Saturday, January 28, 2012

Power of Stirring It UP!

Key Scripture:  Keep vigilant watch over your heart, that’s where life starts.”  Proverbs 4:23, The Message
“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.”  NLT
Power Point: -
I love peanut butter but I buy the “stir-it-up” organic kind (no more Jiff, sigh!)  Sometimes when I get to the bottom of the jar, it’s hard because I haven’t stirred it every time I use it. Usually I just give up and open another jar, while promising myself that I will do better next time.  And then I don’t. I do not keep vigilant watch over my peanut butter and something that should be soft and creamy and tasty becomes hard and not good for much!
Holy Spirit wants us to keep “stirring up” our hearts. He’s put an anointing in there that will change every step we take, and every thought we think. He is life in us. He has given us absolutely everything we need to live a “stirred up” life. In 2 Peter He says we’ve been given the ticket to participation in the life of God.  What a thought! And then He says,  “Don’t lose a moment in building on what you’ve been given complementing your basic faith with good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience reverent wonder, warm friendliness, and generous love…With these qualities active and growing in our lives, no grass will grow under your feet.”(The Message)
In other words it’s our job to keep “stirring up” what we’ve been given. The anointing breaks every yoke, guides us in wisdom, and generally brings heaven to earth in us and through us.  How do we do that?
-We have been given a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. When fear tries to harden those things in our heart we refuse it and “stir up” what Jesus told us.
-We have been given the words of The Word which are chock full of promises for us. Keep them in front of your eyes, and the back of your mind and the bottom of your heart constantly. Stir them up!
-These words are given to us to thoroughly equip us so that we are can be ready, willing and able to carry out every good work He has prepared for us. 
It’s all in the Word Beloved. The measure of thought and study you give to it will be the measure of power and wisdom that will come back to you. The Holy Spirit is the One who reveals deep understanding of the truth that you hear. His anointing teaches you all things. Some of the evidence of His presence in you is wisdom, power, enthusiastic joy, and peace. If that’s tucked way down in the bottom of your heart and the “issues” of your heart don’t “measure up" then maybe its time to give more time to “stirring up” the gift that is in you. Like that peanut butter when you get to the bottom of the jar, you have to keep stirrup up the anointing so that your mind, will and emotions do not harden. Life can’t come from a hard heart. The Life that Jesus died to give you comes from guarding the Gift He has given you in Holy Spirit. Stir Him UP! If you don’t stir up the ingredients properly when you are baking cookies or if you leave out a key ingredient, you will not get a good batch. The same is true in your life Beloved. If you leave out the key ingredients for life, His Word, His Spirit and His Anointing, then you will never have the life that God intended for you.  They’re there in the bottom of your heart- it’s your job to stir them up!
Power Thought:
What's in the "bottom of your heart"? Start stirring. Faster!

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