Friday, November 18, 2011

Power of Wholeness

Key Scripture: “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."  Ephesians 2:10, NLT

Power Point:

Do you remember when you first became a Christian?  Do you remember how differently you viewed things?  Do you remember how happy you were and how your own personality began to change for the better? Do you know why? It was your first encounter with the amazing, overwhelming grace of God. Now it was not just around you, it came to reside permanently in you. You became a temple of grace. And it was awesome.

When Jesus’ Spirit came in, all His goodness and patience and peace came with Him. You were whole for the first time in your life. Your spirit came alive.

Has that become a fond memory?  Has your wholeness fallen to pieces in places? In the Sozo ministry one of our main objectives is to help people whose lives have become “fragmented" to become connected again.  A fragment is something that has been broken off, or become detached or incomplete. Lives happen. Hurts happen. Bad things happen. Sometimes they overwhelm us to the point that we become “detached” from the very thing that can keep us whole, the Spirit of God.

The other day I was having a “detached” moment. I was tired and irritable (which almost never happens, of course!) and someone cut me off in traffic. As I said, I was detached. I did NOT bless them. That night I was waiting on another person to give me details I badly needed for a meeting I needed to attend. That did not happen. I was detached from the Spirit of Grace and I did NOT bless them either.

You will be glad to know that I got re-attached. The good thing about being good friends with God is that when He gets quiet, you miss Him! That little stirring inside me said, “Okay Suzanne, enough is enough!”

When I was growing up, in the front of the church I attended was the most amazing stained glass window, showing Jesus praying in Gethsemane. It always captivated me. As I was thinking about all this the Lord reminded me of that picture. He said that we are like stained glass. We are broken pieces, fragments which the Holy Spirit cements together to make a beautiful piece of art, when we give Him the opportunity.

Your encounter with God’s Spirit will always bring you healing and wholeness. As we look ahead to the holidays we will be with people who may be partially responsible for our own fragmentation. Maybe today would be a good day to re-attach yourself to the One who always binds the fragments together into a beautiful “wholeness.” If your grace is in fragments, reconnect it.  If your love is untied from its moorings, tie a few knots in it. If your peace is passing, connect with the peace that passes all understanding. And if you are short on patience, get out the super-glue.
You will be so glad you did. And so will everyone else! 
Power Thought:
Being totally connected to God is what abundant life is all about.

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