Saturday, January 21, 2012

Power of Being Untouched By Grace

Key Scripture: Then He touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith and trust and reliance (on the power invested in Me) be it done to you.  And their eyes were opened.”  Matthew 8:29 Amplified Bible
Power Point:
Have you ever met anyone whose lives have been “saved by grace” but not “touched by grace”?  By that I mean that they have allowed God to save them from hell but heaven doesn’t touch their lives. Would you like me to say that in English?
In I Corinthians 1 Paul says, “I thank God for your lives of free and open access to God, given by Jesus. There’s no end to what has happened to you--it’s beyond speech, beyond knowledge.  The evidence of Christ has been clearly verified in your lives.” Beloved, grace is supposed to make a difference in our lives. It’s supposed to be something we can “hang our hat on” for the rest of our lives. Grace is to bring comfort and encouragement and hope in dark times that God will be with us through it all. The power of Grace is God’s favor and blessing on our everyday lives so that we experience a true partnership with Him. The Spirit of Grace wants to rest on our lives and fill them with the same power, the same strength, the same wisdom and persistence that characterized Jesus when He walked this earth.
Grace is supposed to make a difference. We are supposed to be “living proof” that grace is a “good thing”.
Yet I see people who never think of asking God to help, or to strengthen or bless them. They are clearly unaware of the magnitude of grace for them. To me, that’s sort of like being married but never living in the same house as your spouse. You maintain separate residences. You have a legal contract but you never really exercise all the blessings and intimacy of marriage. You simply continue to date!
Beloved, we have entered into a contract with our heavenly Father and it has a lot of benefits! The chief one being allowing Holy Spirit to bring all that He is into every area of your life. We are supposed to “grow in grace.” If you’ve ever seen a couple that has been married for 50 or 60 years you see people who have grown in relationship, confidence, and comfort with each other. They didn’t continue to “date” after they were married; they realized the benefits and have grown closer over the years.
Jesus wants to touch your life. He went through a lot to redeem and rescue us from our old lives and give us new ones with “full access” to all that He has. He touched people and when His touch met faith, grace released blessing and people were changed forever.
I pray that Jesus will touch each of us today and open our eyes so that we can see grace in action and so that others will see the evidence of Christ in us verified in our lives.
Power Thought:
When Jesus touches us He brings heaven to earth. That's a good thing.

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