Saturday, December 10, 2011

Power of the Dance

Key Scripture: “Let them praise Him in the dance!”
Power Point:
Several years ago, my good friend Janet, and I were praying.  We heard very clearly from the Lord this word:  “Don’t let the devil dance in My space.”  It really broke my heart to think that I would even do that. And then, of course, I began to wonder, “How do I do that?” What do I do that gives the devil an entry point in my life? What do you do?
Beloved, we are inviting the devil to dance in God’s space when we allow the chaos of bitterness, resentment, and anger instead of peace, irritability instead of patience, hatred instead of love, weakness instead of strength, discouragement instead of courage, doubt and unbelief instead of faith.
When we allow these things to remain in our lives, we are really making a really dreadful choice to dance with the wrong partner.
You have probably heard a million sermons preached about the fruit of the Spirit, and being “led” by Him. But sometimes it just “feels” better to “go with your gut”. You have a “right” to be angry, right?  A few weeks ago I heard an actress who had dissolved her “marriage’ after an incredibly brief period of time say, “My daddy always told me to follow my heart”. Seventy-two days earlier her “heart” had told her she was in love with someone.  Seventy-two days later, her heart told her she wasn’t.  I don’t intend to pick on her but it just seems like a great illustration of the danger of following your emotions. They change don’t they?
It takes courage to “stand” in love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control doesn’t it?  It takes a heart that wants God’s absolute best for itself and for everyone else, a heart like Jesus. He is our best example of never letting the enemy dance in God’s space. He never carried a grudge, or took up an offense.  He never allowed His emotions to rule His heart.  He listened to what His Father told Him and He received the power of the Spirit, the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit to triumph over the “issues of life” and it appears that there were many of those. Because of that, the door was shut, locked and barred to Satan EVER dancing in God’s space in Jesus.
We have the same Spirit that locked that door living in us. Sometimes we ask Him to lock the door on those things and sometime we lock the door so He can’t get in to His own space in us.
Someone once said that we each have a “God-shaped vacuum” in us. That simply means that there is a “space” that is only to be filled with Him. The more space we give the devil, the less space God has to pour out His blessings, His guidance, His love and all that He has planned for us.
Is it time to do a little internal “house cleaning”? Should we do our “spring cleaning’ a little early this year?  I think so.
Power Thought:
Tell Satan your “dance card” is full!

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