Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Power of Trickle Down Kindness

Power of Trickle Down Kindness
Key Scripture:  So God can point to us in all future ages as examples of the incredible wealth of his grace and kindness toward us, as shown in all he has done for us who are united with Christ Jesus.”  Ephesians 2:7, NLT
Power Point:
When children are born, it seems that everyone is eager to decide which parent they look like. When my daughter Stefanie was born with very little hair, it was determined that she looked like her Grandpa Luke who was bald. The thing is, she didn’t stay that way. She is now blessed with a beautiful head of thick strawberry blonde hair. I am so thankful.
As baby Christians its not always obvious if we look like our big brother or our Dad. As we mature though there are some definite things to look for that reminds people of them. The other day I was talking to the Lord about His kindness.  He said, “Suzanne do you expect to see My kindness in your life every day? Next week? Next year? Do you think I will ever stop being kind?”  Then He stopped and quietly said, “Suzanne, do people expect to see My kindness in you every day?  Do they expect you to always be the image of My kindness?”
Okay, so I had to really stop and think about that one. You see, Beloved if we are His, we will begin to be conformed to the image of who He is. We will become progressively more loving, kind, and full of grace and mercy. We will live from compassion. That’s just the way it works. Do you think that the check-out person in the grocery store would describe you as kind? How about your children?  Your spouse? Your parents? If kindness is the ultimate expression of God’s goodness to us, shouldn’t we be the ultimate expression of His kindness to everyone we meet?
What possible excuse do we have to not be kind? What gives us the right to ever be rude or thoughtless to anyone? Would God ever do that? Are we spreading the Good News about God through our words and actions? If kindness were a crime, could you be convicted?
Every good thing from God flows down to us from above doesn’t it?  At least it flows in the beginning. Sometimes we slow the flood to a trickle. That's not a good thing! 
We are ambassadors for Jesus Beloved. We represent Him to the world that He loves. People will judge Him by the way we act and especially by our kindess and love. Jesus said,  This is what I want you to do, to love one another as I have loved you.”
Because kindness is an expression of the love that comes from above, we are to express His love through being kind every day, in every way, according to the His power working in us. Which means it needs to be more than a trickle!
Power Thought: 
Do people expect to see God's kindness in you today? Is it time to turn the trickle into a flood? 

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