Monday, December 26, 2011

Power of Extraordinary Measures

Key Scripture:  “Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.”  Exodus 14:13
Power Point:
I guess I am in “miracle” mode today. As I began to journal this morning, I began to reflect on all the truly great miracles God has done in my life. I began to think about how our lives began to change for the better nearly 38 years ago. I have realized that the most miraculous thing is the difference He has made in me. He has changed my outlook on life; He has changed the way I live my life; and He has changed the direction in which I am headed. He has taught me the definition of “Grace” and He’s taught me to receive it and offer it.
As I was watching the video of the Ten Commandments from You Tube I was struck by the “nay Sayers” that said God would not do what He had promised to do. They are only seeing the obstacles in front of them and totally ignoring that God has a penchant to be God and not man. About that time, the fire of God descended to protect His people from the enemy and the breath of God parted the Sea in front of them so that they could cross over on dry land. Not too shabby! Pharaoh still thinks he’s bigger than God and can destroy a whole nation. Everyone in the film looks a bit nervous because they see the enemy chariots and soldiers coming after them and there’s definitely to place to go but through that huge Sea. Hmm.
Ever been there? You think that you will never get out of your “mess”, whatever it is. You’re pretty sure that even God can’t change this one for the better. You’re hemmed in by the enemy in your head and by the enemy surrounding you. But guess what? God is not dead. He’s very much alive and He is powerful and active just like His Word.  He’s a strong defense and a strong hiding place. His salvation is totally over the top every time. Don’t limit yourself to the “natural”.  Ask Him to help you visualize His “supernatural” responses to your faith. Come on! You can do it. Remember you are not in this alone.
The word He keeps tossing around in my head today is “extraordinary. It means “over the top, unusual, astonishing, uncommon and definitely not run of the mill. When we visualize God’s answers to our problems we sort of forget that He is extraordinary don’t we? Nothing He ever does is confined to the normal, common, or usual. He is extraordinary and He will take extraordinary measures to answer your prayers. When you are tempted to doubt, remember the Red Sea.  I’m not sure it looked quite the way Cecil B. DeMille portrayed it, but then why not?  When you are tempted to think that the hot flames breathing down your neck are the enemy closing in, remember the pillar of fire that God sent to protect His children. When you can’t see a way to move forward, remember the breath of God parting the way for His kids. Extraordinary. You have an extraordinary, over the top God who loves you like crazy and is well able to change every detail in your life for the better. He said so, and He’ll do so if you will offer Him the gift of your faith, the understanding that no matter what it looks like right now, the answer is surrounding you, ready to be released. The measures He will take will always surprise you, because they are always extraordinary. He is above and beyond anything you could ask or think. And so are His answers to your prayers.
Power Thought:
An Extraordinary God will always take Extraordinary measures for you.

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