Sunday, September 30, 2012

Power Of His Promises

Key Scripture: We were also given absolutely terrific promises to pass on to you—your tickets to participation in the life of God…” II Peter 1:3 The Message
Power Point:
     Yesterday I was just sitting here chatting about things with the Lord and suddenly I could see myself walking on my daily path. It was a happy path, sunny and sparkling. Down at my feet were hundreds of little smiley faces. They were bouncing up and down and saying, “Pick me! Pick me!”  I realized that they were God’s promises that He had prepared for me so that I could bring heaven to earth in my life.  I was busy picking them up and putting them in my pockets. In fact, I had an additional bag over my shoulder to try to hold them all. As I would take a step forward, the promises I had missed would run on ahead so that I had another opportunity to pick them up.
      It reminded me of the story of Elijah and the widow  who had nothing left but a “little pot of oil”. Elijah told her to go and round up all the containers she could find and she was obedient to do that. She never ran out of the oil she needed to sustain her life.
      God wants to make sure that we never run out of oil or out of anything we need in our lives. He has already prepared His awesome promises and placed them close by so that all we have to do is pick them up and put them in our pockets.  Peter says that He has given us e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g we could ever pertaining to life and godliness. How? Through His promises. His promises are what bring heaven to earth in our lives. Our faith in His promises are the means by which we work out our salvation.
     Abundance is a result of living in anticipation of seeing those promises fulfilled and not allowing anything to pull them out of your hands.
     I hope you’ll spend some time today, re-reading, re-discovering and realizing God’s wonderful plans for your life. Those happy little smiley faces are bouncing up and down on your path today.  Will you pick them up?
Power Thought:
There’s always a promise waiting for you before you need it. If you've already put it in your pocket, you're one step ahead of the game.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Powering UP America

Key Scripture: For our fight is not against any physical enemy: it is against organizations and powers that are spiritual. We are up against the unseen power that controls this dark world, and spiritual agents from the very headquarters of evil. Therefore you must wear the whole armour of God that you may be able to resist evil in its day of power, and that even when you have fought to a standstill you may still stand your ground… Above all be sure you take faith as your shield, for it can quench every burning missile the enemy hurls at you.”  Ephesians 6:15-17, Phillips
Power Point:
     If we walk by what we see, we could get really discouraged couldn’t we? As I’ve been talking to the Lord about our country, I tended to get decidedly “UN-faith-Full”. I was telling Him how bad things were, and then after I finally got quiet enough to let Him talk, He began to tell me some things, which I’d like to share with you.      
     My first issue was, “How can one person make a difference?” He said, “What about Moses? He was just one person wasn’t He? And what about Joshua? Or what about John the Baptist? What about the Apostle Paul? What about Jesus? One man at a time at a crucial point in history, made all the difference. Only one man led the children of Israel out of Egypt, out of slavery and into freedom.  Only one man led them into the Promised Land.  Only one Man set us all free.
     Then He reminded me of Nehemiah, one man who rebuilt the entire city of Jerusalem. At the time he began, it was completely devastated. There was nothing left of this great city but ashes. The nation of Israel was scattered.  In Nehemiah 2, he says, “You see the distress we are in, how Jerusalem lies in waste, and its gates are burned with fire. Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem that we may no longer be a reproach. Let us rise up and build”
     The story of Nehemiah is a precursor of the story of the church of today. We are the wall builders. Our nation is in distress. Its gates are under attack.  As we unite to rebuild the walls of our nation we are not unlike those who united to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
     First we have to believe that God wants us restored. The second step is to come together, united in Spirit, with a mind to do the work. Then we need to begin to declare the Truth and not the facts as we see them. Truth is what will set this country free.
        God is never intimidated by His enemies. We shouldn’t be either if we’re on His side. In fact, as we’ve seen, He loves to use just one person to make a difference.  It gives each of us hope doesn’t it? I remember reading that two women faithfully praying in their kitchens began the Wales revival. Well I have a kitchen (mostly unused!) and I can pray. How about you?

Power Prayer For America:
    Father, as I understand it, You never quit before You’re finished. You never stop until the job is done. You are the keeper of the covenant with this nation and I haven’t heard You say, “STOP praying!” I haven’t heard YOU say, “You are finished.” As Nehemiah said, “Don’t let all the trouble seem small to you.” We refuse to be intimidated by the size of our enemies and we choose to begin to proclaim the promises of Your heart over this nation. Today we say, “We are the head and not the tail. You will cause the enemies who rise against us to be defeated before our faces. We shall be above only and not beneath.”  It’s not over until God says its over.
That’s the Truth that should keep marching on!
In Jesus Name.  Amen!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Powering UP America!

Key Scripture:  Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the gospel, and not in any way terrified (intimidated) by your adversaries… Philippians 2:27,28
“You are the head and not the tail.”  Deuteronomy 28:13

Power Point:
     In the last few days, the Lord has given me a burden to encourage the body of Christ to begin rebuilding the walls in our nation.  He has told me that I am only to speak over it what He speaks. I’m not to stop, look and listen to what the enemy is saying. I am to rebuild the walls of Truth.  Like you, I have heard all the political polls, all the political pundits, all the “noise” that is out there today. It can be really overwhelming can’t it? What God has told me is to listen to Him. Yes, it’s as simple as that. What He has said is, “Begin declaring over your nation just as you declare over your own life, your own family.  Guard your heart.  Listen to the words of MY mouth, and then speak them over this land.  Don’t speak anything that is not Truth. Don’t give voice to the enemy. Stop the clamor”
     In light of that, for the next 40 days, I am going to begin sending a devotional specifically designed for empowering believers to begin a united front of listening to Him, speaking out what He has promised us and not accepting anything less than that. It will probably come on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. If that is an encouragement to you, then simply do nothing but receive the devotionals and apply them. If you are not interested, then you can just delete them.
(But I hope you won’t!)
     I’m excited about this because as I look back over the pages of scripture, I find the nation of Israel was often in much more desperate straits than we are today. Yet when they came together, under God’s protection and presence, things always changed for the better.  When Nehemiah looked around him, he couldn’t even find the walls of Jerusalem, but God put it in his heart to begin rebuilding them. It seemed an impossible task. Every person had a section of the wall that he was responsible for. We have that same assignment today; to guard and build our portion of what He has given us and help our neighbor build theirs as well. They had “a mind to work.”  We should too.
     Beloved, will you accept the assignment? Will you join me in rebuilding the walls of our nation? Will you take your place on the wall?
     Say yes, and we’ll be off to get our tools ready to start rebuilding our foundations.

Prayer for America:
     Father, I know Your thoughts toward us, thoughts of peace and not of evil. Help me to think Your thoughts today. I know Your plans for us to give us a future and a hope. Let me trust those plans and trust You. The Enemy will not intimidate me. Your children are the head and not the tail. Godly men who believed in You, and agreed with You that this is a place where freedom could reign, founded this country. They were the “Founding Fathers” but YOU are the real Founding Father. Forgive us Father. We’ve let the walls be breached. Turn us to Your heart once again. Let the words of my mouth speak the words of Your mouth so that they can be powerful and profitable in rebuilding the walls of our country.
Let Truth keep marching on and let the bells of freedom ring again.
In Jesus Name.  Amen!


Power Of Good Things

Key Scripture:  “No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.”  Psalm 84:11
“All sunshine and sovereign is God, generous in gifts and glory, He doesn’t scrimp with His traveling companions.”  The Message
Power Point:
     It seems strange that we sometimes forget to apply the nature of God to His dealings with us on a regular basis.  If God is good, really good, then everything He does for us is good. And if He is as generous as the Bible says He is, then He is definitely not going to scrimp on giving good things to the ones He’s set His love upon.
     In other words, there is nothing that is good that He will ever keep from us, His “traveling companions” on the road of life.  There’s no provision of health or prosperity; there’s not a good word of encouragement or a good plan that is not on His agenda for us. We are first in line for blessing and favor and honor and good financial surprises.
     We’re on the list for good health, a satisfied soul, and joy every morning. He’s already declared it for us. We’re blessed by His peace that passes all understanding. We’re signed up for the good plans He has for us to give us a future and a hope. And as we believe that, as we anticipate that goodness, it begins to flow every day in every way in our lives.  He promised that it would.  He promised that not one good thing would He keep out of our reach.
     I don’t know about you but I can think of a lot of good things that I would like to see happen in my life. Isn’t it wonderful to know that God has bigger thoughts and higher thoughts than we can imagine even on our best days?  Aren’t you glad to know that today has already been generously packed full of good things waiting to be uncovered and unpacked? Aren’t you glad to know that the Lord, your God is your sun and your shield today and He’s ready, willing, and able to shine His light on the steps that you take today so that you don’t miss one of them.
     Your Father is so excited about the good things He’s stored up for you. If you're traveling His way today He'll make sure you find them.

Power Thought:
Good things bring us joy. They are something worth having. And God delights in giving them to us. Are you looking for them?  Have a good day!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Power Of The Voice Of God

Key Scripture:  “But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.”   James 3:17
Power Point:
     I’m discovering that people are a bit afraid of hearing God’s voice. They think that He might yell at them because they’ve done something wrong. They also think that it’s a rare occasion.
The truth is, that if God is in us, we can hear Him all the time. And the other truth is if we’re hearing Him, we’re going to be hearing good things.
     Scripture says that the wisdom from above is pure, gentle, and reasonable. If you think about it, we type “the voice of GOD!!!!!” in bold in our minds, don’t we?  In all actuality, the voice of God is a daily part of our lives if we are filled with His Spirit.  It can be a simple thought that says, “Do this!” or “I should…” or  “I think I will…” Of course, it can also be a voice of correction or caution.  I’ve had all of the above.  You probably have too.
     On the other hand, when we speak to others, telling them what we think God has said, our words need to be just the way He would say them don’t they? Like Jesus, we should be able to say, “This is what I heard from my Father, and this is the way He said it.”
     God’s words are always true. I know that you know that. But when He speaks, His truth is always spoken lovingly, peacefully, joyfully, kindly, and gently. His voice is all those things because He is all those things. Why wouldn’t His words be the same way? He is the ultimate encourager isn’t He?  He is the ultimate lover of our souls.  He is the ultimate vision caster for our lives. And His vision is always good.  And encouraging.
     One day, when my husband was ill, we were leaving the house to get in the car to go to the doctor.  As I put my foot on the step into the garage, I heard a voice say, “You will reap in due season, if you do not faint.” It was so clear that I even turned around to see if someone was there. It was reasonable wisdom, spoken lovingly to me, casting a vision for a point far beyond where I was, and it gave me hope.
     At that point in my life, I honestly wasn’t that familiar with an audible voice. I thought it only happened to “special” people. Now, I hear it continually and I am so grateful.He’s become such a friend over the years that I would be very upset if I didn’t hear His voice regularly.
     How about you? Are you comfortable with God’s voice?  Did you have the mistaken impression it would be harsh or unkind? Remember, when God speaks, His words are loving, kind, joyful and gentle. They should bring us His peace. His wisdom is pure truth, pure honey for our souls, and always reasonable. (I didn’t say logical.)  When you hear it, something inside you says, “Yes. I get it now.”  It may lead you to make difficult decisions but you will know that you know that it is the right thing to do.
     When God speaks we should listen, don’t you think?
Power Thought:
The voice of your heavenly Father is gentle, reasonable and full of wisdom. That's good news isn't it?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Power Of Restoration

Key Scripture:  "Make a show of how much You love me, so the bullies who hate me will stand there slack-jawed as You, God, gently and powerfully put me back on my feet.”  Psalms 86:11
Power Point:
     Don’t you just love the thought of your enemies standing their with their mouths open as God rescues and restores you? I do! And I love the thought that seeing our enemies “slack-jawed” should be a common occurrence for the believer.
     When I first became a Christian, the Lord gave me a very explicit word for my life in Isaiah 58.  Among other things, He said that I would become a repairer of breaches (gaps), and a restorer of streets so that people can live there again. In essence He was saying that I would get to partner with Him in repairing and restoring. It’s a lovely promise that I am being blessed to see happening in my life on a regular basis. I see it in Sozo ministry and I see it in interceding for people who have gaps in their lives and walls to breach.  I see it in the “Power UP!”. So many of you have been kind enough to write and say that it’s helped you over some tough times in your lives. Thank you.
     The thing I didn’t realize at first though, was the fact that this very calling on my life would, by its very nature, bring people into my life who were broken, confused, and unable to connect fully with Him. (Oh.) 
It would include my learning to scale the walls in my own life and repairing my own streets before I began on anyone else’s.  When I looked at my assignment, of course I began looking at all the wonderful promises that followed. (You know how we are!) To name a few, He promised me that healing would “spring forth speedily”,  He said that the glory of the Lord would surround me and guard me. He said that if I called, He would answer and that He would guide me continually. (Oh yes!)  He said that I would raise up the foundations of generations-a great promise for our families. And then He promised that I would ride with Him on the heights of the earth.  Absolutely heavenly.
    To begin I had to keep in mind the heart of God for restoration. It is always His plan, you know. When I looked at situations and people whom I didn’t think deserved restoration, He reminded me that they did. And He reminded me that I was His partner in bringing it about. He says in Isaiah 58 that if I would stop speaking my own words, and begin to speak His; stop pointing my finger at other people’s shortcomings; and if I would extend my soul to those who are hurting, then I would have the brightness of His presence in my life. Amazing.
     It’s a great road map for me. Whenever I find myself in a struggle, somehow Isaiah 58 pops up on my radar screen and I go back to the beginning of the promise and to the joys of its fulfillment. When I’m struggling in a relationship, Isaiah 58 is there for me and I stop pointing fingers at everyone else and unwrap the gifts He has given me to bring restoration. What a great exchange.
     Restoration is still God’s heart for everyone. Will you carry that truth to someone today?
Power Thought:
Recently a street near my home took a very long time to be repaired so that people could “live” there. It was frustrating at times. Sometimes it takes a long time to repair the gaps and restore the streets in our lives too. Patience is a virtue. Is it time to restore it? He will gently and lovingly put you back on your feet.  He loves you that much.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Power Of Truth Versus Fact

Key Scripture:  Prepare for war! Wake up you mighty men!”
Power Point:
     When our country was formed, the facts were that we were a very small force compared to the British Empire.  We were not even the united states. We were simply a fringe element of society who believed that being taxed without a voice in that process was wrong. It was a colony of believers who believed that God, not the present king of England should control their destinies. They knew the king did not have their best interests at heart.
     King George was a powerful ruler. Our “troops” were mismatched, untrained farmers and countrymen who simply had a passion to see God in charge of their lives. The colonists were small in number, just like the children of Israel. BUT they shared a big God. They stood still and watched the salvation of the Lord and out they came; out of Egypt, out of the wilderness, and into the land filled with God's promises.
     Things are not so dissimilar today are they? We’re still outnumbered and we’re still fighting to see our God honored and in charge of our destinies. 
     Those are the facts. The truth is that God will be God if you let Him.  The truth is that He will strongly support those whose hearts belong to Him. The truth is that He promises to answer when you call and turn things around. He simply asks that we ask, in faith believing, and  that we do not waiver. Faith in His goodness is required.
     There may be some facts that seem to be “set in stone” in your life right now. You may have had a bad health report, or a bad financial report, or a bad relationship report. You may be in the throes of addiction or some other kind of captivity.  Could I offer a word of advice?  Don’t look at the facts, look at what God has written down for you in His word. Look Him in the eye and repeat His promises back to Him until the Truth becomes a matter of fact for you. That’s how you bring heaven to earth. That’s how a heavenly army marches forward.
     If you trust Him, He will take a big eraser and erase the facts in favor of His Truth; that’s how it keeps marching on.

Power Thought:
Gideon ended up fighting with pitchers and trumpets. In our weakness we can see God’s strength. It doesn't matter how you fight as long as you fight for the Truth to be told.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Power Of A Field Of Dreams

Key Scripture: “But I will establish My covenant with you and you shall go into the ark…Thus Noah did according to all that God commanded him, so he did.”  Genesis 6:18, 22
Power Point:
     Years ago there was a movie called, “The Field Of Dreams”. “While walking in his cornfield, novice farmer Ray Kinsella hears a voice that whispers, "If you build it, he will come", and sees a baseball diamond. His wife, Annie, is skeptical, but she allows him to plow under his corn to build the field.” (Wickipedia) At the end of the movie, because he had listened to that voice, his dream was fulfilled.
     God may have whispered a dream in your ear. You may be thinking, “I need to start this new business.” Or “I can restore my health.” Or “I can rebuild this relationship.” Or “I’ve got this great idea!”  Your dream may seem too far out of reach. It may seem to be “beyond the realm of possibility”. But could I encourage you to start building it? If God has whispered His plans to you, then He will bring them to pass.
     Even as Christians we have times of discouragement don’t we?  In those times we tend to bury our dreams and forget our hopes. We procrastinate and we fall back into simply maintaining the status quo.
     You are the one with the dream. You are the only one who can “build it”.  It’s your vision, your hope, your calling.
This is what I understand:
What you don’t build won’t be built.
What you don’t do won’t get done.
What you don’t change, won’t change.
What you don’t believe can’t help you.
What you don’t seek can’t be found.
What you don’t overcome, overcomes you.
     Are you ready to turn over the soil in your heart and start building? Are you ready to build your future beginning today? Will you take action and start the process of building your own field of dreams? Are you ready to start building the “something new” God has laid on your heart?
     It’s time, Beloved.
Power Thought:
What you don’t build won’t be built.
The power of God has no limitations. He says it's possible.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Power Of Being Spilled Out

Key Scripture:  “Rivers of living water will brim and spill out of the depths of anyone who believes in me this way just as the Scripture says.”  John 7:38 The Message
Power Point:
         In the introduction to the book of Philippians, The Message says this: “But circumstances are incidental compared to the life of Jesus, the Messiah, that Paul experienced from the inside.  For it is a life that not only happened at a certain point in history, but continues to happen, spilling out all over the place.” 
         God’s idea has always been to fill us with His life and then spill out that life through us.  How’s that working for you?
         When I first began to understand this truth and realize that salvation was not something that stopped with me-that made me special, I began to wonder how on earth that worked. Then I met Holy Spirit and He showed me that if I just lifted the pitcher to pour out the water, He would be sure that He was there to pour out and even splash all over.
         The important thing is to begin isn’t it? I remember the first time I prayed for someone to be healed, I was terrified, and worried about what people would think. And what would happen if the person wasn’t healed? People could laugh at me! But the more I read, the more I realized that it was my job to flow, to spill out, to act, to continue the circle of Life that God had invited me into. Now, several years later, I know that the first step is still the hardest, but it’s worth it. Honoring and believing the truth that God will provide the water for thirsty people leads you into a whole new realm of heaven on earth.
         Beloved, it’s your privilege. It’s your great joy to be filled with rivers of living water. It is an even greater joy to trust Him enough to spill them out.

Power Thought:

Got your pitcher?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Power Of Multiplication

Key Scripture:  "Go forth and multiply!”  Genesis 1:22
Power Point:
     From the very beginning, God has always loved multiplication. His first commandment to Adam and Eve was to “Go forth and multiply!”.
     Imagine waking up to your first day in the garden of God’s care and discovering the beauty God has sown all around you.  Imagine seeing what happens when God gives you good seed to sow in your life, and it begins to grow and flourish all around you. And then imagine, walking through your prosperous land and picking some of the fruit that is growing there and giving it to the people around you. That’s the idea, Beloved. God still plans for us to go forth and multiply, just as He did in the beginning.
     In II Corinthians 9:8 He gives us the perfect commission through the Apostle Paul. He says that He offers to fill us with abundance so that we never have a need.  Yes. He really says that.  In fact, He says it this way, And God is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance, so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient (possessing enough to require no aid or support) and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation.” Our lives get to be “living proof” that God is good. Paul says we are enriched to enrich others so that they can enrich others and so on and so on. The result of that is that everyone sees how good God is and says “Thank YOU!” to Him. It’s supposed to be a glorious unbroken circle of the generous heart of God.
     Isn’t it just like Him to come up with such a generous plan and to generously include us in it? In this day and in this economy we tend to be tightening our purse strings don’t we?  We “see” less and so we give less. We need to “see” what God has said and respond in the way He has told us to don’t we? If we don’t, guess what! The circle of blessing is broken and God has to find someone else to put it together again.
     You woke up a blessed person this morning. You are blessed so that you can be a blessing. You are blessed so that you can be generous. You are blessed so that you can carry out God’s thoughts on generosity to everyone.
If you’re willing, He is able to make all grace, every earthly blessing abound to you so that you can bring good things to every one else.  It’s all in how you look at it isn’t it?
Get up and get going! The world is waiting.

Power Thought:
The more you give, the Bible says, the more you will have to give.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Power Of A Life Well Lived

Key Scripture:  "Now that we're on the right track, let's stay on it!"  Philippians 3:16 The Message

Power Point:
     Recently, astronaut Neil Armstrong died. As I was watching the news reporting on his life, they showed him making a comment that really caught my attention. He said, “We all want to be known not for one piece of fireworks but for the ledger of our daily work.” Isn’t that a truth we need to remember?
     You’ve often read about people who have one glorious moment in their lives but somehow that moment doesn’t carry them forward. Years later you read that they have not done well in life. It’s really important that we learn how to make sure that the ledger of our daily lives describes a life well lived isn’t it?
     When I think about the apostle Paul, he is a great example of leaving behind exactly that, a life well lived.  Fortunately for us, we have the ledger. He probably had many “shining moments” as a Pharisee. In fact, he describes himself as a “Pharisee of the Pharisees.” Then on the way to Damascus one day, probably an ordinary Tuesday, he had a definite “fireworks” moment when he met the Son of God up close and personal. That would have been quite a moment to write about, but as you follow his life through the pages of scripture, it’s easy to see that he redirected his life to reflect that moment.  From that point on, he steadily, patiently, joyfully, graciously persisted in crafting a life that honored that moment. In his own words, I’m well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me...I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward-to Jesus. I’m off and running and I’m not turning back.” And he didn’t.
     The thing about Paul that most affects me is the heart that he had for making sure others could run the race with him. There was nothing he wouldn’t do to help and encourage others in their race. And in addition to that, he gave us a ledger of powerful truth that was evident in his life. He chose joy, he understood peace, and he basked continually in the joy of his salvation. He never lost the "fireworks" moment. He kept it sparkling and it resulted in a changed life that honored Jesus.
     When people read our ledgers someday at the end of our lives, I hope they will find believers who believed, sowers who reaped, people who listened and obeyed and pressed on and honored Christ every single day. That would be a book worth reading wouldn’t it?
Power Thought:
Paul’s ledger made the best-seller list.  I believe ours can too.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Power of Your Frame Of Reference

Key Scripture: Neither wasting or destruction will be within your borders; but you shall call your walls Salvation and your gates Praise.” Isaiah 60 
Power Point:
      On the wall outside my bedroom I have several family pictures. They’re pictures of my childhood when my sister and I were little and other family photos that are precious to me. I don’t notice them all the time, but I do look at them occasionally. I see my mom and dad, my children when they were small, and my grandmother, and my husband, and his family. What if those frames were all empty?  It would be as though I had no framework for who I was or how I became that way, wouldn't it? If we put what we believe about God in our frame of reference, some people really do have empty frames don’t they?   Some people have no reference point for the goodness of God. Some people have no reference point for faith. They have empty frames and nothing to fill them with.
     Beloved, you have to make sure that your life is framed in the truths of salvation. When Holy Spirit led me to this scripture this morning, I began to thank Him for helping me to frame my life with the benefits of my salvation and then realized that I am learning to do exactly that.
When your point of reference is what God has done for you already, and Who He wants to be for you today, and all that He has promised you; then the picture you have of God will frame everything in your life. Fear will not be able to enter into your frame of reference because you know the Truth about your salvation. Lack will not be an issue for you because you know that God will provide, just as He promised.
     When we remodeled our home seven years ago I was stunned to drive by one day soon after the remodel had begun. The entire middle of the house had been torn down to the studs. There was nothing but wood and air. Gradually the insulation and the walls went up, but they were new walls and that entire part of the house looked nothing like it had before. Beloved, that’s what is supposed to happen to us after salvation. We are to look entirely different.
     What do you believe that God will do for you? What does Salvation mean to you? What is your point of reference for that? Is it what God has said, or what someone else has told you? God says that neither wasting nor destruction will be within your boundaries. Do you need to change your frame of reference? Are you framing God’s word or someone else’s?
     What is your frame of reference for abundant life? How do you view the benefits of your salvation?  Something to think about it isn’t it?
Power Thought:
What is your point of reference for the goodness of God, and the abundance that Jesus promised? Are you better off now than you were when you first met Him?