Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Power of a "Little Bit"

Key Scripture: “For whosoever keeps the Law [as a] whole but stumbles and offends in one [single instance] has become guilty of [breaking] all of it.”  James 2:10, Amplified Bible
Power Point:
I have a dear friend who sees things in “gray” at times. She is not afraid of much, (except doctors and needles), and she doesn’t give in easily. That’s what makes her a good leader. Unfortunately there are times when she needs to do a little less leading and a little more following. Recently she had gotten a traffic ticket and was in court.  The judge asked her how she wanted to plead, guilty or not guilty.
She said, “Well, actually I was a little bit guilty.” He looked a little surprised, (as I’m sure you are) and said, “Ma’am, you can’t be a “little bit guilty”. Either you are guilty or you aren’t. “
Are there times when you feel “a little bit guilty”? I’m not sure but I think that’s like being a “little bit pregnant”. You either are or you aren’t.  Why is it we don’t want to admit the tiniest amount of guilt? Do you remember Jesus telling the Pharisee that if he had just thought about adultery he was guilty of it?  So can you be a “little bit” unforgiving, or a “little bit” unloving?  Can you be a “little bit” proud or a “little bit” unkind? Do you get my point?
The thing is, that when we are a “little bit” guilty, we are guilty. So why not get rid of all of it? Why not be honest about coming to your heavenly Father and saying,  "I’m so sorry. I did this.” Do you know what happens next? He will say, “Thanks for agreeing with me about that.  Go and sin no more.” You are then free of that baggage of guilt, and on to better things.
In the New Testament Jesus didn’t come to destroy the Law,He cam He to fulfill it. He WAS the law, perfect and complete. He was (and is)  the living expression of the heart of the God. We look at our poor embattled Ten Commandments, which are generally refused in our government buildings, and wonder why. Could I suggest that it's because people don't like to feel even a "little bit" guilty!
So, if you come to Him, and say “Well, I was just a “little bit” angry today." Anger is anger, no matter what the degree. Hatred is hatred. It is the Spirit of the Law that we are to keep, and hold dear to our hearts, because we have the same Spirit in us who wrote that Law. He is there to teach us and guide us and transform us into being just like Jesus. And He was never even a "little bit" guilty of anything. It grieves His heart when we don’t do that because He knows how blessed we would be if we did.
Power Thought:
Jesus didn’t come to take over a “little bit’ of our hearts, or a “little bit” of our lives. He gave us His all, and it would be nice to return the favor, don’t you think?

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