Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Powering UP America!

Key Scripture:  “You planted a flag to rally your people, an unfurled flag to look to for courage.  Now do something quickly, answer right now, so the one you love best is saved.”  Psalm 60:4, The Message

Power Point:
     I’ve always loved my country. As a child I can remember celebrating it on the Fourth of July and on Memorial Day. It was called “Decoration Day” back then.  My mom and my grandma and I would go to the graveyard and put flowers on the graves of our loved ones who were buried there.  Flags and banners were everywhere you looked. Businesses were closed and parades were on the march. There was always a picnic somewhere, and of course a baseball game and fireworks. It was a great family time and a great opportunity to be thankful for this great nation and to honor it and to honor God for giving it to us.
     I still get a tear in my eye when the flag is raised and I think about all the good things that God has done in and through this nation. In my mind I see the flag as a symbol of how we are a nation that trusts in God. Our flag and our God have been united from the very beginning.  When I see Old Glory flying,  I thank God because He is the One who allows it to still fly in spite of all the opposition. Did you know that when the flag is folded, the stars point upward to remind Americans of our national motto, "In God we trust!"? Yes.
     You may not remember, but forty or fifty years ago we were very proud of our nation. Yes, there were things that weren’t perfect but as Americans do, we kept working on them. And the beauty of that is, that because we were a free people, we had the freedom to change things that were wrong. Then people decided to take God out of the equation. He became very unpopular. People said He was dead. I guess that meant we could go ahead and live our lives any way we wanted to because it didn’t matter anymore.
Romans says it like this, These men deliberately forfeited the truth of God and accepted a lie, paying homage and giving service to the creature instead of the Creator. Professing to be wise they became fools.”  One woman was instrumental in taking prayer out of the schools. One. One person decided that the constitution did not give us freedom of religion but freedom from religion. One. One person decided to fight the phrase, “One nation under God”. One.
     You may be only ONE person but if you are ONE in Him, you can change things. One person under God can still see miracles.
     The foundation of this nation is built on the fact that God is the One Person who is worthy to lead us, and that His wisdom is the only wisdom we want to order our lives by. It says in Isaiah 59, God’s arm is not amputated-he can still save.  God’s ears are not stopped up-he can still hear.  There’s nothing wrong with God; the wrong is in you.”  We can change that can’t we?  We can call on Him in faith and confidence that He is who He says He is and can still do what He said He would do. And He wants to. So? Let’s change directions.
     Isaiah 59:19:  “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a banner against him and put him to flight.”  He will lift up a flag, the banner of Truth. Our flag is a testimony to the goodness and grace and truth of God over this land.  It’s worth the fight isn’t it? Are you ready to join the march and fight for the land that God has given us?

Power Prayer For America:
Father, no matter how bad things may look in the natural we have the privilege, as Your children, to live in the supernatural. We are not confined to what men say, but what You say. If You loved this nation enough to create it then You are still passionate about it. We will call on the Name of the Lord. We will watch You re-establish Truth as the rallying point for Your children. And we will stand on the truth that:
“This is My covenant with you. I’ve put My Spirit on you and I’ve given you truth to speak.  Those Words and that Spirit will not leave you, nor the mouths of your children or your grandchildren. You will keep on repeating these words and won’t ever stop.”   (adapted from The Message).

Your truth WILL go marching on!
In Jesus name.  Amen!


 It's a GRAND old flag!

Power Of Digging Ditches

Key Scripture:  “God’s word:  Dig ditches all over this valley.  …The valley is going to fill up with water.  This is easy for God to do.”  2 Kings 3, The Message
Power Point:
I can’t think of a much harder job than digging ditches. Whether the ground is hard or soft; whether it’s raining or snowing or the sun is shining; whether it’s cold or hot, the ditches have to be dug or there’s no place for the water to flow in a dry place.  In 2 Kings 3, Jehoshaphat and the King of Israel ask Elisha for a word from the Lord before they head into another battle. God tells them to “dig ditches”. Imagine heading into a fight and having to stop and dig ditches. God wants the ditches for a reason; He wants to fill them with water, a strategy by which He plans to confuse the enemy. Could He have done that on His own?  Absolutely. But He wanted the nation to help Him dig those ditches. When they are finished, they wake up the next morning to find that “suddenly” the valley is full of water. The ditches are holding the water.
     My daughter-in-law, Kim is a home school mom. She has to do that every day whether its hot or cold; whether she feels like it or not. She doesn’t get a day off. Every day she gets up, and digs ditches for her children so that they can become what God has called them to be. Sometimes its easy.  Sometimes it’s hard. My son recently encouraged her with this chapter. “Honey, you are digging ditches.”
     Are you digging some ditches in your life? Is there a “someone” who needs you to get into the trenches for them so that their valley can be filled with the River of God? You may be in the place where you can’t see the water yet, or maybe it’s just a trickle.  Could I encourage you today to keep digging?  Could I help you to grab on to God’s perspective and prepare for the flow of water which He has promised to send?  Will you “prepare a place” for God’s Spirit to rest?  It may not look like it now but the Water of God is on it’s way.  One morning you will wake up and “suddenly’ that valley will be full of water so that everyone can drink.
     We dig ditches when we “call for the things that aren’t yet seen but have been promised.”  We dig ditches when we refuse to give up, give out or give in.  We dig ditches when we trust God to help us do the hard things so that He can do the miraculous things.
     You’re digging ditches at work. You’re digging ditches at home when you tuck your children in at night with a prayer and a blessing. Grandparents, you're digging ditches when you pray.
Friend, you’re digging ditches when you intercede for your friend, when they can’t “see” the way yet.  Keep digging.  Soon the River of God will be flowing and the valley will be filled.

Power Thought:
To dig ditches correctly, you need to be able to see what will fill them.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Power Of Being An MIP

Key Scripture:   “What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus!  Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we’ve been given a brand new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven- and the future starts now.”  The Message.

Power Point:
What if each thought in our heads was based on the other person?
How can I bless you today?
How can I pull out the treasure in you?
How can I call out the things that aren’t yet but are going to be?
How can I encourage you?
How can I strengthen you?
How can I…
     If we are Jesus with skin on, then that’s our assignment isn’t it?
We are to love unconditionally, bring His peace that passes all understanding, leave people in a better place than they were when we came in, and unlock heavenly doors for them so that they can think higher, live higher and reach higher. Something tells me that if I do that, I have done my job and I will be happier!
     Being a recovering analytical, who is also a recovering “critical”, I find myself in a place of greater peace and joy when I do what Jesus would do.  Instead of always trying to point someone to the “error of their ways” I  try to point them to what God thinks about them. I try to get them to look above and beyond today, into the future where God’s plans are coming to pass.
The thing about the promises He has given us is that they are unbreakable. His promises for every single one of us is our ticket for the future He has planned for us. In 2 Peter 1:4, those promises are described as a gift from a God who has such great mercy that He has allowed us to be born again into a life full of hope. Isn’t that what we should be offering people- hope?
     As I began my devotional time this morning, I found this quote by Roger Dawson, “Treat everyone you meet as though they are the most important person you'll meet today.”
As I thought about it, I realized that that is exactly the way God treats everyone. We are all His favorites! We are all MIP’s (Most Important Persons) to Him.  He is out to bless and honor and enjoy us.
     That does not mean that He does not recognize our shortcomings, He’s just not focused on them. His thoughts are always higher than ours aren’t they?  He’s thinking about the great things ahead, not the bad things behind. He’s thinking about how much He loves us. He’s planning how He can fill in the gaps that we’re missing in our experience of Him.
     So, off you go today to spread some heaven around earth today. First of all be sure you’re thinking higher, then think outside the box that you’ve already placed that person in.
It’s a stretch sometimes, but it’s a good stretch.
    Each person is a treasure to God, (yes, even that one!) and the best way they can see Jesus is when we act like Him. He always wants them (and us), to think higher, live higher, and reach higher. He wants that for us too.

Power Thought:
Remember to treat everyone you meet today as though they are the Most Important Person you’ve ever met.  God does.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Powering UP America!

Key Scripture:  “ they are, rewarding us “by coming to throw us out of Your possession which You have given us to inherit.  O our God, will You not judge them?  For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; no do we know what to do, but our eyes are on You.”  II Chronicles 20:11,12

Power Point:
     So what’s the point? Have you ever asked yourself that? What’s the point of continuing to try to believe God for divine intervention when everything seems to be in shambles?  What’s the point of praying or declaring or trying to talk to others about the power of God over this nation when they will just think you’re crazy?
     Beloved, here’s the point!  The enemy surrounded the nation of Israel. King Jehoshaphat was a great leader. He knew where to get help. As he goes before the Lord, He begins to remind Him, (and himself) of God’s power for His children. It went something like this:

The BAD news:
A great multitude is coming against us.
The Strategy:
Jehoshaphat feared and set himself to seek the Lord. He proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah.
These are his words:
You gave us this land and now they are coming to throw us out of YOUR possession, which You have given us to inherit?
Will YOU not judge them?

The GOOD News:
This is not your battle, it is the Lord’s. Position yourselves, stand still and see His salvation. He is with you. Don’t fear or be dismayed, go out against them.  Believe in Him and in His word and you shall be established.

The GREAT News:
When they began to sing and praise-the Lord set ambushes against the enemy. They turned on one another and no one escaped.

They return with joy for the Lord had made them to rejoice over their enemies.
Is He not still God? Is He not still our Savior, our Rescuer, our Deliverer? Isn’t He the one who has given us victory in establishing a free nation? Yes, My friend, He is. And it’s not over until He says its over. And it’s not over in His mind until the victory is secure and His people, who have called on His name have seen Him answer and save.

     In Malachi 3:16, it says, those who feared the Lord spoke to one another, and the Lord listened and heard them.”  What will you say today?  Will you remind yourself and those who love Him that He is a stunning provider, an awesome Warrior, and a Mighty God who acts on behalf of those who rejoice as they wait for Him? Remember, you are deciding and declaring your agreement with what God says, not what the world says. Remember, we walk by faith and not by sight. And that's the whole point.

Powering UP Prayer for America:
David Preparing For Battle
Father, I am so grateful that You are still God. I am so grateful that You never forget us; That our faces are inscribed on the palms of Your hands. Thank You that because of Your care for Your children, we live a blessed life, not a cursed one. We are the head and not the tail. Your words, Your character, Your passionate love for Your people are the things that set us free. We decide and declare that You are still God and You still act on behalf of those who eagerly wait for you, who believe in Your word, and there are no giants too big that You cannot destroy them. Thank You that we will return with joy as You make us to rejoice over our enemies.Thank You that we are never between a rock and a hard place, we are always standing on the Rock.

Let Your Truth keep marching on!
In Jesus Name.  Amen!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Powering UP America!

Our First Congress
Key Scripture:  “Therefore, please come at once, curse this people for me, for they are too mighty for me.  Perhaps I shall be able to defeat them and drive them out of the land, for I know that he whom you bless is blessed, and he whom you cursed is cursed.”  Numbers 22:6
Power Point:
     Allow me to set the scene for you.  In this chapter, Balaak, a Moabite leader is “exceedingly afraid” of the nation of Israel. They have moved in and camped on the plains of Moab.  In fact, scripture says he was “sick with dread”. They were too numerous, and too blessed, and, oh yes, they had God on their side. He sends for the prophet Balaam, and tells him to curse this nation. He believes that if a prophet curses them, he will be able to defeat them. 
     God has another plan.  He has a chat with Balaam and says, “You shall NOT curse the people for they are blessed.” Even though Balaak offers him great honor, and promises to do whatever Balaam asks of him. Balaam replies, “If you gave me all your silver and gold, I would not go beyond the word of the Lord, my God to do less or more.”
But then, oddly, he decides to go with the men to see Balaak. God sends His own Angel to stop him. The donkey can see the Angel and he moves aside to avoid him. This happens three times until finally the Lord opens the donkey’s mouth and allows him to speak to Balaam and tell him to stop! 
     Eventually the Lord opens Balaam’s eyes and he too can see the Angel of the Lord, standing, with His sword drawn. He reminds Balaam that he is only to speak what the Lord tells Him. Balaam gets it right this time. He blesses the nation.
This is what Balaam said:
“God is not a man that He should lie…Has He not said, and will He not do?
Has He not spoken and will He not make it good?
Behold I have received a command to bless; He has blessed, and I cannot reverse it…
The Lord his God is with (this nation), and the shout of a King is among them. God brings them out…”
My friend, the shout of the King of Kings is among us! He will bring us out. I recently read a statement by Joel Osteen, in his book, “It’s Your Time.”  He said, “Before anyone cursed you, God blessed you.”
This story of Balaam is a perfect illustration of that. God does not want us to curse what He has blessed.  Allow me to be Balaam’s donkey today.
     We must be very careful to not become like those who come against us. Our mouths are to speak only what God speaks. When He looks at our nation, He sees a land He has blessed and not cursed.
This is what God says, Do not be afraid because of this mighty army for the battle is not yours but God's."  (2 Chronicles 20:15)

Power Prayer For America:
The Fight For Freedom
Father, I have been guilty of speaking curses instead of blessing over this nation. Thank You for forgiving me and setting me back on the right path. I will not listen to the voice of the Enemy anymore. I am definitely thinking higher.
     I thank You Father for blessing this land and not cursing it. I thank You that you have made us the head and not the tail. And I thank You for Your Spirit that rests here and Who is able to bring life to the dead and hope to the hopeless. Show us YOUR ways Lord and we will follow. Let Your Spirit of Wisdom rule and reign in us and over us again. Let us hear Your voice. The voice of a stranger we will not follow. You will lead us to overcome evil with good. Is that a shout I hear? Thank YOU!

Let Your Truth keep marching on!
In Jesus Name.  Amen!