Friday, November 25, 2011

Power of Being "All IN"

Key Scripture:  Assuredly I say to you, “Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 18:18
Power Point:
A few weeks ago, my inimitable pastor, Tom T, gave a sermon on being “all in”.  I’m reminded of that phrase this morning as I think about our Christian walk.  Are we really “all in”? If you have accepted Jesus, you accepted a way of life, an incredible opportunity to experience glorious things in your life, and a rich Presence of Almighty God that is always “all in” for you. There’s no doubt about His intentions for us. He is definitely “in” in the moment, “in” for your future, and “in” for blessing you.  All in.
So how about you?  Are you “all in” for Him? Are you “all in” for His plans for your life?  Are you “In” Him every day, discovering those plans and committing to them?  Are you really “into Him”? Do you plan your life around His suggestions and sometimes put aside your own plans for His?  Are your thoughts “in Him”?  Are your emotions “in Him”?
A few weeks ago I began following the suggestion of Liberty Savard in her book, “Binding and Loosing For Beginners”. The word “bind” means to “tie together, to heal, to knit together, to cause fragmented pieces to come back together as a whole”. It’s a good thing, when you are binding yourself to God’s plans for your life, don’t you think? Every day I began to “bind” (tie, connect) my plans to God’s plans, my thoughts to Jesus’ thoughts, and my emotions to the calm and balance of Holy Spirit.  It has been amazing. I find “life” happening all around me and “in” me at a higher level than ever before.  I find my own plans changing midstream and my thoughts bringing more heaven to my earth. And emotions? Well, for goodness sake, Holy Spirit is a Master at love, joy, peace, patience, etc., whenever you need it.
That process has definitely helped me to be more “all in” with God. Instead of walking near Him and doing things my way and asking Him to bless them, I’ve found that starting out “in sync” with Him makes all the difference.
I have everything Mac. I have an IPhone, an Ipad, and a Mac computer. To be sure they are all on the same page, I frequently have to “sync” them which means I have to connect them and let the information I have stored there go from one to the other, then all of my devices are “in” the know.
When was the last time you “synced” with God?  When was the last time you decided to be “all in” and “in the know” with what His plans are for you? To be “all in” with Him you have to make sure you have a strong connection. Can you do that?  Of course you can!
You’re “in” this for the long haul aren’t you?
Power Thought:
When my mom would get really tired she would say, "I'm all in!" Are you "all in" or just "all in"?
God is definitely "all in" for you! And don't you forget it!

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