Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Power of Loyalty

Key Scripture: “God is faithful…” I Corinthians 1:9
Power Point:
I was thinking about the word “loyalty” this morning. As the years have passed I have come to realize that this one attribute is really important to me. I was reading somewhere that a family pulled up to a nursing home and dropped off their grandfather at the front door and sped off, never to see him again.
Unbelievable. Yet it seems to be a thread in the fabric of our society that people and things are easily discarded. The Humane Society is full of pets whose owners were not loyal to them. How sad.
It has made me realize how grateful I am for my family and friends who show themselves loyal to me. They put up with my little idiosyncrasies and my shortcomings and are still “there” for me. (Thank you!) The quality of  “loyalty” is a legacy I want to leave in my own life. I want those who follow me to know that “disloyalty” is not an option if you have the Spirit of God in you.
As I looked up the word “loyalty” today I was struck by how it describes God Himself. It means: devotion, allegiance, trustworthiness, constancy, reliability, fidelity, dependability, and steadfastness.
Could you apply that to your perception of Him today? If you could just memorize these qualities and apply them to your view of Him it could change your life. God is "proudest” of His goodness and part of the reason that He is so good is that every attribute that He has is based on His loyalty to us. God is devoted, committed, worthy of our trust, constantly faithful, reliable, dependable, and steadfastly loving and helpful to us. Nothing can make Him change His mind about that because it is Who He is. And He never changes.
If you’ve been thinking that God is like that then it might be a good idea to print this definition out and put it somewhere where you can see it every day. We need to remind ourselves of God’s faithful loyalty to us don’t we? And then we need to apply it to our own lives. Loyalty is extremely important to God. It should be important to us as well shouldn’t it? Can the people in our lives depend on our devotion, allegiance, trustworthiness, constancy, reliability, fidelity, dependability and steadfastness? I’m working on it.  How about you?
One of the key things that God has cautioned me about in critical situations over the years is to “Remember His Faithfulness”. It has been a key to my victories. I sit myself down and begin to recount God’s loyalty to me. It usually ends up with me in tears and full of faith for the future with a totally grateful heart and an anticipation of His goodness in this next thing.
Whatever your situation is you can rest in the fact that God is and will always be loyal to you.
He will always be devoted to you. He is trustworthy. He is constant in His love and care for you. He is reliable, dependable and steadfast. Remember that Beloved. It could change your life. 
Power Thought:
He is the Lord, your God. He never changes. You can count on it.

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