Monday, June 22, 2015

Power Of Harsh Words

Key Scripture:  "Your words have been harsh against Me!"   Malachi
Power Point;
     Yesterday I was studying Malachi 3.  I always remember this passage because God accused the children of Israel of saying "harsh" things about Him. It's interesting that they were clueless.  They tried to figure it out and couldn't imagine what God was talking about. 

"What do You mean Lord?  How are we harsh?"
"Because you continually talk about how hard things are for you, how it really isn't profitable for you to serve Me.  In other words, you're talking about your situation, looking at it and talking about it some more, and never saying what I have said about it! You're saying that My Words, My character, My power are ineffective for you."  (Suzanne Translation).
     I love the next verses. The people who trusted God, and believed in Him, began speaking to each other, and it blessed God so much that He had His heavenly scribes write a book of Remembrance so that their words, and their names would never be forgotten. Their words brought Him so much pleasure that He wanted always to remember them.
I think the most important thing that we need to remember is the phrase in verse sixteen:
     "And God heard".  He not only heard the harsh things, He heard the good things. 
In Hebrews 3:1,it says that Jesus is Lord over our confessions.  That means that Jesus is listening to what we say, as well.  When we say what HE says, He slaps His knee, jumps up and shouts 'Hallelujah!" Then He sets heaven in motion to support what we have said.
     What do your words say about God?  Do they imply that His ways are so mysterious that there's no way for them to work for you?  Do they describe His powerlessness to help? Do they deny His goodness and mercy?
     We've all had harsh words spoken to us or about us at one time or another haven't we?  They're uncomfortable to listen to-offensive, and unpleasant.  Webster says that the opposite of harsh words are those that are courteous, kind, nice, and polite. Those are the words we want to hear and those are the words that God wants to hear.  Words that express our thanks for what He doing on our behalf even though we can't see it at the moment. Words that focus on Who He is and Who He has promised to be for us every day of our lives. Words that honor Him and faithfully discuss His faithfulness.
     What are your words saying about God, to God?  Remember-He's listening. Are they words that He will want to remember forever? What are you saying to your friends about Him?  Do your words encourage them in their faith?  Do they cause them to dream about all the possibilities that God has promised? 
      Our words bless Him. Let's give Him something good to remember today.
Power Thought:
His praises are continually in my mouth. 

Copyright © 2015, Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work

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