Friday, November 2, 2012

Power Of Gifts

Key Scripture:  “For I am longing to see you, that I may impart and share with you some spiritual gift to strengthen and establish you;”   Romans 1:11, Amplified Bible

Power Point:
     I did it!  I just celebrated a landmark birthday!  It was a wonderful event thanks to my family and my friends. They gave me the most wonderful gifts. One of my favorite gifts was a notebook that my dear friend Julie had put together, filled with letters from people who knew me (and still loved me!).  Their words were such gifts from the Lord.  None of them had any way of knowing that the things they said to me were confirmations of the Words that the Lord had given me over thirty years ago. It will always be a treasured gift.
   I think the reason for that is that people took the time to reflect and put down on paper those things that they were seeing in my life. We don’t do that very often do we? We’re too busy or too challenged in our own lives and we don’t always take the time to give the gift of good words.
     Do you remember the old saying: “ I told you I loved you when I married you and if it changes, I’ll let you know”? We really need to let people know on a more regular basis, don’t we?
     If you think about it, Words are terribly important to God. Jesus is called the Word.  If HE is the word, than we should be concentrating on what He says shouldn’t we?  In Ephesians 4:29, Holy Spirit says that we are only let good words come out of our mouth; words that are “good and beneficial to the spiritual progress of others, as is fitting to the need and the occasion, that it may be a blessing and give grace (God’s favor) to those who hear it.”  Ah.
     My mama used to tell me, “Think before you speak.” It’s taken a long time but I think I’m getting on track with that.  How about you?
     When you look at what Jesus says about our words it should make us stop and think shouldn’t it? Here’s your guideline for today:
Is what I am going to say, good, beneficial for someone’s spiritual progress?  Is it fitting to the need and the occasion? Will those who hear it be blessed? Will it give grace to them?’
What good word will you give to someone today? They may need to hear a kind word, an encouraging word, a helpful word or an “I love you because” word. What a gift you will bring them just as my friends did.  Lovely.

Power Thought:
The Blessing Angel
If you have the mind of Christ, what you think before you speak should be a good thing and what you speak will come from God's heart.

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