Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Power of Feet

Key Scripture: “For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared.” Ephesians 6:15 The Message
Power Point:
When I was a little girl, my favorite thing at Easter time was getting bright new patent shoes.  I’ve always loved the way they stay shiny. I don’t know why but lately I’ve been noticing shoes. Some people are very particular about their shoes and theirs are very stylish. Some people have had the same ones for years and have never shined them up and honestly, it doesn’t matter what you wear it won’t look as good unless you have shiny shoes.
I was thinking this morning about how interested God is in the way our feet look. He thinks they’re beautiful.  He’s not particularly interested in what kind of shoes they have on but He is interested in where they go and how well they walk. He thinks they’re especially beautiful when they are prepared to face the enemy with “firm-footed stability, ready and able to trample any situation with the Truth of the Good News
In Romans 16:20 Paul lets us know that if we are wise in what is good and innocent concerning evil, then the God of peace will crush Satan under our feet. I like that picture don’t you? I can just see God putting his hand on our foot and crushing the life out of Satan. In Old Testament times, the way they declared victory was to put their feet on the neck of the defeated king. Because Jesus has won the total victory over Satan for all time, God has put all things under HIS feet. And Beloved, if they’re under His, they’re also under yours. His feet were nailed to the cross so yours wouldn’t have to be. His feet were laid in a tomb so that He could bring you new life when He walked out again. His feet walked everywhere bringing the Peace that was His to give, so that we could walk in peace in the midst of chaos just like Jesus did.
You might have old dusty shoes, or bright shiny new ones but God is especially interested in where you walk in them. Are you walking in the good works that He’s prepared for you to walk in today? Are you firm footed and stable against the enemy’s plans against you? Are you spreading the glorious truth of the good news to everyone you meet? Are your feet planted firmly in Truth that sets you free? Are you walking in love?
Are you walking in the Spirit?
In Revelation, when John saw Jesus he says that he fell at his feet. Why? I don’t think it was from fear, I think he was realizing for the first time that everything Jesus had said about Himself was totally and absolutely true.  I think that someone John had loved from the moment he met Him was standing in front of him with His feet firmly planted in heaven, in victory, and in fulfillment of all the promises He had made on earth.  
Power Thought:
All things are under His feet. Are they under yours? They can be.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Power of An Overcomer

Key Scripture: "To him who overcomes I will...confess his name before My Father and before His angels."  Revelation 3:5
Power Point;
I would never have considered myself an overcomer growing up. I was much too shy. I pretty much stayed on the sidelines and let others do their thing. In fact, it was not until after Holy Spirit got a firm grasp on my backbone that I began to think there was a chance for me to live on top of my circumstances, not underneath them. I can’t remember exactly when I first realized that He had made a difference in my courage. I do remember how it felt to be faced with an insurmountable obstacle and find myself, well, “surmounting” it. I remember the thrill of finding myself on the other side of the pain or the difficulty and realizing that indeed I had begun to become an overcomer.
God knew we’d be thrilled. That’s why Jesus spent so much time encouraging us to believe God, to grow in faith, and to become more than a conqueror.  I’d have to say that it has been a joy to watch my kids, my daughter in law and my grandchildren and some of the special people in my life become overcomers too. I love watching them “get it” and then “declare it”, and see the rewards of their faith bless them.  Most of them had had serious obstacles to overcome and it has been a privilege to watch them grow in strength and power, and wisdom.
Caleb was an overcomer. When the Israelites were running backwards from the Promised Land instead of toward it, scripture says that Caleb “stilled” the people and said, “Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it. And did he? Well a few verses later He gets a pretty good recommendation from the Lord who says, “but My servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit in him and has followed Me fully, I will bring him into the land.” And He did. An overcoming spirit is one who looks at the giants in the land and says, “Okay, let’s go. With God all things are possible.  We can do this!” And they do.
An overcomer prevails against someone or something that seems stronger than they are.
Overcomers are always moving forward not backward. They take the land even if it is an inch at a time.
Overcomers are the ones who trust that God has equipped them with promises that will give them the victory.
Overcomers are the ones who are strong and very courageous because they know that the Lord is with them wherever they go.
An overcomer is one who knows God intimately as his Father and “openly wears the dignity of the sons of God.”
God says, “He who overcomes shall inherit all things and I will be his God and he shall be My Son.” That’s a pretty good reason for hanging in there don’t you think?
Power Thought:
And this is the victory that has overcome the world-even our faith.”  I John 5:4

Monday, February 27, 2012

Power of Getting Direction

Power Of Taking Direction
Key Scripture: “Let me give you some good advice; I’m looking you in the eye and giving it to you straight.” Psalms 32:8 The Message
The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.”   NLT
Power Point:
I heard a prophetic word today from Bob Jones.  It included this children’s poem from long ago:

“Stop, look and listen

Before you cross the street
First use your eyes,
Then use your ears
Before you use your feet.”

This is a caution that the Lord has given me many times-“Suzanne, don’t take another step, look straight in My eyes and listen to every word I say!” I’m getting better at it. Sometimes we get so caught up in our lives that we just keep going don’t we? It seems as though we don’t have the time or the inclination to stop and use our eyes and our ears before we use our feet. We would be much wiser to halt all forward motion until we’ve gotten good directions. Don’t you agree?
That reminds me of trips my husband and I would take when we were first married. After we had gone the wrong way three times I would finally convince him to stop and ask directions. I was grateful for the service stations back then that actually had people in them who could help you.
It actually was a little funny when it happened. I would just sit back, open my book and tell him to let me know when we were going the right way again. Sometimes you just need a little extra help getting where you need to go. Are you a little confused? Usually the right person to ask is Holy Spirit. After all, He’s got the map right in front of Him, and He has a great sense of direction.
Often (always) when my prayer group buddies and I go off on a trip together we get lost. Yes. Lost. Even with the wonders of a GPS we manage to lose our way. It takes HOURS for us to find our way home. One day, we were in two separate cars and still managed to get lost separately. Brother!
At any rate, I think it is very good counsel to use our eyes and ears before we use our feet. If my friends and I had mapped out our course before we started out, we probably would have gotten there sooner. If my husband had gotten directions before we started it would have saved us a lot of time. His comment was, “But I have a great sense of direction.” Evidently it didn’t work well where we were going.
So, what’s on your life map for today?  Do you need to sit down with Holy Spirit and get directions? Do you need to stop look and listen before you cross the street or head across that train track? Yes, Beloved, you do. He always knows the road you need to take and the fastest, safest route to get there. (Although sometimes He does take you around the mountain.) The best thing is that He’ll ride right along with you to be sure you don’t get lost again. I love that about Him.
Power Thought:
Use your eyes, then use your ears before you use your feet!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Power of Being Freshly Grateful

Key Scripture: “And let the peace of God rule in your heart…and never forget to be thankful for what God has done for you.” Colossians 3:15, NLV
 Power Point:
I recently spent some time with family. We don’t get to see each other very often. Our lives are as different as they could possibly be; our political views are as different as they could possibly be and our goals in life are as different as they could possibly be. I come from a family who is not reluctant to express their views. It was an interesting week.
When I first became a Christian nearly 35 years ago, I was very excited. (You know how you are!) I sent them all letters telling them how they were sinners and needed to get right with God so that they too could experience a new life  (and be more like me). I can’t understand why but those letters really turned them off! The next few years were pretty “hairy” as I tried to change my approach. They gradually realized I didn’t have two heads and I gradually realized that God loved them as much as He loved me and only wanted His very best for them. Who knew?! I certainly didn't but then thirty five years ago I didn't know Him very well either.
This last week was difficult. My ears were filled with things I normally protect them from. Generational thinking was very apparent. It was then I began to realize that there had been a huge change-but the change was not in them, it was in little old me. I found my heart breaking because they didn’t know Him and how desperately He wanted to know them and cover their lives with His love. At night, when the tears would flow, I began to remind Him of all those years ago when I had claimed the same verse for them that Rahab had claimed from Joshua-that her whole household would be saved if she hung the scarlet cord out her window. He’s already answered that for my mom and dad. They are with Him at this moment. There’s still more to be done.
The difference in me could only be attributed to the work of Holy Spirit. My reactions and responses had been totally transformed. I was thinking more about them than about me. I was so filled with His love and patience that it astounded me. Frankly I had to fight to get into my place of Peace in the beginning. All my prayer warriors were on high alert! But as I began to realize the difference He has made in my life I was truly freshly grateful. As I look at all the changes and challenges over these years that have moved me closer and closer to His goodness, I am freshly grateful. I cannot imagine my life without all that He has been to me. I cannot imagine my future without Him in it, helping me to move in step with Him toward all the wonderful things He has planned. Amazing. I don’t want anyone to miss that.
How about you? Have you taken a moment lately to just sit with Him and remember? I’m sure you have as many reasons as I do to be freshly grateful. It is such a blessing to go there. I hope you will. You will be blessed. And so will He.
Power Thought:
Fresh gratitude refreshes your soul. 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Power of Baby Steps

Power of Baby Steps
Key Scripture: So take a fresh grip on life and brace your trembling limbs. Don’t wander away from the path but forge steadily onward. On the right path the limping foot recovers strength and does not collapse.” Hebrews 12:13, Phillips
“So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees. 13 Mark out a straight path for your feet so that those who are weak and lame will not fall but become strong.” The Message
Power Point:
A few months ago our little joy, Hannah, would not walk. She put it off for a long time because it was more fun to be carried wherever she went.  Now there is no place too far for her to go. In fact, Kim (My precious daughter-in-law) found some shoes that had squeakers on them so that everywhere Hannah goes, Kim can hear her and find her. It’s been a good thing because Hannah likes to play in the bathroom or in the kitchen cupboards and it’s often necessary to pinpoint where she is.
I can’t remember what it was like when I was learning to walk as a toddler, but I do remember some of the struggles of “spiritual toddlerhood” when I was first beginning to walk in the Spirit. Like Hannah, I really preferred to be carried. I wanted to go up the steps to kingdom living without having to climb them. And Father God was really good about carrying me until one day He decided it was time for me to learn to crawl up those steps on my own. If I had never learned to crawl and then walk spiritually, those muscles would never have developed and I would have walked with a perpetual limp.
Beloved if we continue to take “baby steps” in exploring the kingdom of God, we’ll never develop our spiritual muscles. We won’t ever be strong enough to advance to the next level of authority, or knowledge about the benefits of our inheritance.  We’re supposed to g-r-o-w in faith. We’re to develop faith muscles and grace muscles and hope muscles and love muscles. If we don’t do that it would be sort of like Hannah before she got the courage to walk on her own-we’d be left behind in nursery school while those around us who have learned to walk are now concentrating on running their race.
How about you? Are you still taking baby steps or are you ready to move past the “squeaker shoes” to track shoes and run your race with faith on your own two feet? Your heavenly Father is still there to hold your hands but He really enjoys listening for the “squeaks” as you go running off toward the goal ahead of you.
When I was little we used to play a game called “Mother May I”.  You had to ask permission to take baby steps or giant steps in order to reach the “mother” or “father”.
Sometimes our heavenly Father will tell us to take “baby steps” in the beginning of a new challenge in the kingdom but Beloved, at some point He will ask you to take giant steps.
You need to be sure your muscles have developed so that you can.
Power Thought:
First we crawl, then we walk, and then we run. That’s progress. You’ve got to walk before you can run.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Power of A Man Of His Word

                                    A Man Of His Word
Key Scripture:  “For God’s word is solid to the core.”  Psalms 33:4, The Message
Power Point:
I’ve been watching the presidential race with great interest this year. The leading candidate is always barraged with negative attacks intended to make him look like a liar. In the debates when these attacks come, that person begins to look like a “deer in the headlights”.  He’s stunned that people are attacking his words and his record and he ends up on in defensive mode trying to clear his name. Whew! I’m so glad I am NOT running for office!
I was thinking about all this today and realized that if you are a man or woman of your word, you don’t have to worry about clearing your name. Your actions will speak for themselves. Your record will support what you say and since its all there in black and white, your word is easily proven. If you think about it, God is always a man of His Word.  It’s all there in black and white and easily proven. He wrote it all down before we needed it and He hasn’t changed a jot or a tittle. That’s because He is the same God He was when He created man to be His partner in running the world and He hasn’t changed His mind. You never have to wonder how we will respond. Here are some of the principles that shape His Word:
I will never, never, never leave you or forsake you. I will NOT, I will not, I will not.
I will provide all your needs.
I will love you with an everlasting love.
I did not come to condemn the world but to save it.
I will help you.
He who believes in me shall ask for what he wishes and I will do it for him.
I delight in blessing you.
And of course:
I will be with you. Do not fear, for I am with you.
Those words have been spoken by a God Who is a Man of His Word. You can believe them. You can trust in them. And you can shape your life around them and expect good results.
Do you really believe that? Do you believe that God’s promises are the Truth?  If you do then in every “iffy” place in your life, your confidence and faith will grow and grow. Did He really say that there’s nothing that He will not work together for good in your life?  He did. Did He really say that you could ask Him anything and He would do it for you? He did. Did He really say that there is nothing you could ever do that would separate you from His love?  Yes, He did.
Did He really say He would provide everything you need? He did Beloved, and He meant every word
Maybe today would be a good day to sit down and have a chat with Him and ask Him what He is wants to be for you in your “iffy” situation. How can this situation work for good? I think you might be surprised at His answers. He's solid to the core.
Power Thought:
His character and His commitment to you is the foundation of your faith. Your faith stands or falls on what you really believe about Him.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Power of A Mentor

Power of A Mentor
Key Scripture: “Do not banish me from your presence, and don’t take your Holy Spirit from me.” Psalms 51:11
Power Point:
The older I get, the more I hear the word “mentor”.  It describes someone who has achieved some sort of proficiency in an area and is willing to help guide, counsel, advise, and teach someone else how to do what they themselves have learned to do.
Did you know that God likes the idea of “mentoring”? In fact, I guess you could say that it was His idea from the beginning.  Did you know that the job description of the Holy Spirit is to guide, counsel, help, advise and teach us how to become proficient in kingdom living? I love that about Him! I love that our heavenly Father knew we would need a friend and a teacher to be with us every step of the way. He never intended for us to work “life” out on our own. He’s always had a plan and that plan is a “heavenly mentor” who lives with us and in us and makes heaven real to us.
In the Old Testament King David worried about losing God’s presence. If you read all of Psalms 51 he is concentrating on his sin. He’s begging God for a cleansed heart and a new start and he’s concerned that if God doesn’t do that he won’t be privileged to be in God’s presence anymore. Wouldn’t that be an awful way to live? Wouldn't it e awful waking up every morning wondering if He would be there? I used to worry about that. What if I did something so bad that God wouldn’t want to be with me anymore?
What if I didn’t get my heart clean enough for Him to stay with me? What if He just gave up and left?
Then I really began to understand the role of Holy Spirit. He’s God with me.  Jesus’ trip to the cross-made me clean enough for God to stay with me. All the sins and the “ick” in my life could never separate me from God’s love ever again. He will never never never remove His Holy Spirit from me-or from you. That’s what Jesus died to give us- God with us, God in us, and God mentoring us.
The next time you need a little advice, how about calling on your very personal mentor?
He knows exactly what you need to do. He knows exactly how to show you how to do it. And He’s right there all the time.
Aren’t you glad that Jesus died so that God could be with you every moment and that you never have to worry about Him giving up on you and leaving? Aren’t you glad that there is nothing that God left to chance in your life? Aren’t you glad that He is just itching to show you how to find abundance for your life?
I know I am.
Power Thought: Are you Teacher's pet? Absolutely!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Power of Blind Spots

Key Scripture:  “For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness…therefore brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure for if you do these things you will never stumble.” II Peter 1:9,10
Power Point:
Sometimes when I’m driving I may not see the car in the lane next to me and I start to pull into their lane. I didn’t see them because they were in my “blind spot”, that area outside my car where I just couldn’t see the obvious. 
I think we are definitely the victims of spiritual blind spots at times don't you? We all have those areas in our lives where things are obvious to everyone but us. Because we can’t see them we can put ourselves into situations where we can stumble and trip ourselves up when they’re not dealt with.
Peter is following up a glorious discourse on the things that bring life and godliness to us. He says that if you do these things you won’t have any more blind spots. (Actually that’s the Suzanne translation!) He talks about the promises God has given us so that we can partner with Him in seeing clearly and changing our perspective and becoming more sure footed. If we are diligent in adding these things to our character it will keep us from being blind in any area.  He says we are to “complement our basic faith with good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness and finally, generous love.”
I find it interesting that the end result of faith is love. Love begins with faith. It begins with knowing that God will make circumstances and relationships stronger because that’s His desire for us. If love is the goal, and He is your power source then you can persevere even if it doesn’t look like anything is happening. You fill your mind with God thoughts, and God directions and His peace and strength will come to your soul. Eventually you will sense a new kindness in your heart and finally His love for that person. I don’t think it’s an accident that dear Peter, with all his boisterous, impatient ways had obviously added these things to his own life. I believe that at the end of his life, Peter left a legacy of godly wisdom, a major increase in self-control and a humility, kindness and love for the brethren that everyone could see. Peter had an awesome gift for leadership, which, under the control of his flesh, caused a few problems (probably more than a few). As he grew in the Spirit, he could identify the things that were really important to God-the most important of which was love. He probably had started out a bit shortsighted in that department. As his love grew I think his blind spots disappeared. I think ours will too.
Our first job is to love God. Our next job is to love one another because we love God and because He told us that's how we show our love for Him.  The greatest power we will ever have in our lives is to love whoever He places in our lives. Now that’s being like Jesus.
So is love on the increase in your life? Beloved, love is really what brings heaven to earth.  In fact, it already did. Now it’s our turn. Once we were blind, but now we see.
Power Thought:
Are you blind to His grace and love or simply blinded by the beauty of it?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Power of Direct Contact

Key Scripture;  “ Be still and know that I am God.”  Psalms 46:10
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5,6
Power Point:
It’s all in the “knowing” isn’t it?  We’re in the process in our country of “getting to know” the political candidates in the Republican Party. Over the period of a few months we find out the good, the bad, and the ugly about each one. But still, we don’t know them. You really only know what other people say about them.
Sometimes you meet someone who says they “know” God, but on closer investigation, you find that they have a mere “speaking acquaintance” with Him. They’ve never spent a lot of time “getting to know” Him better. Their “knowledge” is based on what other people have said.
The word for “know” in these verses is so important that I want to include the definition in its fullness from my NSFB:
Yada: to know, acknowledge, meaning to know by observation, investigation, reflection or firsthand experience.
The highest level of “yada” is direct, intimate contact. This refers to life giving intimacy as in marriage. Applied spiritually, it suggests an intimacy with God in prayer that conceives, and births blessings and victories.  Joined to the Proverbs text we might conclude that if, in all our “ways”, we maintain “yada” (direct, intimate contact with God) God promises to direct our paths toward fruitful, life-betting endeavors.”
 You don’t “know” God unless you have intimate contact with Him on a regular basis. That means that daily, hourly, every moment, you have to keep tuned into who He is and who He wants to be for you. If you don’t “know” that, you’ll never grow in faith in Him. You don’t “know’ Him if you are not confidently assured that He is good and He is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
Beloved, to know Him is to love Him. You must know that if you call He will answer you and tell you everything you need to know. You must know His Word because that is how He speaks peace to your heart. You must know that He will never leave you or forsake you. You must know that you know that you know that He is good all the time, ready to help all the time, and He is absolutely crazy about His children.  You must know, that as Smith Wigglesworth said, “ He is “more eager to answer than you are to ask.”
Your heavenly Father sent Jesus so that He could have direct, daily, intimate contact with you. That was the grand plan.  That is the way blessings and victories are conceived in your life. That’s why you can “be still”-relax and sink down into His goodness until the answer comes.
Power Thought:
To know Him is to love Him. Really!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Power of Healing

Key Scripture:  “Whenever you go into a town and they receive and accept and welcome you, eat what is set before you’ and heal the sick in it and say to them, The Kingdom of God has come close to you.” Luke 10:8,9 Amplified Bible
 “Behold I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and (physical and mental strength and ability) over all the power of that the enemy possesses, and nothing shall in any way harm you.”  Luke 10:19 Amplified Bible
Power Point:
I’m thinking of the very first time I laid hands on someone and they were healed. I had a lot of faith and almost no knowledge wisdom or understanding. I was just beginning to discover that God was good and Holy Spirit was beginning to spread my wings. I didn’t have the first clue about what to do but I listened, and saw things in my spirit and did them. It was sort of like watching the whole thing on a video screen. Mostly what I did was to ask Holy Spirit to “Come please!” and boy did He ever. (He had been saving up!) At any rate the young lady was healed of fibromyalgia and released to live her life free from pain. Go Jesus!
Most people think that healing is something someone else needs to do. We’re often a little shy about asking someone if they would like to be healed or to have prayer.  If you remember, in Luke 9:2 Jesus sends out His disciples to heal the sick. The word for heal there is to make whole and actually it includes bringing about their salvation In Matt 10:8 they are instructed to heal and that word means to “serve them by healing, curing and restoring to health.” Then in Luke 10:9, Jesus sends off even more disciples and instructs them to heal the sick and then He adds, tell them that the “kingdom of God has come close to you.” In the Greek, He is saying, “bring them near, join heaven to earth.” That job assignment hasn’t changed Beloved. 
So how can you get prepared?
Well, the good news is that you already are. You have the same Spirit in you that Jesus did. Jesus is praying for you, and has promised to accompany you to validate His Message.  That means that if you need more faith, you can share His; if you need courage, He’s pretty good in that department as well, don’t you think? Everything He was and is is there for you to bring heaven to earth. Your part of the partnership is to study the Word day and night, to keep His Word and His words in your heart and mind continuously. Walk by what He says, not what the world says. Turn a deaf ear to everything but His Word.
Ask Him to give you more revelation and wisdom and understanding.  He loves to do that. And then remember that you are not taking you to people, you are taking the powerful Presence of God to them. That needs to be our emphasis, my friend. All you have to concentrate on is being so filled with Him that heaven just oozes out of you. You are joining heaven to earth.
Start spreading your wings Beloved. You’ll find a powerful wind beneath them.
Power Thought:
Part of bringing “heaven to earth” is bringing healing to the people who live here.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Power of Forgiveness

Key Scripture:  “If you do not forgive others their trespasses (their reckless and willful sins, leaving them, letting them go, and giving up resentment), neither will your Father forgive you your trespasses.” Matthew 6:15 Amplified Bible
Power Point:
Forgiveness is moving forward free of burdens. Unforgiveness is trying to strain forward without freeing yourself from those past burdens. Forgiveness is freeing. Unforgiveness is a strain on your heart. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. Unforgiveness is a hole you dig yourself into.
When you begin to realize that unforgiveness hurts you more than it hurts anyone else you can understand why your heavenly Father encourages you to take action to overcome it.  I saw a TV program the other night where a man was stabbing someone.  He not only put the blade in the person’s chest, he turned it and pushed it and caused "extreme agony". That’s what unforgiveness is like for us. It gives Satan the freedom to put a knife in our heart and turn it and twist it until we can’t breath and all we can think about is the wound that is destroying our life. We can’t hear God and we can’t move forward. That is living your life in "extreme agony".
You may try to cover it up and pretend everything is okay but until you sincerely, determinedly and adamantly choose to forgive you will never be free to move on.
If you are struggling with unforgiveness, you are struggling with your own destiny and no one really wants to do that.  God will never overlay His divine plans for your destiny on top of your soul’s baggage from yesterday no matter how kind and nice and giving you act today.  He will never whisk you on to great things without any change of your packrat ways. NO, HE WILL NOT!  You must choose to stop going back over what has been done to you, taken from you, or said about you and surrender it all to God.  You will not move forward in your ministry or your destiny until you do.” (From Liberty Savard, Binding and Loosing Prayer Manual)
Okay, now you know “why” you forgive but you can't quite "get there".  Can you ask Holy Spirit to help you get into the position of forgiveness and stay there? Here is a prayer from Liberty:
            “Lord, your Word says that if I love you and I am full of your Word, I will have great peace and nothing shall offend me.  I’m feeling pretty offended right now and there is certainly no peace in my thoughts, so I need your help. I bind my will to your will, my mind to the mind of Christ, and my emotions to the healing balance and comfort of Holy Spirit.”
Take the first step, Beloved. He's already met you more than halfway.
Power Thought:
You can’t change your past but you can definitely change your future. Tomorrow is your choice.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Power of Being Filled To Capacity

Power of Being Filled To Capacity
Key Scripture:  "I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart." Mark 11:23
Power Point:
I’m sure you’ve heard people talk about seeing the glass half full or half empty. I’m learning to be half full more than I am half empty. I guess that’s a result of faith. I was getting pretty proud of myself for being a "half-full" person- you know, patting myself on the back for my great faith, when the Lord told me that real faith sees the glass totally full and overflowing. This is just a thought but for those of us who are a bit smug about being the “half-full” kind of people-we’re still only half full of faith. There’s half of you that’s pulling in the opposite direction isn’t there- and  it’s the half empty part that really messes us up.
For example, in Hebrews we learn that faith is full faith and confidence in who God is and what He has promised. I guess you could say that anything less is not really faith. So, if we’re a mixture of half full and half empty, does that mean we’re double minded and unstable? Hmm. In James it says that we are to ask in faith without doubting. Does that mean that we are to be fully assured that what we ask for will be answered?
What about when you are praying for someone else? Do you have a half-full glass of faith? Are you sure God is able to help but not sure if He will?
Wouldn't you feel a bit put off if you were discussing marriage with the love of your life and when you are so excited that you gush "I love you so much!" They reply, "I sort of love you too." I met a lady the other day who told me that on her wedding day she was so frightened that she had to be helped down the aisle, seated on a chair with her head between her knees and only raised her head to say "I do". Really! I think I might have had second thoughts about committing myself for life to someone who was "less than committed" to me. It can certainly put a damper on things when people aren't as filled to capacity as we  are can't it? 
Yet isn't that how we respond to God at times? His kingdom works by faith and His glass is always full to overflowing. He's passionate about everything! He is so delighted to bless you and He always sees the end from the beginning, not the beginning of the end! He has absolute confidence in Himself that He will do what He has says He will do in response to your faith. No doubt about it! Remember that the next time you pray a prayer that is “half-full of faith”  You might even try not opening your little half-full mouth until you’ve filled it all the way full with absolute confidence. That's when good things really start to happen and the glass overflows. Faith is absolute confidence, not in the size of your faith but in the size of your God.
Power Thought:
Filled to capacity with faith.  What an awesome thought!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Power of Amazing Peace

Key Scripture: “The work of righteousness shall be peace. And the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance forever.”  Isaiah 32:17
Power Point:
Jesus promised to leave us His peace. The Father called Him the Prince of Peace. The word “prince” literally means “ruler, or keeper”. The Hebrew word for “peace” is “shalom” which means completeness, soundness, welfare, and peace. We often focus on the fact that Jesus offers us forgiveness for our sins and that is an incredible gift. But our righteousness does not stop there. It’s only the beginning. There are works of righteousness that are ready to be performed in our lives. Jesus said in John 10:10 that He came to bring us abundant life. His righteousness in us has a job to do and that job is to bring peace to our chaos.
When Jesus was in the boat with the disciples, and the storm came up, He didn’t jump up and down and quote His scriptures, or pray a long prayer telling the storm how it needed to obey Him and go on and on, (Ever pray one of those?) He simply released what He has released to us to calm every storm. He simply said, “Peace. Be still.” And it did. Even though He was the Son of God He was still a man and He had a job to do. With the anointing of the Spirit on Him, He was the ruler and keeper of the peace.
He could do that because He was totally confident that the work of His righteousness was and is to bring peace to every situation.  He knew what His Father had planned. He had heard His Father speak that peace first. Jesus was simply releasing what His Father God wanted in the storm.
If we don’t ever move past the doorway of the kingdom, and explore all the benefits of righteousness, they’ll never be able to work in our lives.  Beloved, you were created for Peace. Jesus left it for you. His peace is not like the world’s peace which is usually dependent on what you “feel”. God’s peace only comes through faith in Him that He has everything under control (your job)and will work all things together for your good, (His job).
Do you have a “storm” in your life today? Who do you think God wants to be for you in the midst of it? Does He want to be the Keeper of the Peace in you and for you? I think so. Your job then, is to do exactly what Jesus did. Listen to what your Father says, believe it and release it. First it will come IN you, then it will come FROM you, because you have the confident assurance that the Prince of Peace will do what He said He would do-leave you equipped with His peace.
Power Thought:
I will heal them and reveal to them an abundance of peace and truth.”  Jeremiah 33:6
“You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts You.” Isaiah 26:3
That’s the promise for the one who trusts Him; Jesus own peace in you. What an incredible gift He left for us.