Friday, February 10, 2012

Power of Action

Key Scripture:  “An active doer (who obeys), he shall be blessed in what he is doing-in his life of obedience.” James 1:25 Amplified Bible.
Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you are a listener when you are anything but, letting the Word go in one ear and out the other.  ACT on what you hear!”  The Message
Power Point:
Actions speak louder than words don’t they?  There is a whole lot of activity going on in heaven. We can’t see it but we can see the results of it. When we bind something on earth it is bound in heaven. In other words, heaven takes action to see that it stays bound for us. When we loose something heaven takes action to make sure it stays loosed.
In fact, Holy Spirit actually whispers to you the list of what has already been bound there (it’s in His best selling book!) so you can be in agreement with Him. You, Beloved are to bring heaven to earth by acting with grace, mercy, unconditional love, self-control, gentleness, goodness, kindness, patience and loyalty.  Are you depressed yet? Sorry, but that’s the truth. You are bound to those things when you agree to make Jesus Lord of your life. When you tie yourself to Jesus, you are tying yourself to new thoughts, new ways of doing things, and a whole lotta  power to make it happen. If you bind yourself to God’s will and purposes for your life, then guess what? Heaven acts on that vow and you begin to see opportunities to act on what you just promised to do. Isn’t that great? Well, sometimes. 
Whatever vow you make to Him to stay connected to Him reaches God’s ears and He takes you at your word and begins to put into motion exactly what you’ve declared.
Your re-action to His action is what makes the journey interesting. One of the reason I love the parable of the sower in Matthew 13 is that it shows us the different responses we have to God. We either lose our grasp and are totally confused; we are “repelled” and begin to desert and distrust Him; or we let our “what is” choke the life out of His promises to us and we fall flat on our faces. Of course the right reaction is that the one who hears Him, understands Him, and then holds on for dear Life. They actually ACT like what God has said is true and order their lives, their thinking, and their dreams around it. Imagine that!
If we spent more time binding ourselves to God and His plans, more time letting His thoughts guard and guide our thoughts and more time letting His Spirit release His peace and joy in us amazing things would happen. If we spent less time binding the enemy and more time releasing Him, we might have better results don't you think? 
Power Thought:
Are you ready to answer God's call to A-C-T-I-O-N?  

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