Friday, May 4, 2012

Power of A Name

Key Scripture:  And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, “Oh that You would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” I Chronicles 4:10
Power Point:
It really is important what name you give to things isn’t it?  Poor Jabez. His name means “he causes pain.”  How AWFUL!)  His mother named him that because he caused her pain when he was born. Can you imagine living your whole life being reminded and reminding others several times a day that you cause pain?  Good grief!
Jabez had finally had enough.  Scripture tells usJabez was more honorable than his brothers.” But the name still stuck. It was a curse placed on him by his own mother. The thing I love about Jabez is that he knew it was a curse and he knew where to go to get it reversed. He marched right up to God and said, “God please bless me, indeed. And would You please give me more territory to possess and keep Your hand of blessing on me and by the way could you keep me from evil because I do not want to cause pain.” (Suzanne translation).
Sometimes other people name us things like “unworthy” or “stupid” or “failure”. Sometimes we name ourselves that. We need to be sure that we don’t live up to our name. You see, beloved, the whole mission of Jesus was to “reverse the curse” in our lives and release the blessings, and the favor of God over us. Maybe you’ve been diagnosed with cancer or an eating disorder or have a drug addiction. Those are just “names” and God would happily reverse the curse of those words.  Like Jabez, you do not have to carry those names forever.
Jesus has the “Name above all names”.  When He died the curse was reversed. He gave us all power and authority to change our name. His favor and blessing are ready to be poured out on His children in every place.
 “Blessing” means "to cause to prosper, to make happy, to bestow blessings on and favored of God." That’s how God wants us to live isn't it? That’s abundance. That’s what Jesus died to give us. That was the plan all along-to give the people that He loved the ability to live blessed and not cursed.
I don’t know what your situation is. You may have named it “impossible”. I don’t know what people have named you but I do know you don’t have to live up to that name, unless of course it's a good one and then you'll be too blessed to be stressed!
Power Thought:
Is it time for a “name” change?

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