perhaps it would be a good idea to take some time out every day to sit under the influence of that precious Holy Spirit and send the other guy packing. What He puts in your life can not only light up your world but also spread it around wherever you go.
As you begin your busy week, whatever that looks like for you, perhaps it would be a good idea to take some time out every day to sit under the influence of that precious Holy Spirit and send the other guy packing. What He puts in your life can not only light up your world but also spread it around wherever you go
Power Thought:
Don’t keep the influence of the Good News under your hat. (Dear me, I think I need a break!)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Power of Being Yourself

Key Scripture:  “Love always looks for the best”.  I Corinthians 13, The Message
Power Point:

I used a phrase in a recent “Power UP!” that I want to examine a bit more. Sometimes when I am writing, things come out that I had no idea I was going to write. When I said that I knew people who said they loved God but had never allowed Him to be Himself, it really made me stop and think. Did you know that the things you understand about your heavenly Father are directly related to what you understood about your earthly Father? Really. If you had a good dad on earth you are probably going to expect your heavenly Dad to be good as well. Unfortunately, the opposite is true too. I adored my earthly dad and he loved me but he was also a little distant at times. When I entered into a relationship with my heavenly Father, I guess I just assumed that He would not be there for me all the time either.  I thought He would distance Himself from me when I needed Him most.  That was a lie I believed and that determined the course of my life.  If I wasn’t sure that God would always be there for me, it made it really hard to have faith to believe all those things He promised me. Fortunately, as I began to find out more about Him, I discovered that He would always be there for me, He hears every single word I say and He responds. Because I began to understand that and trust that truth, I began to let God be more of Who He wanted to be in my life. I’m learning to allow Him to be Himself, not some cold statue on a throne who simply gives directions and expects me to follow through on my own.
Is there a lie you are believing about your heavenly Father that does not allow Him to be Himself for you? Why don’t you ask Him? And then, why not ask Him what is really true about Him. I think you’ll find that when you allow God to be Himself you’ll really, really like Him
Power Thought:
Remember, your heavenly Father is always an original! (And that's a GOOD thing!) Will you allow Him to be Himself in your life today?

Friday, November 25, 2011

Power of Being "All IN"

Key Scripture:  Assuredly I say to you, “Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 18:18
Power Point:
A few weeks ago, my inimitable pastor, Tom T, gave a sermon on being “all in”.  I’m reminded of that phrase this morning as I think about our Christian walk.  Are we really “all in”? If you have accepted Jesus, you accepted a way of life, an incredible opportunity to experience glorious things in your life, and a rich Presence of Almighty God that is always “all in” for you. There’s no doubt about His intentions for us. He is definitely “in” in the moment, “in” for your future, and “in” for blessing you.  All in.
So how about you?  Are you “all in” for Him? Are you “all in” for His plans for your life?  Are you “In” Him every day, discovering those plans and committing to them?  Are you really “into Him”? Do you plan your life around His suggestions and sometimes put aside your own plans for His?  Are your thoughts “in Him”?  Are your emotions “in Him”?
A few weeks ago I began following the suggestion of Liberty Savard in her book, “Binding and Loosing For Beginners”. The word “bind” means to “tie together, to heal, to knit together, to cause fragmented pieces to come back together as a whole”. It’s a good thing, when you are binding yourself to God’s plans for your life, don’t you think? Every day I began to “bind” (tie, connect) my plans to God’s plans, my thoughts to Jesus’ thoughts, and my emotions to the calm and balance of Holy Spirit.  It has been amazing. I find “life” happening all around me and “in” me at a higher level than ever before.  I find my own plans changing midstream and my thoughts bringing more heaven to my earth. And emotions? Well, for goodness sake, Holy Spirit is a Master at love, joy, peace, patience, etc., whenever you need it.
That process has definitely helped me to be more “all in” with God. Instead of walking near Him and doing things my way and asking Him to bless them, I’ve found that starting out “in sync” with Him makes all the difference.
I have everything Mac. I have an IPhone, an Ipad, and a Mac computer. To be sure they are all on the same page, I frequently have to “sync” them which means I have to connect them and let the information I have stored there go from one to the other, then all of my devices are “in” the know.
When was the last time you “synced” with God?  When was the last time you decided to be “all in” and “in the know” with what His plans are for you? To be “all in” with Him you have to make sure you have a strong connection. Can you do that?  Of course you can!
You’re “in” this for the long haul aren’t you?
Power Thought:
When my mom would get really tired she would say, "I'm all in!" Are you "all in" or just "all in"?
God is definitely "all in" for you! And don't you forget it!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Power of A Simple "Thank you!"

Key Scripture:  Enter with the password, “thank You!”  Make yourselves at home, talking praise. Thank Him.  Worship Him.”  Psalms 100, The Message
Power Point:
Don’t you love it when someone expresses gratitude to you? Doesn’t it just make your day? In my busy, walking-around life, I sometimes forget to simply say, “Thank You”.  As I am remembering past Thanksgivings today, I don’t remember telling my mom “thank you” for the wonderful meals she prepared. Now that I know what went into all the preparation, the days of planning and shopping, and getting the house ready for family to come. Well mom, here is a belated “Thank You!”
Is there someone in your life today that needs a simple “thank you”? It could be someone that you are with all the time and you just don’t always express your gratitude for their presence in your life.  It could be someone that is far away, that you don’t get to see that often but you are still grateful for them. Or maybe it’s someone who has had an influence in your life in the past that still blesses you in the present. They probably have no idea. Why don’t you tell them?
Today I am especially thinking about what God has done in my life and in the life of my family.  In Psalm 100 we are told to “enter into His presence with Thanksgiving: Did you know that the word, “thanksgiving’ means to confess His benefits? And the words, “give thanks” mean to point out His goodness to others. Evidently, when we show others how wonderful He is, and all the benefits we have from knowing Him, we are “giving thanks”.
When we have a thankful heart, when we  confess and express our thankfulness to Him and to others, it changes the atmosphere in us and around us. People have a deep need to be appreciated. We have a “hole in our soul” when we are taken for granted or just expected to do what we do for others. Will you heal the hole in someone’s soul today by telling them how thankful you are for them? Will you tell them how awesome God is and how blessed you are that God put them in your life? Will you “point out” the benefits in your life that have come as a direct result of knowing them?  And will you tell someone about the benefits in your life of knowing God?
Everyone needs a simple “thank you”. Oh, by the way "thank YOU! for being such faithful readers!
Power Thought
Being thankful is a full time job

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Power of Growing UP!

Key Scripture:  God wants us to grow up, to know the whole truth and tell it in love, like Christ in everything.”  Ephesians 4:15, The Message
Power Point:
Okay, I’m aware that a lot of you do not like change.  In fact, some of my nearest and dearest hold on to the “present” and the “present circumstances” with uncanny strength. (You know who you are!)
The perfect picture of all this is the new software I’ve installed on my MacMy laptop is three years old which means of course, that it’s antiquated. With all the problems with emailing the ‘Power UP!” I decided I needed to move up the ladder in that department. I finally bought the Lion software and got it installed. I delayed because I kept thinking I would never figure it all out.  It is different but it is also much better than my old software. I’ve gone from being a “leopard” to a LION!  I like it! It does so many wonderful things.  In the last three years they’ve developed so many applications that make it much easier to do things. I was a little afraid, well, okay a lot afraid of it, but I did it anyway and I am so glad I did.
Most of my friends have computers.  Most of my friends have pursued little more than finding the on/off button. There’s a whole new world underneath those keys but they don’t want to experience it.  My friend, Donna has just invested in her first IPhone. She’s learning how to do all the “apps” and is really having fun with it.   It’s sort of fun when we all get together and we are trying to make plans for something and everyone whips out their IPhone or Blackberry to check their calendars.  (You really can teach an “old dog” new tricks.)
The whole foundational principle of the Kingdom of God is growth.  Jesus compares it to seed being planted, and to a farmer plowing his field. Paul tells us to keep growing in grace and knowledge. God expects us to grow UP!  If you allow yourself to stay at the same level of knowledge that you had when you entered the kingdom, you’re going to be really disappointed when you get to heaven and see all the fun that you missed along the way. It’s sort of like going to kindergarten and staying there for your whole life. We’d look a little silly in those little chairs at the ripe old age of 50 or 60 or 70 wouldn’t we?
One of the most awesome things about Holy Spirit is that he loves to help us grow. He challenges us to grow.  He teaches us to grow. When we don’t hold back it can be the most exciting time of our lives. Just hang on to His coattails and run with Him.
How about it? Are you ready for a “growth spurt”?  Are you ready to open yourself up to a little change, a little challenge and a lot of excitement?  Of course you are.  Come ON!  Power UP!
Power Thought:
There’s a whole new world at your fingertips.  Are you ready to explore it?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Power of Generosity

Key Scripture:  Remember a stingy planter gets a stingy crop.  A lavish planter gets a lavish crop.  I want each of you to think it over and make up your own mind what you will give…God loves it when the giver delights in the giving.” II Corinthians 9:8, The Message
Power Point:
As we near the beginning of the Christmas Holidays, the Lord is stirring something new and fresh in my heart.  I want to stir it up in you too, because it’s so good. Have you ever heard of a “poverty mentality”? It is when you have a habit of thinking from a place of lack. You are always worried that there won’t be “enough” (whatever “enough” is) and you make your decisions based on the “small that you see” instead of the “large” that is available to you as God’s child. In other words, you become a “stingy planter”.  When you do that, you get a “stingy crop”. Stingy means you are not generous in using, giving, or spending. I know there have been many times when the Lord has whispered in my ear that I should give some money to someone, or perhaps even some time, or something that I have that they need and I stop for a moment and think about how that affects little old me.  Will I have enough left if I do that? Will it lead to me offering too much of myself? Ah, yes, the old, ‘it’s all about me” thing. Ugly isn’t it?
The root of that is that we really believe deep inside that God won’t provide us with what we need. We may come up short and then where will we be? What a horrible way to live. Stinginess makes for a stingy life. According to this verse, we do reap what we sow, in the manner in which we sow it.
What if you kicked that poverty mentality right out the door? What if you asked God to show you some “hidden riches” that you could begin to sow in other people’s lives? What if you broke down the walls of “thinking small” and begin to explore the land of “thinking larger”-you know, the Land of Promises. 
The very next verse says:
God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you’re ready for anything and everything, more than just ready to do what needs to be done.
He throws caution to the winds,
Giving to the needy, in reckless abandon
His right-living, right-giving ways
Never run out, never wear out.
That’s His goal for us too Beloved. Begin to pour out His blessings in astonishing ways so that someone else sees Jesus in you.
Power Thought:
Thinking “small” leads to a “small” life. It just does. God thinks “BIG”! So should we, don’t you think?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Power of Liking

Key Scripture:  “Like the Lord your God with all your heart, your mind, and your soul.” Mark 12:30, Suzanne version.
Power Point:
Okay, I know that you know that you are supposed to love God. It’s really clear in scripture isn’t it? But I have a question for you today.  Do you like Him? Is He the one you choose to be with or enjoy being with more than anyone else you know? The word that Jesus uses for “love” here is “agapao”. It means to welcome someone, to be fond of them, and then to love them dearly. Jesus is saying that we need to love God but He’s also saying we should “like” Him as well.
“Agapao” certainly means love but I’d like to expand the envelope here a bit. Welcoming someone into your life because you are fond of them is really “liking” them isn’t it?  I have people in my life that I love because God in me loves them. BUT, I have people that I LOVE that I like as well. Does that make sense?  You “like” your friends.  They are the ones you choose to be with or call on the phone because they have things in their character and personalities and hearts that really make you happy. And usually they like you too! you can be yourself with them.
In the last few years I’ve discovered that God is really “likeable”.  I am becoming especially fond of Him. How could I not be? He’s always there for me with an encouraging word, a comforting hug, a joy and delight in everything I say and do.  What’s not to like?
I’ve heard people say they love God but they say it in somber tones, with a solemn face. They love Him because they know they are supposed to but they really don’t like Him. They’ve never allowed Him to be Himself in their lives. If they did, they’d like Him-they’d really like Him.
God is my “go to” Guy.  I go to Him first because if I have a problem, I know He will fix it. I go to Him first because I know He will always be there for me. (I like that!)  I go to Him first because He always lifts my spirits.  I go to Him first because I know He will give me a fresh perspective on things from His point of view and that makes everything “all better”. I go to Him first because He’s fun and mischievous at times and I like that too.
I guess I just like Him.
How about you?
Power Thought:
Is God your “go to” guy? Do you really, really, like Him?

Friday, November 18, 2011

Power of What You Say

Key Scripture:  Let the weak say, “I am strong”.   Joel 3:10
Whoever says to this mountain, “Be lifted up and thrown into the sea” and does not doubt at all in his heart, but believes that what he says will take place, it will be done for him. Mark 11:23, Amplified Bible
Power Point:
We’ve all heard the phrase, “you are what you eat”.  (I could be in trouble!)  That’s very true, but an even larger truth is, “You are what you say.”  I don’t care where you go in scripture, you will find a Kingdom of God principle that says you will reap what you say with your words.  Remember poor Job?  He was fearful and he voiced it and what he feared came upon him. Big Time!
I have seen people receive healing and then begin to voice doubt and fearful expectations that it won’t last.  Usually it doesn’t. I remember the story of Dodie Osteen, pastor Joel Osteen’s mother. She had been diagnosed with a severe liver cancer and given only a few weeks to live. She decided to speak what God said about her situation and not what the doctors said. For months she posted God’s promises for her healing in every room of her house. She made a list of God’s declarations to her and began to speak them out every day. She still does that.
At one point, she took her Bible and stood on it, literally-a prophetic act of agreeing with what God had said to her.  Today, over thirty years later, she is still here, still in perfect health, and still reaching out to those who need her encouragement.
God has told us, “You will have what say.” Then He gives us some suggestions:
Let the weak say I am strong.
He gives power to me when I am faint and weary, and when I have no might, He increases strength-causing it to multiply and making it abound. Isaiah 40:29
My God will supply all my needs, according to His riches in Jesus. Ephesians 4:19
The peace of God, which passes all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7
I abide in Him, and He abides in me.  I ask what I will and it is done for me. John 15:7
That’s what He says.  What do you say?
Power Thought:
I have told my people they can have what they say, but they are saying what they have.” Charles Capps, “God’s Creative Power”.

Power of Heavy Lifting

Key Scripture:  “When you’re in over your head, I’ll be there with you.  When you’re in rough waters, you will not go down.  When you’re between a rock and a hard place, it won’t be a dead end-because I am God, your personal God, The Holy One of Israel, your Savior.”  Isaiah 43:2,3 The Message.
Power Point:
I was so sore last night I could hardly stand it. As I tried to understand why my shoulders and neck hurt so badly, I remembered exactly why. As I mentioned before I began an exercise program this summer. Yesterday morning part of that program was raising weights above my head. Last night my body reminded me. I had tried to lift something too heavy and I paid for it.
 I realized that I can be just as guilty of doing that spiritually too.  Sometimes I forget that I have a really strong God who is ready to do the heavy lifting  in my life. You remember Him, don't you?  The One who calls Himself “The Helper”; the One who says He’ll deliver us from every enemy; the One who says He will heal, save, rescue and deliver us while all the while bringing peace and victory to our lives? Yep. That would be your personal  El Shaddai,  the God who is all mighty which means there is no one more powerful than your God. That would be your personal Jehovah Raah, the Shepherd who tends to your needs, provides green pastures for you to rest in, and cares for you perfectly.  Then there is Jehovah Rapha, your own personal healer.
And that’s just to name a few! He is a great “package deal”!
If you’ve been doing a lot of heavy lifting is it time to reconnect with the One who wants to be up close and personal in every area of your life? The answer is “yes”. Have you been lifting and carrying things without the strength of heaven to help? Well, stop it! Sit down and ask for His help and begin to believe that He will do what He says He will do and then wait and see what God will do for you because He is who He says that He is and He loves you so much!
Power Thought:
When you’re between a rock and a hard place, it won’t be a dead end because He is your personal God. Let the weak say, "I am STRONG!"

Power of Wholeness

Key Scripture: “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."  Ephesians 2:10, NLT

Power Point:

Do you remember when you first became a Christian?  Do you remember how differently you viewed things?  Do you remember how happy you were and how your own personality began to change for the better? Do you know why? It was your first encounter with the amazing, overwhelming grace of God. Now it was not just around you, it came to reside permanently in you. You became a temple of grace. And it was awesome.

When Jesus’ Spirit came in, all His goodness and patience and peace came with Him. You were whole for the first time in your life. Your spirit came alive.

Has that become a fond memory?  Has your wholeness fallen to pieces in places? In the Sozo ministry one of our main objectives is to help people whose lives have become “fragmented" to become connected again.  A fragment is something that has been broken off, or become detached or incomplete. Lives happen. Hurts happen. Bad things happen. Sometimes they overwhelm us to the point that we become “detached” from the very thing that can keep us whole, the Spirit of God.

The other day I was having a “detached” moment. I was tired and irritable (which almost never happens, of course!) and someone cut me off in traffic. As I said, I was detached. I did NOT bless them. That night I was waiting on another person to give me details I badly needed for a meeting I needed to attend. That did not happen. I was detached from the Spirit of Grace and I did NOT bless them either.

You will be glad to know that I got re-attached. The good thing about being good friends with God is that when He gets quiet, you miss Him! That little stirring inside me said, “Okay Suzanne, enough is enough!”

When I was growing up, in the front of the church I attended was the most amazing stained glass window, showing Jesus praying in Gethsemane. It always captivated me. As I was thinking about all this the Lord reminded me of that picture. He said that we are like stained glass. We are broken pieces, fragments which the Holy Spirit cements together to make a beautiful piece of art, when we give Him the opportunity.

Your encounter with God’s Spirit will always bring you healing and wholeness. As we look ahead to the holidays we will be with people who may be partially responsible for our own fragmentation. Maybe today would be a good day to re-attach yourself to the One who always binds the fragments together into a beautiful “wholeness.” If your grace is in fragments, reconnect it.  If your love is untied from its moorings, tie a few knots in it. If your peace is passing, connect with the peace that passes all understanding. And if you are short on patience, get out the super-glue.
You will be so glad you did. And so will everyone else! 
Power Thought:
Being totally connected to God is what abundant life is all about.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Power of Oil Lamps

Key Scripture:  God’s kingdom is like ten young virgins who took oil lamps and went out to greet the Bridegroom.  Five were silly and five were smart.  The silly virgins took lamps, but no extra oil.  The smart virgins took jars of oil to feed their lamps.”  Matthew 25:1, The Message
Power Point:
I've often heard that this parable is illustrating the time when Jesus returns for His church. But what if, it also means a daily readiness to answer when He knocks at the door, for whatever reason?  After all, God’s kingdom is in us. What if, every day the 5 smart virgins prepared their lamps, (literally this means flames fueled by oil) so that at any moment they were uniquely prepared to answer the door and go with Jesus wherever He wanted to take them to bring heaven to earth.
There were ten virgins-ten virgins but only 5 were ready to go with Jesus whenever he knocked. Ten virgins but only 5 had the fire in their lamps burning brightly.  Ten virgins but only 5 who had put “fresh oil” in their lamps. And only five virgins who had an extra supply of fuel. Isn’t that sad?
How about you?  What if Jesus comes knocking today? Are you taking time every morning to “fuel” your own inner flame with the oil of Holy Spirit? Beloved, we MUST realize that the Holy Spirit is the fuel for our lives. The “Light” of Christ burns in us but it is made brighter when we get to know and love and receive Holy Spirit. He is the One who teaches us and guides us and equips for whatever circumstance that lie ahead. He is the One who fuels the flame so that we run, not walk, toward  God’ goal for that day.
People might look at the odds and say, “Well five out of ten isn’t bad is it?”
Yes. It is. Every single one of us has to be ready to answer the door.  And GO!
Power Thought:
Is there oil in your lamp?  Keep it burning!

Power of Being "CENTER"

Key Scripture:  "There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears."  Philippians 1:6, The Message
Power Point:
Sometimes things just need to be shared. This is a conversation between my daughter-in-law, Kim and my two grandsons:
Kim and the two boys, JD who is nine and Ben, who is 7 were talking about how everyone is a sinner and they should give grace to everyone. 
Ben:  "Everyone is a sinner?
Kim: "Yes, everyone is a sinner."
Ben:  "Seriously?  Everyone is a sinner?"
Kim:  Yes we are all sinners."
JD:  Except Jesus.  He was the only one who was not a sinner."
Ben:  So everyone snaps the ball but Him?"

You have to understand that Ben and JD are very active on their football teams.  Ben thought they were saying the word "CENTER". Pretty funny right?
But as always there is a truth hidden here somewhere.
As I understand it (in my VERY limited knowledge of football) the Quarterback calls the plays and the Center then "snaps" the ball to him so that He can run for the goal. Once he "snaps" the ball, the center then begins blocking the opposing team so that the Quarterback can make it across the goal line. That's when everyone gets excited and starts jumping up and down and pumping their fists.
Whether you are a "sinner" or a "center", it's your job to follow the play called by the One who knows how to make the goal. You hand Him whatever He needs to make that goal happen and then you are on offense to be sure that what He wants in your life happens.
You take His plays and work them out in your life. That's when everyone will be excited and start jumping up and down and pumping their fists.
Power Point:
You are on your way to a flourishing finish. Snap it UP!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Power of Deep-Seated Kindness

Key Scripture:  “Above all things have intense and unfailing love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins-forgives and disregards the offenses of others. “ I Peter 4:8, The Amplified Bible.
Most of all, love each other as if your life depended on it. Love makes up for practically anything.”  The Message
Power Point:
This morning I awoke with the term, “deep-seated” on my mind.  It means something that goes far below the surface, something that is firmly established.  When I asked the Lord what He meant, He reminded me of yesterday’s "Power UP!" on kindness. During the day yesterday I had an opportunity to think UN-Kind thoughts about someone. Unfortunately, I took advantage of the opportunity to speak what I was thinking. Afterward, I felt “icky”.  I knew better but my frustration got the better of what I knew. This morning I agreed with God that I had been unkind and He began to show me that when we learn a truth we have to prepare our hearts for it to be firmly planted.  We must work on “guarding” and “tending to” the seed that He wants to plant in us so that it takes deep root and becomes firmly established. Yesterday was a test for me and even though I tripped over that truth and stumbled a bit, I learned something very valuable. Kindness is not an option with God.  He is never UNKIND. This is what He said to me:
“If kindness is deep-seated in you, it’s not just an action or a word when you are with that person.  It is also the thoughts and words you think or speak about them when you are NOT with them.”  It means I never have an option to be unkind, whether it is in public or in private.
Whew!  I guess that means if “love is the root command” in my life, I am to treat people with the same intense and unfailing love that God does. That love is manifest in kindness.
Kindness is manifested in covering the sins of those around us. The word “cover” literally means, "hinder the knowledge of something". In other words, when someone sins we are to hinder the knowledge of that sin. We don’t tell everyone we know where they fell short. We show them kindness when we are with them and when we are not.  We pray FOR them, and intercede FOR them with God.
Today I am tying my thoughts to His thoughts-you know, the higher ones. I’m bent on kindness when I am with someone and when I am not.  I do NOT like feeling “icky”!
Power Thought:
God’s kindness is contagious.  I definitely want to be “infected” with His deep-seated kindness that covers up the mistakes that other people are making.
Don't miss this video. It will bless you!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Power of Chain Reaction

Key Scripture: “Love is kind.”  I Corinthians 13:4 

"God's kindness changes things."  Romans 2:5

Power Point:
I was watching our local TV station this morning. It caught my eye because the screen was full of paper chains in beautiful colors hanging everywhere. The display originated from a poem by a young girl named Rachael Scott who was the first person killed in the Columbine massacre.  In it she said, "We need to start a chain reaction of kindness and compassion. If one person will go out of their way to show compassion, then it will start a reaction of the same.”. Her words reminds me of Romans 2:5 when it says that the kindness of God leads us to think differently. One day, I realized that if it worked for Him, it would probably work for me! It was a stretch.  I always thought you were to convince people to do the right thing-you know, point out the error of their ways and then tell them how things should be done. But let’s look at this a little more closely. We are created in God’s image. Our destiny is to look like and act just like Jesus. Hmmm. How could I have missed the point all those years.  My sincere apologies to all the people who knew me before this Truth set me free.

God is always kind.  How do I know that? Because God is love and love is kind. I know some of you have heard rumors to the opposite but He really and truly is kind. When I opened my life to Him, Romans 2:5 was the exact scripture that He gave to me. It was His kindness that drew me to Him. And it’s taken many years but it is a deep appreciation for that quality of His in my own life that makes me want to be a link to others in kindness.

How about you? If we are to be like Jesus and only do what we see and hear from heaven, then
wouldn’t that mean that our most accurate representation of Him is kindness?  If we truly are led by His Spirit, we will be united, linked, if you will, to those around us just like that paper chain of kindness. As a teacher, I remember the smell of paste and the fun the children had putting paper chains together. We should have just as much fun linking ourselves to each other and to Him with kindness.  Don’t you think? You never know how far just a little kindness will go.
Kindness is contagious.  Who will you “infect” today?

Power Thought:I
This is a picture that Rachael drew in her journal. It says, "These hands belong to Rachael Joy Scott and will someday touch millions of people's hearts. What do you think? Can we start a chain reaction of kindness today?