Friday, June 29, 2012

Power of Extravagance

Key Scripture:  God can do anything you know-far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!  He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, His Spirit deeply and gently within us.” Ephesians 3:20
Power Point:
The other day I was reading a prayer which said, “Lord, be extravagant in my heart” That’s an absolutely wonderful thing to ask God for isn’t it?  Extravagant means lavish, or over the top.  I like that definition. God will You be over the top in my life today?  Will You be extravagant with Your love and mercy, and your power and provision?
Can you ask Him for that? Is your mind set on just getting by when God is ready to spend all that He has for you today? Our world economy is running short isn’t it?  God never runs out of resources for us Beloved. Our world is governed by lack, and fear of lack isn’t it?  God thinks that’s a lousy way to live your life. He’s really into abundance-and in case you’ve forgotten, that means more than enough.
Most Extravagant Ice Cream Cone
Take a moment and envision heaven. Can you imagine the expanse of it and the rich supply of everything that is there? Can you imagine that anyone there has a need that is not met or is fearful that tomorrow there won’t be enough? Of course not!  The truth is that God is all about bringing heaven to earth right now for His kids. He wants you to live in the mindset that is in heaven, every need met, no lack, an extravagant God with lavish joy in giving whatever is needed at the moment. Do you remember the God who says that “giving is better than receiving”? Do you remember His measure for giving?  Do you remember “good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over”!
He wants us to be filled with His fullness so that it can run over in our lives and so that His power can actually energetically, lavishly, and extravagantly work in us. Today. Now. Forever.
I don’t know about you but I intend to make more room in my life for the overflow of God’s extravagant presence in my heart. I want to more of Him to work in me. Don’t you?
Power Thought:
World's Largest Diamond
You have more than enough of everything you could ever need when you allow the extravagance of God to work in your life.

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