Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Power Of Grace In Person

Key Scripture:  "Now Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wild." 
"Jesus returned to Galilee powerful in the Spirit."  Luke 4:1,
Power Point:
     "A moment with Jesus completely changed Zacchaeus heart. A moment with grace in person—without accusations, condemnation or moment with grace in person—caused such an inward transformation that in a short time, Zacchaeus was doing outwardly what was right and in a measure no man would have expected of him" 
     The above was in a devotional I received this morning from Joseph Prince.  Can you imagine being that person for someone? I think about how Jesus was the perfect example of graciousness, a perfect model of the Father.
    Jesus went into the wilderness, FULL of the Holy Spirit but He came out and began to do good powerful in the Spirit.
    Let's face it.  Jesus was perfectly perfect before He went into the wilderness but after spending time in total communion with the Holy Spirit, He was perfect with a mission and His mission was to go show the love, the grace, the mercy, and the faithfulness of God to help people no matter what.  He didn't have a to-do list for the person He was ministering to that needed to be checked off before they were healed or touched in some way by Him. We don't know what He did before He went into the wilderness, but we can assume it was good! The anointing for POWER came from that isolated place; the power to DO what His Father would do, and SAY what His Father would say.  Jesus KNEW the Father but from the moment He was identified as the God's Son, and the Holy Spirit came on the scene, His life became MORE of what it was always intended to be.
He became more powerful, more gracious, had more wisdom, more grace, and more love.
He was transformed in the wilderness into the One who would become the Hero of the World.
     Beloved, we always have the option of spending time with the One who transforms us.  If you have asked Jesus to come into your life, then the Holy Spirit was the vehicle for that to happen.
From that point, your life is your choice.  You can choose to be transformed into being more loving, more kind, more gracious, more faithful and more powerful in the things of God, or not.
You can become more than good- you can become powerfully good!  You can be like Jesus and spend time with the One who knows the exact place your foot needs to be set for His glory and the fulfillment of His purposes in your life. Most likely it will always begin with graceful words, graceful encouragement, graceful help, and gracious thoughts of others. It was no longer about who Jesus was, it was about Who He was becoming.  He was the first ambassador for His Father.  We are the second in line.  When my thoughts are not gracious, I know I need some One on one time with Him.  I know my mind needs to be renewed so that I can go out in power and do good. Just like Jesus.
How about you?
Grace is a POWERFUL thing in the power of The Spirit of Grace.

Power Thought:
Jesus had 40 days in the wilderness with Grace-in-Person. Somebody you know needs Grace-In-Person today.  Are you prepared?

Copyright © 2015, Suzanne Roberts, Unpublished Work

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