Friday, February 27, 2015

Power Of The Throne

Key Scripture:  "You can trust these words: If we were joined with Him in His death, then we are joined with Him in His life!...then we will reign together in His triumph!"  2 Timothy 2:11,12, TPT
Power Point:
    Recently I had a dream.  I could see myself, walking in to the Throne room, where my throne was waiting.  I checked to make sure that everything I will need for the day is conveniently placed so that I don't have to get off my Throne to do anything once I'm seated there.  I have my coffee cup, my Bible, and my IPAD filled with all the worship or study tools I could ever need right at my fingertips.
     As I take my seat and gaze outward, I see angels EVERYWHERE.  A lot of them are sitting right in front of me, as though they are eager to hear what I will say and do.  That's pretty interesting since Jesus is right there beside me.  The floor of heaven is covered with angels.  Some of them are leaning against columns. There are a lot of clouds.  We are definitely in heavenly places.  As I open my Bible and begin to read, I see myself stop and think about what I am reading.  Suddenly I get it!  This word is MINE!  Excitedly, I stand up and begin to give the angels directions. Immediately they GO!  I have given them their instruction and they are off to do their assignments.
     What I understand is that this is my assignment, (and yours), each day. We are to sit on our Thrones in heavenly places and to grow in wisdom and understanding about who we are in Christ until we begin to do what we know.
     Jesus has given US, you and me, all authority. There have been many days when, sadly, I didn't even enter the throne room, let alone take my seat there.   My angels must be really bored at times because I don't give them enough to do. How about yours?

     Our greatest privilege is to be a Child of God, members of the Body of Jesus on this earth.  One of my prayers used to be that the enemy would be sent under the feet of Jesus.  Actually, He sends them right back to me.  The enemy is under MY feet.  He's under your feet.   We get to tread on him with the same lethal force that Jesus does.  WE are His feet on earth.  We release on earth what we learn on our Thrones in heavenly places.  We release the authority He has given us.  We do not expect Him to do it for us. 
My angels are getting busier. 
     Beloved, all of heaven, is waiting for you to take your place on your Throne.  Is it time to take your seat?
    In 1 Thessalonians 1,Paul says, "The word has gotten around.  Your lives are echoing the Master's Word all over the place. The news of your faith in God is out!"   In other words, its time to take the revelation you have been given and walk it out.  You can stir things up on earth simply by staying in your seat in heavenly places.  Your prayers from that place are powerful. You can change circumstances and atmospheres by simply speaking what you know to be of God.  Wouldn't it be wonderful to know that your life is echoing the Master's Word all over the place?  Yes. I believe it would.
    Take your seat, Beloved. Sit down in your position of authority over all the power of the Enemy.  Allow Jesus to give you more revelation of that authority and then stay firmly seated in the positional Truth of who you are, and all that means for you and for the rest of us.
     It's time for the Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ, to take their seats.  It's time for us to "get" what being In Him really means. We are stewards of His Message.  We have His authority now.
He gives us our assignments when we're seated next to Him on our Thrones. He validates what He has told us to speak out. He will give weight to the Message and He will command the angels to listen and act on OUR words.

Power Thought:
 " ...  and the disciples went everywhere..."  (Mark 16). And Jesus went where they went.  He goes everywhere you go. 
Where will that be today? 
What will He be affirming and confirming for you today?

Copyright © 2015, Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Key Scripture: "I've got my eye on the goal where God is beckoning us onward, to Jesus.  I'm off and running and I'm not turning back.... Don’t waver. Stay on track, steady in God."  Philippians 3, 4:1 
The Message
Power Point:
I wonder if you've ever thought about what you're moving toward.  My husband was a very goal oriented man. In fact, he trained other people in setting goals for their lives and planning their lives around their goals.  It's really pretty simple.  You decide what plans God has for your life and then you plan your life so that you can reach the brilliant future He is leading you toward. You plan your days ahead of time so that when the sun sets on them, you will have made progress. Toward the plan. Toward the Man.
     It occurred to me yesterday that we either plan to move toward FORWARD or we plan to move toward Backward.  We either choose to keep our eye focused on what lies ahead or what lies behind.  If we set our mind on things above, where Christ is, then our lives will be filled with His energy to move forward. Paul says, in Philippians 2, "Redouble your efforts. Be energetic in your life of salvation, reverent and sensitive before God.  That energy is God's energy, an energy deep within you, God himself willing and working at what will give him the most pleasure."
Redouble your efforts? What a good idea!  If we find ourselves moving backward toward our mistakes, our defeats, clinging to the clutter of our past, then we need to change direction don't we?  Today is your new opportunity to move toward forward.  It is your chance to change the direction of your life so that God's plans, and dreams for you can come back into view.

     Abraham moved toward forward. He did not know where he was going, but he knew he was going with God, and with His plans.
      King David always moved forward toward the enemy.
     Jesus moved forward toward the Joy that was set before Him.
     Paul continually moved forward toward an intimate knowledge of God.  He never let himself forget that moment on the road to Damascus. It propelled him toward forward.
     Peter was always moving toward forward, whether it was jumping out of the boat to walk on the water, or becoming a steward of God's grace.

What direction are you moving in today?  I don't know about you but I'm making the decision to move toward forward.
I am moving:
Toward the mountain that's in my way.
Toward the joy that is set before me.
Toward the inheritance I have inherited.
Toward the anointing.
Toward the Word and His words.
Toward the Heart of God and the plans of God for me.
Toward heaven on earth.

Redouble your efforts!  Reach forward, Beloved, to all that lies ahead. Go toward forward.
Don't waver, Stay on track, steady in God.

Power Thought:
Forward HO! 

Copyright ©, 2015, Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Power Of "STUFF"

Key Scripture:  "To truly know Him meant letting go of everything from my past..."  Philippians 3:8 TPT
Power Point:
     In the process of getting ready to put our house on the market, I've been told to de-clutter.  The painters came this week to take down wallpaper and paint. In order for them to do that, I had to take down "stuff". I thought I would be sad to see things change.  Imagine my surprise when I walked through the rooms and felt the house had come back to life.
A little surprised, and truly energized, I began re-arranging things, removing "stuff" with greater enthusiasm and freshening the look. It was fun!
     "Stuff" was everywhere!  There were so many mementos of this or that. We've had to get rid of a ton of books.  They had been kept tucked away for far too long. No one was getting the blessing from them while they were tucked away in my closets.  My friend, Marion recently moved to her new home. She had been de-cluttering for a year or more.  Her comment was, "GET RID OF MORE!" 
     The thing is, as life happens, we tend to collect "clutter" don't we?  STUFF. As  I'm removing the “stuff”, I ‘m seeing things that I hadn’t really noticed in a long while. It was just part of the landscape.  Now I can choose what needs to remain and what needs to go, not with a feeling of sadness but with a new excitement and anticipation about the future.
     God has a place prepared for each of us. I have no idea where my next place is, but I know it will be wonderful.  That's just how He works. I don't want to move into the NEW place He has for me through this walk of faith, and drag bags of OLD things there.  Instead of being a sad thing, this is becoming a very liberating moment.  It's an opportunity to allow myself to examine some of the "stuff" that is cluttering up not just my physical house but my spiritual house; OLD habits, OLD thought processes that drag me down, and fill my mind with OLD MAN CLUTTER which keeps me from walking, and running into the NEW.

     Like Abraham, I have no idea where I am going. I'm just "going out" to the place He has prepared for me. And that's the word He has given me for this journey;  "Suzanne, I have prepared THE PLACE for you." I'm excited!
     I have a friend, whose house recently burned to the ground.  Everything was a total loss.  She has nothing from her past to take into her future.  The truth is, for the most part, that was a good thing. She was a hoarder.  She had recently come to that realization and had begun to sort through all the "clutter" to get rid of it.  It was a huge task. As a result of the fire, her whole life is moving forward without all the clutter of the past.  She's free. And she's taking advantage of it. She's making NEW decisions because she is free of the clutter of the old.  She has a NEW outlook on life, and a hope for the future.
Beloved, we all have clutter that we don't see.  The Lord is so ready, willing and able to help you with that.  What are the things in your life that are holding you back from walking into all the NEW He has for you? Are there some fears you need to throw out?  Have they just been there so long that you don't even notice them for what they are anymore?
     And what about the treasures hidden underneath the clutter?  Wouldn't it be nice to put them out so that you can see them everyday?  What about the treasures of His kindness in every part of your life?  What about the treasure of His Faithfulness and His plans for you?  Shouldn't that be what we look at every day?
Is it time to dust off the treasures and make room for them again? Is it time to de-clutter your space and make sure that everything you see is valuable to your future and honoring to your past?         
Is it time for "Off with old and on with God's NEW!"

Power Thought:
 My advice to you?  GET RID OF MORE!

Copyright © 2015, Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Power Of Being Like Jesus

Key Scripture:  "God knew what he was doing from the very beginning. He decided from the outset to shape the lives of those who love him along the same lines as the life of his Son."  Romans 8:29 The Message
Power Point:
Here's the good news:  You want to be like Jesus. You want to serve God with your whole heart.  You want to see the mighty workings of God in your life.  You want your life to show people how good God is. You want God's purpose in your calling, your anointing, and in every detail of your life to make you just like Jesus. Why? Because, Beloved, that's where the victories come from.  That's where the Peace comes from.  That's where the Love that has been poured out on you is empowered to be received. The good news is that you have a heart for God. The bad news is you probably need some work!

Let's be clear about what God thinks it means to be like Jesus:

To be like Jesus, we have to be gracious enough to be humbled. Before the Resurrection came the cross.  Before the glory of the Throne, came humility. 
To be like Jesus mercy must always triumph over judgment
To be like Jesus, is to be an open door of grace. The porch light is always on and the door is always open.
To be like Jesus, honoring others is His life's breath.
To be like Jesus, we share in the process of the fellowship of His sufferings.  We share the pain of going through difficult times with Him, trusting Him enough to let Him work all things for our good even when they don't appear to be headed that way.

To be like Jesus is to be unoffendable, even if you are betrayed or rejected, or spoken to harshly, or pushed to the limits of your forgiveness.
To be like Jesus is to give thanks in the same moment you are betrayed.
To be like Jesus is to forgive before it’s necessary, and then, of course, every time it's necessary.
To be like Jesus is to plan on the Triumphal Entry during the stroll through the valley of dry bones.
To be like Jesus is to Love God with all your heart, and mind, and will and strength.
To be like Jesus is to stand firm in that love for Him, no matter what.
To be like Jesus is to push through the blood sweat and tears of your particular Gethsemane to the glory of His stunning answers to your prayers.
To be like Jesus is to be anointed with the power of the Holy Spirit so that you can be like Jesus.

The Suzanne translation of Romans 8:29 is "This is a GOOD thing on the way!"  Becoming like Jesus is the best thing that could ever happen to any of us isn't it?
Jesus is filled with the fruit of the Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, and the anointing of the Spirit to break every yoke. 
We get to BECOME just like Him.
Isn't that GOOD news?!

Power Thought:
Jesus never acted, spoke or thought or in any way manifested anything that was not in the heart of His Father.  He listened before He spoke. He saw before He took action.  He honored the Father by respecting His presence and His wisdom. He simply trusted Him to BE Who He was. He knew it would be good, potentially even great!

Copyright ©, 2015, Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work