Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Powering UP America!

Key Scripture:  “You planted a flag to rally your people, an unfurled flag to look to for courage.  Now do something quickly, answer right now, so the one you love best is saved.”  Psalm 60:4, The Message

Power Point:
     I’ve always loved my country. As a child I can remember celebrating it on the Fourth of July and on Memorial Day. It was called “Decoration Day” back then.  My mom and my grandma and I would go to the graveyard and put flowers on the graves of our loved ones who were buried there.  Flags and banners were everywhere you looked. Businesses were closed and parades were on the march. There was always a picnic somewhere, and of course a baseball game and fireworks. It was a great family time and a great opportunity to be thankful for this great nation and to honor it and to honor God for giving it to us.
     I still get a tear in my eye when the flag is raised and I think about all the good things that God has done in and through this nation. In my mind I see the flag as a symbol of how we are a nation that trusts in God. Our flag and our God have been united from the very beginning.  When I see Old Glory flying,  I thank God because He is the One who allows it to still fly in spite of all the opposition. Did you know that when the flag is folded, the stars point upward to remind Americans of our national motto, "In God we trust!"? Yes.
     You may not remember, but forty or fifty years ago we were very proud of our nation. Yes, there were things that weren’t perfect but as Americans do, we kept working on them. And the beauty of that is, that because we were a free people, we had the freedom to change things that were wrong. Then people decided to take God out of the equation. He became very unpopular. People said He was dead. I guess that meant we could go ahead and live our lives any way we wanted to because it didn’t matter anymore.
Romans says it like this, These men deliberately forfeited the truth of God and accepted a lie, paying homage and giving service to the creature instead of the Creator. Professing to be wise they became fools.”  One woman was instrumental in taking prayer out of the schools. One. One person decided that the constitution did not give us freedom of religion but freedom from religion. One. One person decided to fight the phrase, “One nation under God”. One.
     You may be only ONE person but if you are ONE in Him, you can change things. One person under God can still see miracles.
     The foundation of this nation is built on the fact that God is the One Person who is worthy to lead us, and that His wisdom is the only wisdom we want to order our lives by. It says in Isaiah 59, God’s arm is not amputated-he can still save.  God’s ears are not stopped up-he can still hear.  There’s nothing wrong with God; the wrong is in you.”  We can change that can’t we?  We can call on Him in faith and confidence that He is who He says He is and can still do what He said He would do. And He wants to. So? Let’s change directions.
     Isaiah 59:19:  “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a banner against him and put him to flight.”  He will lift up a flag, the banner of Truth. Our flag is a testimony to the goodness and grace and truth of God over this land.  It’s worth the fight isn’t it? Are you ready to join the march and fight for the land that God has given us?

Power Prayer For America:
Father, no matter how bad things may look in the natural we have the privilege, as Your children, to live in the supernatural. We are not confined to what men say, but what You say. If You loved this nation enough to create it then You are still passionate about it. We will call on the Name of the Lord. We will watch You re-establish Truth as the rallying point for Your children. And we will stand on the truth that:
“This is My covenant with you. I’ve put My Spirit on you and I’ve given you truth to speak.  Those Words and that Spirit will not leave you, nor the mouths of your children or your grandchildren. You will keep on repeating these words and won’t ever stop.”   (adapted from The Message).

Your truth WILL go marching on!
In Jesus name.  Amen!


 It's a GRAND old flag!