Sunday, February 5, 2012

Power of the Work of Faith

Key Scripture: “Have faith in God…(he who) believes that those things he says will be done-he will have whatever he says.” Mark 11:22
Power Point:                                                           
No matter what your battle is - don't nurse it...don't curse it...and don't rehearse it....give it to Jesus and let him reverse it. Make 2012 your best year yet!
This is from my friend Dr. Jockers. Isn’t it good wisdom?
I was sitting here thinking about how we like to magnify our problems and minimize the power of God in us-so when this came tripping across my email, I thought how precisely it fit! I am perfectly aware that some of you have major issues in your life. It’s in those difficult times, when God seems hidden from us, that we have to stand in what He has promised and determinedly rest in His goodness.  Sometimes that's hard work.You see, if you really believe that God’s will is good and acceptable and perfect and if you really believe that He will absolutely positively work out all things for your good, then those storm-tossed, sinking feeling times will only have a momentary effect. If you are a believer, you get busy about the work of believing. You refuse to doubt and you fill your mind and your eyes and your mouth with the power and the goodness and the plans God has for you to give you a future and a hope. 
If you are an unbeliever than you are probably going to be just as active in the work of un-believing. You will allow the waves to submerge you, the winds to blow you off course and the doubts to multiply in your mind. You also are receiving what you say and think and see.
Over the years I’ve watched friends and family battle through their issues to get to the blessings. The thing that always surprises me is that sometimes people will do just the opposite of what Dr. Jockers said: “They nurse it, they curse it, and they rehearse it-over and over and over again.” Usually if you try to change the subject or get them redirected to what God has promised them, they’ll agree for a moment and then bounce right back into fear, doubt and unbelief.
What are you rehearsing in your mind? Are you thinking about the good, the bad, or the ugly? Scripture says that we have to work out our salvation. That work is the work of faith. It is your job to plant, grow and cultivate faith not doubt. Jesus said, “Have faith in God.” What He meant was, have faith in God!!!!!  Don’t have more faith in your problems than you have in Him. Faith makes Him bigger. Unbelief makes problems bigger. Really? Have you looked at the universe lately? He created it. Have you seen a baby born or a disease healed? He did that. And He’s got more in store for those who believe-Him.
Beloved, you have to work it out. What exactly, are you believing? You need to know that before you take another step. If you’re not going to trip on the steps of faith, you need to know what you believe and Who you believe in. Really.
Power Thought:
If you believe God, you receive answers from God, if you believe the father of lies, your answers will come from him. Wherever you place your faith will bring your results.

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