Friday, June 1, 2012

Power of The Wilderness

Door of Hope
Key Scripture:  “And I will draw her into the wilderness where I will speak comfort to her there. I will make the Valley of Trouble a door of Hope. She will sing there the song I have put in her heart.”  Hosea 2:14, 15
Power Point:
I love the wilderness. Really, I do. I used to think that the wilderness was just a bleak, desolate place where things were hard and nothing good ever happened. Then I began to understand that it was a private place where I could meet with Holy Spirit and discover truth that would set me free. It is a place of hope, and we need hope when things are “troubled” don't we?
The best example of this is in Jesus’ life.  Immediately after He was baptized the Holy Spirit led Him into the wilderness. What happened there? He spent forty days in intimate contact with the One who would show Him, teach Him and guide Him into His destiny. He spent time "One on One" with someone who knew where He was going and how He could get there. He learned obedience and He received revelation and He learned to rely on Holy Spirit and submit to His guidance and wisdom. He was in intimate contact with Him for forty days and during that time He learned how to win over everything that Satan threw at Him. Oh yes, Satan was there too.  He managed to “stir up trouble” the entire time. But it seems that Jesus paid more attention to Holy Spirit than He did to the enemy of His soul. The Spirit won and Satan left promising to wait for a better opportunity.
We really can’t expect to live a “trouble-free” life can we?  We can expect the same sort of journey into the Valley of Trouble, that Jesus experienced. That’s where we learn that “greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.” The Spirit in us has greater power, greater authority, greater wisdom and influence than the devil. And we need to learn how to use all that don't we?
Let Him out, Beloved.  He wants to teach you how to transform your Valley of Trouble into a door of Hope. You have the same Holy Spirit that led Jesus to a life that transformed everything He touched. He will lead you out of the wilderness and into your own transformed life with power. Just like Jesus. The same loving and kind Holy Spirit that led Him into the wilderness where He was tested, tried, and ultimately triumphant is available to you. It's pretty obvious that Jesus didn’t lose power in the wilderness.  In fact, He came out so full of that power that the first thing He did was go to the temple and say to the people assembled there, “I’m here. It's time. I’ve come to do good and defeat the works of the devil.” (Suzanne translation.) He could say that in part, because He already had, in the wilderness. 
You can too, Beloved.  If you’re in a “wilderness situation” where trouble is being stirred up all around you, ask Holy Spirit to help you release all that Jesus had and died to give you.             
It will be an experience greater than you can imagine.
Power Thought:
Blooming in the Wilderness
Greater is He that lives on the inside of you than anything this world can throw at you.
Let Him out. 

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