Thursday, November 15, 2012

Powering UP America!

Key Scripture:  “Do you see what this means-all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start running and never quit!...Jesus never lost sight of where he was headed-that exhilarating finish in and with God…”  Hebrews 12:1-3  The Message

Power Point:
     The thing about learning how to be a soldier is that first of all we have to go to basic training.  When they say “basic”, they mean that there are some skills that everyone has to have in order to survive and thrive as a good soldier. Any good army will require that of you because they know that it is important for your well- being and ultimate victory.
      As soldiers in the army of God, we have all the power we’ll ever need but we need to learn how to use it don’t we? I received an email yesterday from a pastor/prophet in Redding California named Kris Vallotin. Here is a synopsis of what He said:

“I have a sense that our country is improving. I had a vision of God blowing or breathing on this continent as Jesus breathed on His disciples and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit." It wasn't a suggestion, but a command. I saw the nation turning blood red from the East Coast to the West Coast. It was the redemptive nature of forgiveness being assimilated into the ground, and out of the soil – souls were emerging like soldiers in a battlefield.
Dead bones were coming to life. They were dressed for battle in different realms. Some had expensive business suits and others were dressed like doctors, teachers and mothers, and so forth. They all were given secret messages that they read and then ate. The message transformed them and equipped them for their mission. Revelation was released over the nation, and inventions and innovations were springing up all over like the first week of spring.
America – I really feel like we are in a good season. But just to be really clear, I don't think that the political climate will determine what God is doing. I don't think that the Lord is leading with politicians right now. I don't mean that He never does, I want to be really clear. I do think that there are countries outside of America where the main move of God is coming from the political realm, but I don't think that in the next four years that will be demonstrated. I don't think you can look to a person for the answer. But I'm actually saying is that I don't think that a person is going to bring this dramatic change that I see happening in our country.
I think it's a people movement. I think the Lord is doing it all among the people, and I think it will be many people that will rise up and become powerful, and, if you will, famous in this movement. But it probably won't be the people that you vote for. The Lord said, "Don't look to the political climate to determine what I'm doing in America in the next four years." So don't get excited or disappointed by what's happening in the political climate because the Lord has chosen a different venue for this season.”
My friend, you may be scratching your head over the election but if you’ll remember I said that the election was only the beginning. We’re in basic training and it’s time to move out into the places God has planned for us to do the good works He’s planned for us. We’re thinking too small if we’re thinking that we are bound by what we see.
God is still on the throne.  Look UP!
Power Prayer for America
Father, You’ve been training us to not walk by sight but by faith. You’ve taught us to believe You to move mountains and trust You to slay the giants that get in our way. Thank You for rebuking the devourer and leading us in the power of Your Holy Spirit. Like David, let us hear the marching of the soldiers in the mulberry trees so that we know when and where we are to go. Basic training leads to battles. Thank You for the victories that lie ahead.
Let Your truth keep marching on!
In Jesus Name. Amen.

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